18 Answers

  1. by email addressTo be kind is to be both well-intentioned and virtuous. But why?

    1. Why is it not enough to be well-intentioned to be kind? Because the good done by chance is good only by its result and does not depend on who did it. Virtue cannot be accidental.
    2. Why is it not enough to be virtuous to be kind? Because a good done against the will of the doer is also good only by its result — although such good depends on the one who did it, because he did it consciously, it is not a property of the person himself, since it is not done according to the unconditional will of a virtuous person, but according to some condition external to the person.
      What is a good intention and a good deed? A good intention is the desire to increase the well-being of others without harming others. Why is the attribute of alienness important for someone who has a good intention? — because kindness is not selfish, because self-care is conditional, unlike selfless care for others. A good deed is an action that increases the well-being of others without harming others.

    Is it enough to be well-intentioned and virtuous in total to be kind? —no, it's not enough: good intentions and good deeds create kindness synergistically. Kindness is the ability to perform actions that are conditioned by free volitional choice, involve belittling one's own interests, and certainly elevate the interests of others and their consistency. That's what the combination of good intentions and good deeds is all about

    • Why is the attribute of free volitional choice important? — because an uncontested, as well as accidental or unknown, as well as dependent or conditional good deed cannot be the result of a good intention.
    • Why are the attributes of belittling one's own interests and elevating the interests of others important? — because, as mentioned above, good is not egoistic: no, good does not require depriving oneself of goods, it only requires pushing them to the background, giving way to goods for others.
    • Finally, why is the consistency attribute that everyone forgets important? — because it is impossible to do good for some by doing evil for others: good is indiscriminate and unconditional, and only that which increases the good for all can be good.
      So to be good means to be both well-intentioned and virtuous.

    So how many truly good people are there?

  2. It means being able to do evil, but consciously choose good. This is the whole point of separation. If a person cannot use his power to create lawlessness, then he is not kind – he is weak. He must be capable of evil, but not do it of his own volition – then it is good.

  3. It means being able to do evil, but consciously choose good. This is the whole point of separation. If a person cannot use his power to create lawlessness, then he is not kind – he is weak. He must be capable of evil, but not do it of his own volition – then it is good.

  4. This is to relate your words and actions to their consequences and try to choose the course of action that will bring as little inconvenience and trouble to others as possible. Kindness is the desire not to harm anyone under any circumstances.

  5. To be with an open heart and soul, to be eternally happy and naive. Of course, I'm talking about raising kindness to the absolute and presenting such a person.

    Which F. did.M. Dostoevsky in his novel “The Idiot”. Prince Myshkin was so open to the world and his kindness was so all-consuming that he was considered an idiot, because he did not seek profit, and when it was at his feet, he gave it to those in need.

    I will not retell the plot. I recommend reading a wonderful novel about our world, love and kindness in it.

  6. Live according to your conscience, do good, fight evil. And not passively accept everything that is in the world. Life is given to us for the development and harmonization of the world

  7. Probably, following the basic Christian virtues (faith, hope, love) means being kind. Believe in yourself and your loved ones. Hope for the best and maintain hope in others. Love others and be supportive.

  8. I see that being kind means doing good sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Not on purpose, not expecting to get it back, not out of vanity, not out of pride that you are unique in doing good, not feeling particularly enthusiastic about it, just doing good without thinking. You need to learn this, and then just get used to it and make it a habit.

  9. Good is beauty. the beauty of thoughts, actions, and desires.
    As they say in great words. Beauty will save the world.
    So without kindness, humanity will perish.

  10. And in my understanding, there is no such word.

    For example: a poor person asked you for money and you helped him, so it turns out that you did a good deed. And if you didn't help, then you did a bad thing.

    When I got into it, I forgot what “Kindness”is

  11. At the everyday level, I came to this conclusion – to be kind means not to be a source of suffering and unpleasant feelings for others.�

    If you look deeper, then good deeds do not always cause positive emotions in others. If the person is wrong, then the truthful information may cause them to become irritated or aggressive towards you. At the domestic level, this can be dealt with, for example, by saying something at a more appropriate time or keeping silent altogether.�

    But sometimes it is impossible to remain silent, even if it will cause a negative reaction in the majority. For example, a disaster warning. You know about this, but it is still hidden for others. We need an evacuation. You announce it by all available means, and most people don't want to listen to you or make fun of you. In such cases, your personal conviction that the information is worthy of at least publicity, at most a thorough explanation of the danger and help others to evacuate, will help to do good without ceasing, even in extremely straitened circumstances.

