3 Answers

  1. Very much so, although there are exceptions.I know several examples of ” people who listen to approximately the same music “and have similar personalities and views on life.And by myself, I can say that, in principle, the characteristics of my favorite genre in music are very similar to mine

  2. This is not a full-fledged indicator, but one of the signs. And even then, the patterns are not always visible, but only if a person consciously chose this or that music and takes it seriously. However, low intelligence is characterized by rap, synth pop and the like-the song ends with 1-2 sounds, and the lyrics descend to lust, consumerism, empty pathos, belonging to a large and ferocious pack. They even have the same drum samples, so what's there to talk about? High intelligence is also characterized by rock and metal. Historically, the complexity of compositions allows composers to create a large number of truly unique works. It is not difficult to guess which person will be able to see the subtleties, details, interesting ideas, describe the idea and approach of the composer / instrumentalist. And about the topic of a strong personality in general, I'm silent. Well, you know, 50 years of evolution in a world that changes almost every hour is very significant.�

    This does not mean that if you immediately run to listen to metal, you will instantly become super smart. After all, the brain develops up to 27-30 years. And no one canceled the posturing. But this combination of genres provides more guarantees that regular listeners can see a large number of subtleties. And this, I remind you, is the most obvious sign of intelligence.

  3. It depends on what you call the “level of intelligence”. Level of intelligence? Logic? Abstract thinking? Memory? Mindfulness? The criteria are different. Only abstract thinking and memory can be directly related to music.

    The fact is that music is the most abstract of all the arts. This is just a system of sound metaphors, cleverly organized in time. She doesn't pretend to be anything, doesn't try to fake anything.�

    And the bigger, richer, and more original these metaphors are, the more brain effort is required from the listener. To listen to a half-hour symphony and not forget in the second minute what was played in the first, you will have to work hard, right? It's not just consumption that works anymore. The more sophisticated the listener's hearing and memory , the more complex the musical structure they can hold in their head. The better the abstract thinking is developed , the deeper the understanding of the author's idea. And more fun. Big music tickles our brains, massages our minds, and nothing in the world knows how to do something like that either.

    There are many exceptions. A person may simply not like music as a class. A person can listen to it solely for a utilitarian purpose (for example, to create a background), and not think that it is possible to explore something in it. And be smart and all that. You can listen to Mozart, because “the violin chirps merrily”. You can listen to yard songs and tremble with all your soul from each note. Anything can happen.

    If you answer the question in one line, then no. But the presence of interest in music in general, the ability to understand it and the desire not only to consume it – this is a sign that there is something in the head and it is capable of something. One of the signs.

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