27 Answers

  1. Who said that God in general can be correctly and exhaustively described in human language?

    “Omnipotence” and “unyielding stone” are terms for an idea, not a reality. If these ideas conflict, then it is a problem of ideas.

    The concept of omnipotence is controversial in itself, regardless of whether God exists or not. Or rather so. Every word requires interpretation. For example. The simplest one. The word “mom”. What does it include? Only to give birth, only to bring up, or both to give birth and to bring up? We use the word, but we mean certain agreements about its content. Or we make do with an intuitive meaning. In the case of the concept of omnipotence, which we do not encounter in ordinary life, intuitive meaning is not enough. We must agree that there is omnipotence. Is omnipotence everything? No, that doesn't make sense. This is an opportunity to do everything that is fundamentally possible. For example, there are no triangular quadrilaterals in principle. The ability to say “make me a triangular quadrilateral” is only the richness of our language, which provides great opportunities for the language, but also gives rise to such absurdities.

    The popular paradox “can God create a stone that he cannot lift” is, to simplify the expression, all the same “the impossible is possible” – nonsense.

    In addition, if we have agreed (as in the Abrahamic religions) that God is outside of time and space, that He created time and space, then we note that lifting is a process that is possible for those who are in space and time. However, the universe can be considered such a stone. It exists, but it is impossible to raise it, because space and time are “inside” it.

  2. It would seem a paradox. But it's very simple. Answer: God can create such a stone (so he is omnipotent), but he did not create it, and if so, then there is no such stone (he is omnipotent).

    In other words, the point of the question is whether God can make himself non-omnipotent through his omnipotence. Meaning of the response: God can do everything, but not everything does what it can.

  3. For centuries, theologians have been seriously engaged in such reasoning. It was their job. A classic speculative paradox with no answer. And values. But in the Middle Ages, it was brain training. And now time is a pity.

  4. This is a stupid riddle with political overtones.

    The Omnipotence Paradox.

    Its essence is that God can at least 100 times a day create such stones that he himself is not able to lift.

    Step 1 “create a heavy stone” is completed.

    Further, God can change this very heavy stone 100 times on the DNB, so much so that the stone will not just rise, but will make it walk and dance.

    Step 2 “lift a heavy stone” is completed.

    Bottom line and logical conclusion:

    Since God is omnipotent by definition, he is not a priori able to suffer in any way from his omnipotence. And for this reason, God will not create “heavy stones” just for fun.

    And God will not destroy the universe with all possible and impossible plans of existence either. Because he is omnipotent and his omnipotence gives him immunity from such strange actions.

    Otherwise, we would not be here and there would be no stupid questions on Yandex in the style of “I went back in time and killed my grandfather, as well as my father, haha, what will happen to me now”!

  5. God wants no one from people to ever bask I was told about this a long time ago. If God wants people to never bask, then he is either bad or stupid, whatever one may say.

  6. We can say that such a stone is a person's free will. If he does not want to be with God, then God respects such a choice of a person, since free will is an element of the likeness of God in a person . That is, a reflection of one's own perfection. It seems to me that it will be more abruptly than a stone.

  7. I don't know about the stone, the Bible doesn't say that directly. But it is said that he created the Earth and men. And he obviously either can't manage this farm at all, or manages it very badly. So, even in this example, without any stones, His omnipotence is not revealed.

    I've actually heard it all because the Lord doesn't want to control it all. Like he gave a person free will, and then after death he will ask for everything…. Well, then I can also say to myself that from now on I'm all-powerful, just lazy. If you're too lazy, I'll also ask everyone. And I will call this day of judgment. And I will bring down brimstone from heaven, and the dead will rise, and the Internet will turn off))

  8. the old accordion is about a stone built on a misunderstanding of such a property of God as Omnipotence, which is thought of as the Creator's ability to do absolutely everything that can come to mind.
    � Omnipotence is about something else: God cannot do all sorts of stupid things (according to the not very reasonable amusements of some atheists) and this does not detract from Him at all. The omnipotence of God means His control over all power in the universe, power, “unlimited unlimited power, influence,” control of all events of existence, dominion over everything, etc. That's what Omnipotence is – it's not “I can do everything” like a fakir or Gin from a jug, God can't, I repeat, a lot of all sorts of nonsense and nonsense like “Go there I don't know where” or “make a Stone that you can't lift” and other meaningless nonsense. Not being able to do these stupid things doesn't demean God or His Omnipotence.

  9. Of course, maybe today he created and did not raise it because he did not want to,and tomorrow he raised it,everything is very simple,only fools limit God,he is absolute and only pure personalities can understand him

  10. This question is a contradiction: the law of contradiction (Aristotle). “Can an All-powerful, Omnipotent God NOT create or do this or that” – this question is a CONTRADICTION, therefore, it is NOT subject to logical proof.

