2 Answers

  1. In order for a gallery to hire an artist, they need two things: a strong portfolio and networking.

    1. With networking, everything is quite simple: the more extensive the network of contacts , the better. You need to be sociable, go to events, meet gallery owners, curators, collectors, art dealers, journalists, and other artists. You can also get acquainted online. And don't forget about the theory of 6 handshakes! Talent and the right contacts open all the doors. Everywhere.

    2. Self-presentation. One of the most important skills of the 21st century. Especially for young artists. A well-designed portfolio is a key part of it. It should immediately contain all the basic information about the artist and his projects (with illustrations), so that the gallery owner or art manager does not have to search for anything else.

    A good portfolio should be concise and clear.

    Must have a date and place of birth. If the artist currently resides in another city or country, this should be reflected. You also need to specify your education. It will be a plus if the artist has participated in international residencies, received grants, won competitions and has publications about him (remember about networking and friendship with journalists!). Exhibitions should be arranged not in chronological order, but starting with the latest ones. You don't have to specify all group exhibitions. Just specify 2-3 of the brightest ones. It is good to add examples (series of works)to your portfolio with a short description of them. The main thing is that a portfolio is one concise and well-structured document.

    Don't be afraid to communicate, get acquainted, ask questions and talk about yourself!

  2. Most likely, the first step for any creative person who is determined to collaborate and interact with the world around them, both in a creative format and in a commercial direction, is to create a portfolio. And then, then maybe they will write to you themselves, if you are a master in your field. This is how it turned out with the topic of photography and videography)

    Well, specifically in your direction, I think with the same portfolio, knock on the” doors ” of galleries and offer collaborations. Nowadays, everyone is interested in interactions. Good luck

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