4 Answers

  1. It seems to me that every person, just because of the presence of consciousness, considers himself a thinker.

    How to ensure that there are no errors in this process.

    The answer is no.

    Everyone makes mistakes.

    People make no mistakes, only some templates that have already been made many times.

    The presence of comprehensive information about the object of reflection helps greatly both to reduce the number of errors, and makes it possible to find and correct existing ones.

    In other words, stage one is collecting detailed information

    Stage two is its analysis and systematization.

    Step three is to create an assumption that explains the gaps in the information (not clear).

    Step four, this is a test of the assumption.

    Moreover, the test is not only for confirmation, but also for denial. This is important!

    Stage without a number, publishing and collecting feedback, checking by other people.

    It is clear that the more complete knowledge a person has about the structure of the world, the laws of nature, etc., the less mistakes and misconceptions he will have.

    The technique is not new, I think it is hundreds, if not thousands of years old. However, being limited in objective information and not being able to check, especially for exceptions, creates an incredible amount of misconceptions.

  2. In fact, a thinking person is someone who knows how to cope with situations.
    A lot of knowledge is erudition. But to be able to resolve conflicts, manage people, and take responsibility is already thinking.
    Smart is the one who is happy.
    So how to learn to think is to learn to communicate. Do “work on mistakes”, be critical of yourself, always look at where you might be wrong

  3. Immerse yourself in science.

    Read school textbooks from the very basics.

    Study cognitive biases.

    Learn about materials on the Internet.�

    Be able to look at the phenomenon from different angles.

    Develop in HARMONY both spiritually and physically!�


  4. Em. Well, you asked the same question once. So you can think. This is built into you by nature, so if we talk about an abstract question, then in my opinion this question is meaningless. You have your own worldview, and you're surrounded by a world that has a lot of things mixed up in it. Etl is certainly more of a life experience. And if you are talking about how to think so that everyone around you likes your thoughts, then this is impossible, we are all different. But there are still some spitzy thoughts about certain professions. For example, to think like an architect, you need to get such an education and work, well, I understand the essence) in short, don't get caught up

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3 Answers

  1. The answer is in the question.�

    But to make sure that there are enough characters, I'll expand it.�

    To learn to forge, you need to forge. To learn to write, you need to write, to learn to swim, you need water, a body submerged in it, which will flounder until it learns not to sink.�

    Someone will remember about the theory, rules, and experience accumulated by their predecessors…
    No matter how much you learn theory, until you start doing it, you won't learn!

    Many people confuse thinking with remembering and then playing it back.�

    Like if I say this idea, then it's mine, I share it. But you did not create it, it is not the fruit of your mental activity. You're playing it stupidly. As a music player. Does the player know how to think?�

    Try the first step, to improve, to develop the ideas that have penetrated you. Transfer them to other areas. Yes, you will be wrong. Make mistakes often. But this is the process of learning to think.�

    In general, in the modern world, thinking is not just not necessary, but not even desirable. You may be mistaken for a madman. It doesn't happen that someone immediately likes original ideas (unless they instantly and costlessly remove someone's popabol), it doesn't happen that identifying someone's logical mistakes causes a rush of warmth and gratitude.�

    People-players (and with a minimum amount of memory) are needed in large numbers, but thinking people only interfere with everyone. Especially the ruling ones.

  2. This is not easy – the word (term) “think” is not defined in any dictionary – the signs are not indicated in which cases IT (the process of thinking) exists, and in which cases IT does not.

    At school, we are asked to learn the Pythagorean table by heart – everyone can draw it themselves-they can, but they don't. And dozens of idiotic tasks –

    “Firefighters are taught to put on their pants on an alarm in three seconds. How many pants can a well-trained firefighter put on in five minutes?”

    Well, for a start, it's a good idea to read the article “Lessons of independent thinking” by A. A. Lyubishchev – after all, you need to start somewhere…

  3. Thinking is the process of creating something new, regardless of the field of activity. Combinatorial work when playing chess, solving crosswords, compiling annual reports, and solving other tasks that require only the layout of ready-made information according to known templates is not considered thinking. Thinking is only the emergence of new neural connections stimulated by a specific task, which leads to the synthesis of unique information by the brain that did not exist before.

    To learn to think, you need to get into the habit of thinking about your actions.�

    Think about your business plan for tomorrow, what you will say at the meeting, and the sequence of traffic lights at the intersection. Find an interesting business and master it perfectly. The criterion will be the practical result, you need to wait until you get a certain product of your activity and only then evaluate the quality of work. Sometimes the brain of adults protects them from energy consumption by presenting the most appropriate activity for a particular person as the most subjectively unpleasant for him.

    A good warm-up for the brain is working with a non-primary hand, such as brushing your teeth. Penmanship is extremely useful – writing with a pen is the most accessible way to use the motor, visual and associative fields of the brain at once to get a readable handwriting. Subsequently, using the brain even in warm-up exercises will increase blood flow and, as a result, the likelihood of synaptogenesis, which is the main cause.

    The main mental activity consists in working hard on the subject and alternating the type of activity to ensure an even load on the brain.

    It is also extremely important to alternate activities from intellectual to physical and vice versa. Physical activity is necessary for intellectual work to ensure blood supply to motor areas, reduce the load on associative areas, and increase the overall area of brain activity. You can physically feel how after training, thoughts “toss and turn” much easier. For safe physical education and avoiding injuries, feel your norm, do not bring to overwork. The ideal option is a swimming pool.

    For confirmation, you can refer to the “Clinical Archive of Genius and Giftedness”. It shows how the filling of the brain's vascular network increases in those who have used the brain during their lifetime, and how much the vascular network is less developed in those who preferred intellectual work to a profession provided by simple physical labor, like a modern taxi driver, and simple entertainment like delicious food and rare sexual relations.


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