  11. This question is wrong and false in that it contradicts itself. Because “there is only what God can do, and there is nothing that he cannot do.For that is why He is the Almighty.”

  12. To know the exact answer to this particular question about the stone, we need to ask God himself, because we are not Gods here and do not know what he thinks about it. Or you can just explain it like this: You exist from different chemical particles, you are material, you have a brain to think, etc., while the Supreme Himself is not material, He thinks, although he does not have a brain, hears, although he has no ears, sees, although he has no eyes (As M. Ali said). Ie, He is beyond our understanding of him and our consciousness. Ie think more broadly. If God tried to explain to you how everything works outside of your field of vision, your brain would come out of your ears, because everything is completely different. the brain couldn't handle the strain. The essence of faith in God is (at least in Islam) that we believe in his existence even when we don't see Him, but there are signs of him that somehow confirm His existence. Our lives are a test of us by God. Our arguments, these questions – all this is our test, how we behave in these situations, how we answer these questions, etc. We exist in this world only for the sake of testing, we have to find the truth ourselves, it's like “natural selection” in its own way. That is, if the Almighty appears and shows himself, then what is the point of this test? After all, everyone will immediately begin to believe, and then it will already turn out that we are not in Paradise for nothing, but in this world. And since I am very fond of game development and programming in general (a beginner), I still had some thoughts on this question and a peculiar answer: Imagine, there is a programmer-game developer, he writes physics, logic, creates NPCs with super Intelligence, and can this super NPC who is in the engine look at the top and see his developer who, in turn, is OUTSIDE the engine and sitting at the monitor? No. Let's say the engine where there is an NPC is our universe, and our world (the developer's world) is something that is beyond the universe, an immaterial thing for us, i.e. e for AI, everything inside the engine is material, it can contact objects on the map, but not with the cactus that is on your table. that is, we are not material for the NPC. Let's say several NPCs finally thought about the fact that they may have been created, and not they just randomly appeared, One categorically denies that they were written, the second says that nothing just happens, that there is someone who created them, but everyone else is inclined to the option that they just appeared and exist, and laugh at the second, but who is right in this story?.)) and the developer watches them with a smile on his face, he is interested in their discussions, and he follows them with great attention. DOES IT REMIND YOU OF ANYTHING?. But let's say, as is very often the case, programmers create an AI that learns independently (YouTube to help), the developer wants the BOT to find itself (the developer) in order to then upload its consciousness to the robot and so that it is already in our world, and it makes some signs on the map indicating its existence (does it remind you of anything?) Can code 0 and 1 immediately understand our world? Do you see what I'm getting at?) Let's ask this question with a stone to the game creator, will he be able to create a stone that he can't lift? What can he say? It can. He can write code that will not allow him to lift this stone by dragging the mouse, but he will write another code with which he can lift it with a different method, or remove the obstacle that he himself created, and so raise it.. (if you think about it, there are a lot of options for the developer) Well, here is a completely decent answer to a question that, it would seem, can not be a normal answer. If you asked such a question when there was no technology, there would not have been such a clear example. if we do not know something, it does not mean that God is absent, it first of all means that we are stupid and not mature enough to understand something.

  13. Hmm, as far as I'm concerned, it's a paradox how “the sword that cuts everything” and “the armor that is always unbreakable” can't co-exist in the same universe.And so the question itself can be changed in any way you want, for example ,” can God destroy a creature that he himself made immortal”, etc.? But still, I will draw an analogy with the Disney cartoon “Aladdin”, where the genie, which has certain powers, made Jafar stronger than himself, so I think it's no problem for him to create a stone that he won't lift. Therefore, within the framework of human concepts, he is omnipotent, but still he has a certain scope of his power

  14. So the question itself is incorrect here, since
    God is not material
    How a non-material being can raise matter.
    Well, if you think about it another way, God is able to lift this stone

  15. The question is absurd. If the stone weighs more than the Earth , then it will be possible to lift the Earth from the stone, i.e. vice versa. But if such a stone is created on the surface of Saturn. then here the mass limit will be larger, but still finite.

  16. I know, but my answer will lead to a cataclysm of the entire Christian faith, and for one and the Islamic one, that is, the third world War will begin… are you ready to survive this? If so, please hold a referendum, otherwise the curiosity of one will ruin everyone.

  17. I don't think God is omnipotent like Thanos in Marvel's Avengers — he does everything at the snap of his fingers. He is omnipotent in the sense that he understands the laws of nature so well that he can use them for his own purposes, including for the purposes of creation.

