3 Answers

  1. I also don't get any stand-up at all, not at all. Neither Carlin, nor Murphy, nor even more so Russian stand-up artists. I understand jokes, but it's not funny. Long thought why so. Most likely, because the vectors of humor in childhood were shot down by Harms, Monty Python, Ali G shaw and other fervent absurdists. Therefore, such direct jokes “in the forehead”, as in stand-up, do not go: (

  2. The complexity of this genre is that 90% of stand-up artists simply have no life experience and education, a dull sense of humor. Among teenagers and students, they are popular, and then…
    Eddie Murphy and the great George Carlin had a lot of baggage in life. What can a 19-year-old stand-up artist tell me? What can make you laugh or surprise? But the same Ruslan Bely with his life experience is great… Sometimes… For my taste…
    Check out our Soviet stand-up artists, whom we called satirical writers. By the way, this genre generally appeared in our country and as a lapta, amerami absorbed, renamed and now like this is their knowhow…
    Female stand-up is generally a poor show, narrow themes, lack of humor, philosophy, satire… The whole point is to go out and shit on the men. Gygygy…
    Well, plus zashkvar with vulgarity… I'm not a prude, but talk about the taste of semen, diarrhea and how it blew… So-so art…

  3. For my taste in Russia, very weak stand-up artists, that's actually the whole secret of why it's not funny. I certainly haven't seen everyone, but what I've seen makes me yawn.

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