Posted on 2023-03-142023-03-14 by ilya2 Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq? Read Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
Read Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
Posted on 2022-12-08 by Anonymous question Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life? Read Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
Posted on 2022-12-06 by Dima Grichanyuk How does "Christianity as a religion" differ from "Christianity as a philosophy"? Read How does "Christianity as a religion" differ from "Christianity as a philosophy"?
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Posted on 2022-12-05 by Temur Kadirov What did Bourdieu bring to sociology and philosophy? Read What did Bourdieu bring to sociology and philosophy?
Posted on 2022-12-04 by Nikita Sakharov Is it right to help people? And why do they become impudent after that? Read Is it right to help people? And why do they become impudent after that?
Posted on 2022-12-04 by Anonymous question What's wrong with versus? Is it bad to find out the relationship in words? Read What's wrong with versus? Is it bad to find out the relationship in words?
Posted on 2022-12-04 by Grigory Pechorin What does the phrase "Conscience is a chimera from which we will save man" mean? Read What does the phrase "Conscience is a chimera from which we will save man" mean?
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Posted on 2022-12-03 by Vlad Zabolotsky Do you think that in the future there will be a new social inequality between people with bionic implants and ordinary people? Read Do you think that in the future there will be a new social inequality between people with bionic implants and ordinary people?
Read Do you think that in the future there will be a new social inequality between people with bionic implants and ordinary people?