    God achieves any goals not by magic, but by using the laws of the universe, which he cannot break (or does not want to, it does not matter). This is what we are talking about when we say that ” His ways are not discernible.”

    In this sense, the operations of creating a stone and lifting a stone are two different things, and God can do both of them with incredible efficiency.

    Yes, God can certainly make a stone that He can't lift — just a very large stone. We know that man is created in the image and likeness of God, so we can roughly understand how big this stone should be so that God cannot lift it.

    But, at the same time, he can also raise it, using for this purpose some other laws of nature, another method of raising, inaccessible to him. For example, God can lift a stone using a crane.

    Another key to resolving the contradiction can be found by answering the question: how do we humans know if God can lift a stone or not? What does can mean?

    The question of whether God can create a stone is solved quite simply: there was no stone, but there was a stone. Fortunately, only God can materialize a stone out of nothing, so there should be no doubt that it was He who created this stone.

    But how can we determine that God will not be able to lift this stone? The simplest way is to ask him to pick up the newly created stone. And here the question arises: can God pretend that he cannot lift a stone? Sure. Even an ordinary actor, let alone a God, can handle this task.

    Hence the conclusion that God can either create a stone or not lift it up without any problems, the only question is what we raise under the word can.

  18. Stefan

    in order for God to create the world, he did not need to be omnipotent or omniscient. Only theologians make it so that people on their knees fear it, and especially churches and priests. Omnipotence and omniscience would make God a maniacal fiend in view of the continuous calamities on innocent people including children. God could have created matter with the properties and parameters that we see and measure. With such properties, matter is able to create a living beginning, or even capable of evolutionary development. Such a Creator would be intelligent and would not have blood on his hands like the Christian Jewish god. It is also worth noting that God did not create anything spiritually, no non-visible world, transcendentally, souls and similar concepts. These are all inventions of man, for the business of churches and tools for power over humanity

  19. such an insidious question of theologians could be answered on the basis of physics by saying that omniscience and omnipotence within our gravitational universe are excluded on the basis of the theory of relativity as well as elementary physics. This can be proved in detail. But the answer might also be that it is more likely that the universe has always been here and always will be, and that the question of its beginning is only a trap that should lead to faith and slavery under the rule of the churches. There is no reason to say that the universe ever did not exist, rather the opposite. In it, everything is in continuous motion and energy processes. There is such a law of chemistry that if any reaction can occur, it will certainly happen. This applies to biogenesis from nitrogen-carbon organic substances. Thus, the matter of our universe does not need the hands of the Almighty for the creation of the living principle, nor for its evolution. I am a Slovak from Prague and I apologize for my not good Russian language.

  20. In fact, this question and similar ones can be reduced to one simple question: can an omnipotent God cease to be omnipotent or cease to be God? If so, then it would seem that he is not omnipotent already. And it turned out a certain logical contradiction.

    How to solve this problem?

    If God is omnipotent, and if by that we mean that he can do anything at all. So, therefore, he can solve all these logical paradoxes/tricks/sophisms/etc. without violating logic and truth and losing the qualities of omnipotence, omnipotence.

    This means that he can create a stone that he cannot lift without losing the quality of omnipotence and omnipotence.

    In Christianity (the Bible), however, this is not exactly what is meant by omnipotence. For example, it says that God cannot commit sin. And omnipotence is meant as it can do what it wants. I.e. create any miracle, etc. For example, if a doctor wants to cure a patient, then he may simply not be able to do it, but God will heal if he wants.

    Here is a video on this topic:


  21. The very statement of the question “about the stone” is provocative on the part of non-believers and doubters, but it increases the number of people who come to believe in the Creator. This is due to the fact that, thinking about this question, a person makes a very important conclusion: God has His own logic, which is much higher than earthly (human) reasoning and it is incomprehensible to us. Just as incomprehensible is the Creator God, who gives us knowledge about Himself only up to the limits set by Him. A greater amount of information about God (but not all of it) will be received by our soul when it leaves the body and rushes to the Worlds of its Creator. Having stated the above, I suggest that everyone consider the issue of our “death”.

    Today, talking about death is sometimes considered bad form, the mention of it spoils the mood. Most of our contemporaries are immersed in material things, in a hurry to earn as much as possible, buy, go, see, have fun – they absolutely do not want to think that their earthly life will ever end. They drive away these unpleasant thoughts by any means necessary.

    We will not give advice on how to avoid death or delay it, because it is useless.

    First, we quote from the Book of Job: “A man born of a woman is short of days and full of sorrows: like a flower, he goes out and falls; he flees like a shadow, and does not stop” (14:1-2). In the prophet Daniel we read: “But you go to your end, and you will rest and rise up to receive your lot at the end of days” (12:13).

