5 Answers

  1. Creative crisis (well, or in the people nerisuy) comes to many and quite often. First, it is necessary to determine the cause of this problem, and when the cause is known, then it is much easier to deal with it. I will analyze two common options:

    1. Often, a creative crisis manifests itself as dissatisfaction with one's own work, the cause of which is an overestimated expectation from oneself and a sick perfectionism, after which one does not want to pick up a pencil or pen of a graphic tablet, but in general one is sick of just thinking or looking at any artistic art.

    The solution to such a crisis is acceptance. Accepting that not everything works out right away and everything needs time. Become your own best friend and accept your work, praise for success and support during difficult periods, and do not terrorize and torment yourself. There is a time for everything. Look back, see where you started and what you've already achieved. Remember your dream and your goal, understand that with each small step you are on the way to it. And after you have become your own best friend and adviser , you will be filled with inspiration to create further. Even with errors. Allow yourself to make these mistakes and learn from them. And after all this, you will achieve your goal. Necessarily.

    1. Well, the second common version of the creative crisis lies in the lack of inspiration. When there seems to be a desire, but you don't know what to draw.

    Participation in contests and various challenges will help you here. So you will have new tasks to solve and generate ideas, and you can get acquainted with other artists during challenges, get inspired by teamwork or vice versa from the spirit of competition.

    You can also get a lot of inspiration from viewing the works of other artists, and you immediately want to sit down and draw something yourself.

    And of course, a lot of positive emotions can be obtained from traveling, outings in nature, and even banal from rebooting and relaxing, and then with new forces back into battle.

  2. Tchaikovsky, despite the crises, spent 5 hours a day at the piano.

    Sometimes he inserted pieces by other composers into his compositions.

    Don't draw it – take pictures, burn it out, or sculpt it. Hone the technique that you have long wanted to hone, but there was no time.

    The same goes for inspiration. If you don't have any inspiration, just copy a picture of your favorite artist.

    Do not sit, do not whine, do not feel sorry for yourself, but just do it.

  3. The problem of overcoming the creative crisis lies in its individuality, so, as in the case of getting rid of laziness, you first need to understand the causes of this ailment. Ask yourself the question: “Why is there a crisis in creativity?” After analyzing the causes of stagnation, it will be easier for you to overcome it.

    If the cause is overwork (perhaps the main reason for creative stagnation), rest or slowing down the pace will help you get out of the creative crisis. Working without rest almost always leads to loss of performance, fatigue, apathy and depression. When you do not forget about leisure, when you alternate between work and full rest, you return to your business again and again — with a charge of new energy, with enthusiasm and cheerfulness. You can go to a movie on somea motivational film, go to a photo exhibition or art gallery (the variety of visual images encourages creative imagination and creativity), lie on the beach or go fishing. Someone to get out of the creative crisis associated with fatigue, just a couple of days to get enough sleep and spend time with your family, while others need a full-fledged vacation. It's all about the degree of fatigue.

  4. A creative crisis is not a sentence. Although, it seems so.

    The problem is inside the person and, therefore, it can be solved.

    A non-standard method, this is a coaching session. In the process of talking to a coach who asks open questions, this is how you can get out of a crisis situation:

    1. Look “through” it. Look into the future, where you can see the desired result, as if there is no crisis. This is possible by shifting the focus of attention. Freeing your attention leads to the discovery of new ways to achieve the goal.

    2. Find such a goal and determine the first steps towards it, which will have more internal energy for you than the cause of the crisis.

    Thus, it is not a struggle for survival – you are against the cause of the crisis – but an acceptance of it as a part of you and a search for ways to avoid its influence on creativity.

  5. It seems to me that there is no universal recipe. But mostly they advise you to radically change the type of activity for a while. It is desirable if it is something that will fill you with bright emotions and impressions, give you strength and contribute to the generation of new creative ideas 🙂 In my opinion, travel is very well suited for this.

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