2 Answers

  1. There is a very powerful psychological defense mechanism associated with the perception of taste: if a child first tasted food caused poisoning or stomach problems, he will feel disgusted with it for the rest of his life. Even if the poisoning is not related to this particular dish.

    That is why different people sometimes cause disgust and rejection of the most harmless and commonly used dishes at a third glance.

  2. To be honest, I do not know the correct answer, but I want to share my opinion on this matter. First of all, there are national and cultural characteristics of people. It's no secret that every country has its own traditional cuisine (which, by the way, is the most useful and digestible, because our body is used to it in advance, thanks to genes and other nonsense). Which, in turn, was formed due to its geographical location. Those who were near the water-caught fish, who were in the forest – hunted, and so on. Add to this parents who cook according to “grandmother's” recipes from year to year. From all this there is a certain diet that you will eat from childhood. The second aspect is the requirements and intolerances of the body. Some people need dishes with low acidity, some people need more protein, etc. Someone is allergic to red, someone is lactose intolerant, and so on. The third aspect is psychological. You refuse some food because you don't like it. Consider the concept of “dislike”. Many people are not ready to try new dishes due to cowardice. Almost everyone knows what poisoning is, so suddenly your stomach will not accept this dish, why such torment, when there is something that I already like, and why there are no problems. We remember the children-we ask them if they will have mussels, they will say it's not delicious, and so on, but they can't talk about the taste if they've never tried it. Personally, I don't eat anything slimy, anything that might look like a slug in my mouth, because I would hate to eat it. My brother learned at the age of 6 that meat/poultry/game/fish means murder. From that moment on, I refused to eat it and cried that we were inhumans.

    If you do not have the second aspect, that is, you are physically omnivorous, then all the food that you refuse is a psychological moment. If the idea of becoming an omnivore seems attractive to you, then it is possible to implement it. From my own experience, I have never eaten red fish before (it's also slimy), sushi was rapidly becoming fashionable and included in the list of dishes that deliver a “gastronomic orgasm” to those who tried them. It was especially fashionable to eat Philadelphia (a roll that is wrapped with a healthy piece of salmon). The first time I tried it, before I could really swallow it, it was already asked to go out, in the end, I swallowed it with something. But then, from time to time, I ordered Philadelphia, and from the fifth time I fell in love with this roll. It's my favorite now. Then I went ahead and started eating a red fish sandwich. All according to the same scheme. Then red caviar. Seafood and much more. I don't remember the torment anymore, but I love these products now.

    And yet, I immediately remember the masterpiece phrase: The most delicious thing in green tea without sugar is a sense of self-superiority!

    So it all depends on your beliefs of yourself, because it is unlikely that someone liked strong alcohol in its pure form the first time.

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