    Orthodox Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) said in the First Word: “Death is a great sacrament. It is the birth of a person from the earthly, temporary life to eternity. Death is the separation of the soul from the body…”.”

    The Prophet Muhammad says in surah “The Family of Imran” about the inevitability of our departure from the earthly life: “Every soul should know the taste of death “(3: 185), and the hadith scholar Tirmidhi quotes the verse of the Prophet: “Often remember the destroyer of pleasure – death!”. Similarly, Muhammad said: “When the soul, when leaving the body, comes up to the neck itself… Then man will know that this is the hour of separation from life “(75: 26,28).

    Gautama Buddha taught His followers: “Everything that is born will die”; ” The world is stricken with death and decay. But the wise do not grieve when they see the true nature of things”; ” Neither in the sky, nor in the middle of the ocean, nor in mountain crevices, nor anywhere in the world is there a place where someone can overcome Death.”

    Continuing the theme of the inevitability of death for each of us and the fear of it, we quote the words of Abdu'l-Baha, one of the founders of the Baha'i Faith: “This is the earthly abode-the source of trouble and suffering. It is only out of ignorance that people cling to it, for in this world no one, from the monarch to the lowest commoner, can find peace. But if once in this life a person has to drink from the cup of pleasure, then a hundred bitter cups will follow; this is the way the world works. Therefore, the sage is not attached to this mortal life and does not depend on it.”

    Thus, we see that no religion talks about how to avoid death, but all of them unanimously call not to be afraid of their inevitable demise and consider it the greatest reward and deliverance from all earthly things.

  22. Can not. The concept of “omnipotent” is applied to God in relation to his power to the surrounding world (universe), created as if by himself according to the theory (here he seems to have created not even stones, but entire stars and galaxies). That is, for example, in relation to a person, God can create a stone that a person cannot lift even using a technique that has not yet been invented and energy sources that have not yet been mastered. That is, for a person, God will be omnipotent. But this concept does not apply to God in relation to himself. In relation to yourself (“lift the stone” yourself) God is not omnipotent.

    P.S. And now a very “funny” moment. A few minutes before I went back to the computer, I was thinking about this very question about the omnipotence of God and the stone, I don't know why, something prompted me to think about it. And so I sit down at the computer, open the site “gismeteo” to see what time it is outside the window. And! On the right I see a link to this site with this question! Damn it! I dunno, it's just unbelievable. Coincidence, I don't think! I've never looked up anything on this subject on the internet, ever. I didn't say anything like that out loud (I mean, someone might say that search programs like this could hear something like that in the room where I was thinking about it (and this was a different room altogether) and give out a link on the site, and in general there is no microphone on the computer). In general, it became even uneasy. Sometimes it seems to me that we still really live in something like this, such as shown in the movie “The Matrix”.

  23. I read it in a book. God exists outside of time and space. Like a person who is reading a book, he can go to any place at any time. And yes, he can create a stone in this book that he can't lift.

  24. I just came up with a logic game. He can create a mountain, turn into an ordinary person and not be able to lift it. Has the condition been fulfilled yet? After all he is omnipotent and therefore can purposely limit his power

  25. This is a bit of sophistry, and not an argument against the attributes of God (professional philosophers do not use it). It can be answered as follows: If the definition of the idea of “omnipotence” in the question stands for “do everything, including the unthinkable and even the impossible”, then the laws of logic do not decree to God and God can simultaneously create a stone that He cannot lift (and no contradiction arises), if the idea of omnipotence is defined as “God can do everything that is conceivable”, then God cannot create a stone that God does not create the unthinkable, like a square circle, cold ice, etc. �

    Interestingly, a more correct way to formulate the problem is to say, ” if there is an Absolute Being with several absolute attributes, is it possible to consider these attributes in such a way that they contradict each other?” The answer will be: “It is possible and they will necessarily come into conflict with each other as soon as we isolate them from the Subject, that is, the Absolute Being, and consider them separately, because then, when separated from the Subject, the absolute properties will become several (two or three) absolute entities and a contradiction will arise between them, because it is logically impossible to assume the existence of multiple absolute entities.”

  26. This stone is you . God has already created you. But He can't raise you without your consent, because He's given you free will. When a person accepts Christ into Their hearts, God forgives� to him are his sins.The Word of God says we are living stones

  27. Can. There are no logical contradictions here.
    The difference between these events is in time. They are not instantaneous.
    “The stone that can't lift ” – means to set a task that exceeds his current (instantaneous) ability to solve it.
    “Raise the Stone ” is the solution to this problem, which will take time to realize the problem and fill yourself with energy to solve it.
    I set the task of creating a universe out of nothing, so … .. created it!
    PS PS
    “Be realistic-demand the impossible” (C)

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