  12. Being kind is a difficult problem, like all moral problems. It all depends on the context: to be kind to our neighbors, to those around us, to be kind in the professional sphere, to be kind in the political space, to be kind in the context of military operations. Every time we encounter a variety of applications of the possibility of implementing the principle of”being kind”.

    In a sense, these requirements are formal in nature, no matter how scary it may sound. They require a specific application, and it turns out to be very heterogeneous and ambiguous. Being kind to children and being kind to your political opponents requires different tools and forms of expressing the same kindness.

    And sometimes you just need to give it up. This turns out to be a non-working tool in some situations and areas, and you need to be not kind, but cruel. You can also find more sophisticated variations: you need to be cruel to be kind. This is known historically.�

    You can't love everyone and be kind to everyone. This turns out to be the opposite.

  13. Kindness is a very subjective concept. After all, by doing good for some (in some cases), you can do the same evil for others. For example, Lenin staged a revolution. Nicholas II was killed. For Lenin's supporters, this is joy and good, but for Nicholas II and his family – evil.

  14. Kindness is the embodied ability to take care of the well-being of others on your own initiative, from the heart, and selflessly. True kindness is necessarily based on love. For kindness to bring well-being to those to whom it is shown, there must be an understanding of what is good and how it can be achieved. Without clear moral criteria and knowledge of the specific situation of the person we want to help, good intentions can become a waste of time and even evil. For me, the moral reference point is the Biblical principles.

  15. There are many people who say that to be kind, it is enough not to be evil. �

    But this is not so! Good is not the absence of evil, just as light is not the absence of darkness. Mere inaction can never be good. For it, you still need to make an effort.�

    In principle, you just need to be able to sympathize with people and forgive them (very often, making an effort on yourself). To do this, it is enough to understand that everyone sometimes makes mistakes and be able to put yourself in the shoes of others.

  16. Kindness is a sincere desire not to cause suffering to someone or yourself, to ease the suffering of others or your own. Evil is a sincere desire to cause suffering to someone or yourself, to aggravate other people's or your own suffering.

  17. To be a good person, it is enough not to be evil. Stephen Covey has a great example:
    “I remember a mini-paradigm shift I experienced one Sunday morning on the New York City subway. The passengers were sitting quietly in their seats — some were reading the newspaper, some were thinking about something else, some were resting with their eyes closed. Everything was quiet and peaceful.

    Suddenly, a man with children entered the car. The children were shouting so loudly,making such outrages, that the atmosphere in the car immediately changed. The man slid into the seat next to me and closed his eyes, apparently oblivious to what was happening around him. Children were shouting, running back and forth, throwing things, even grabbing at the passengers ' newspapers. It was outrageous. However, the man sitting next to me didn't do anything.

    I felt annoyed. It was hard to believe that anyone could be so insensitive as to allow their children to be bullied without reacting in any way and pretending that nothing was happening. It was easy to see that all the passengers in the car were equally annoyed. In short, I finally turned to the man and said, in what I thought was an unusually calm and controlled voice:�

    “Sir, listen, your children are a nuisance to so many people! Could you call them to order?�

    The man looked at me as if he'd just woken up from a dream and didn't understand what was going on, and said softly, ” I don't know.:

    “Oh, yes, you're right! I guess I should do something… We just got back from the hospital where their mother died an hour ago. My thoughts are muddled, and I guess they're not themselves after all this, either.

    Can you imagine how I felt at that moment? My paradigm has shifted. Suddenly, I saw everything in a completely different light and, as a result, I began to think differently, feel differently, behave differently. The irritation was gone. There was no need to control his attitude or his behavior now: my heart was filled with deep sympathy.”

    So it's enough to learn to put yourself in the shoes of others. Do not throw out the first reaction to the stimulus, do not make hasty conclusions, try on the behavior of the person who annoys you and do not get angry, but find at least one reason for this behavior. Because there may be such a background that mom does not grieve.

    Well, if this is a real ghoul, then you can roll in cabbage soup: good should be with fists.

  18. I immediately remembered the good words of Adriano Celentano: to be fair, you must first be kind. And to be kind means to understand that all people are wrong.

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