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Evil is the absence of good. When our body hurts, we call it evil. But when evil devours the body, it will also devour itself. Evil is a disease on the body of good. And if evil really was so total, then humanity would have already ceased to exist. Unlike evil, good does not shout about itself from TV screens and does not participate in PR shows. It creates and heals the wounds of humanity quietly and humbly.
Evil is sin, which is resisting the will of God. Thus, the first man tempted by the serpent resisted the will of God, who commanded him not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and thereby committed evil. If the first person had not tasted the forbidden fruit of this tree, he would not have known evil, but remained in good. God revealed his will in the commandments of the law, through the angels Moses and Aaron, by the hand of the Mediator, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, for He is both the hand of the Father and the mediator between God and man.
But sin took a pretext from God's commandments to resist, and began to resist the will revealed to him. For if God had not revealed His will, sin would never have known what to resist, and man would not have known the will of his Creator. But each time, the resistance increased as the person learned the will of God, and with it the Divine grace increased. If man were not given grace along with the law, he would become like demons.
So evil exists in the spirit of resistance, in the world of passion. In the world of God's creatures, evil does not exist. Sin, which is evil, is realized only within man, in his will, which is contrary to God. But God, in His power and wisdom, does not abolish this very evil, but uses it in man as a pretext in His saving providence, turning it into the universal good. After all, it is not the act itself in creation that determines sin, but the evil intention or will.
So, for example, the very conception of a child does not determine evil, and there is no sin in this action itself, and when does it appear? When the pretext for committing this action becomes fornication as a lawless intention of a man and a woman to unite. This will of man is the opposite of the will of God, and it is evil. But God determines the action that convicts a person of his evil, and assigns His good will to this action. In other words, God transforms every evil into an incomprehensible good. In this way, a person can be born into the world, exposing his parents to the sin that was previously hidden in their hearts. After all, in his inexplicable providence, He always takes a pretext for doing it from us. So here, too, one gets life, the other the opportunity to repent.
But a person who is in a spirit of resistance cannot see the will of God in all the actions performed in the world of God's creatures. Therefore, a person constantly assigns to every action his own cause – himself, according to his will. By doing so, he makes himself a god, turning everything upside down, and lives in a world that does not really exist, a world invented by the “great” visionary and liar – the devil and Satan.
So, sin, the retribution for which death is a mistake, a mistake, it is the most real evil.
Evil is an action aimed at causing harm of varying degrees, loss.
Evil is the opposite of good-an action aimed at creating good.
Evil is when it could, but did not get lucky.
And if cowardice is not evil,
He is a vile coward, more terrible than evil.
Evil is not a vice, but only a habit.
And if there is evil, then there will be a skirmish.
There is no definite framework for what EVIL is, this concept is different for each person and it is formed under the influence of a person's upbringing and life. For someone it may be evil to go in revealing clothes or even go in something other than a burqa and someone does not consider anything bad * * poison. A person determines for himself what evil is. Well, or society does it. For example, in ancient Israel, there were certain limits, one might say, of Good and Evil. The so-called 10 commandments and a small set of laws. That is, the evil was: stealing, killing, gluttony, getting drunk, committing adultery, and so on. Nothing could justify any of this.�
Conclusion: evil is a very abstract subject – it seems to be there, but it doesn't seem to be there…
Evil is when Weakness rules over Strength.
In order not to be misunderstood, it is extremely important to clarify the concepts.
** _ _ Strength – any quality of a person that contributes to the most complete and accurate statement of his will in the material world.
Weakness – any quality of a person that prevents this.__**
So, let's start with the fact that each of us has a bunch of certain strong qualities. It is very different from one to another: someone can boast a powerful intellect, someone has developed intuition and flair, someone is beautiful, someone is brave and physically strong, someone has charm and charisma, and so on. In addition to natural gifts, there are also countless types of skills, learned skills in different fields of activity. It is only strength and skill in something that ensures our success in life. In addition, if a person is really smart and talented in his business, he is successful and at the same time benefits the whole society.
It must be said that the possession of strong qualities in comparison with other people has such a property that it in itself gives the owner kindness, love for the world and condescension. This happens because a strong person gets used to achieving their goals by applying their strong qualities, i.e. honestly and directly, and most often successfully. Over time, he gets into the habit of seeing his power as part of his personality, which gives him an inner dignity that does not allow him to act abominably.
We considered a strong person in a vacuum. Needless to say, this is primarily an abstract ideal to strive for. Something close to it is extremely rare. In reality, all of us, without exception, are also subject to many weaknesses. Moreover, the latter are much more universal and monotonous for all of us than the advantages. The three fundamental types of weakness are:
1. Bodily� (in all its forms: stupidity, ugliness, frailty)
2. Internal slavery (unconscious self-restrictions learned through upbringing).
3. Self-pity. The source of laziness, unwillingness to develop, inadequate self-importance, bad habits and destructive emotions: fear, anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, despair, grief, etc.
Here it is very important to say that the perceived weakness of a person in comparison with others, being integrated into his image of himself, inevitably makes him more evil, negative and mean for the reason that he does not believe in himself and his ability to achieve life goals honestly (which requires some kind of strength), and also, judging himself low, will not so shun low actions.
In psychology, there is such a thing as the”throne of personality”. Our personality always consists of many qualities and emotions, of which only one at any given moment occupies a dominant place, commanding all our other qualities (both good and bad), controlling our overall behavior. When we are very hungry, we give up the throne to hunger. When we feel love for someone, it often overthrows common sense and begins to control our actions. When we solve a certain complex problem – we put our intellect on the throne. When we are in danger, fear can arrange a coup d'etat. When we really want to sleep, we cede the right to command ourselves to this desire. Etc.
When we often give up our throne to a particular emotion over the course of our lives, it gradually becomes a habit, forming what are called “character traits.” For example, a person constantly lets the feeling of envy control him. It's getting harder and harder for him to take the throne from her over the years, even when she's doing him outright harm. Others sooner or later begin to perceive him as envious by nature.
And now we can explain what Evil is.
As long as we have love, reason, intuition, a sense of beauty and proportion on our throne, our internal hierarchy is built correctly and fairly. We act sensibly, usefully, and effectively for ourselves and others. All our weaknesses at this moment are completely harmless, because they do not control anything.
But if any of them: laziness, stupidity, anger, fear, ignorance, meanness, envy, hatred or pride once seize power-all the resources of our personality, including all its virtues and skills, are immediately at its disposal! Let's say greed has taken over the throne. And the smarter, more cunning, and more charming a person is, the smarter, more cunning, and more charming their greed becomes-with all the ensuing consequences! Tron has moved on to laziness – and the smarter he is, the more successful his laziness is at coming up with excuses for not doing anything. Tron has moved on to fear – and the smarter a person is, the more successful they are at “finding” non-existent threats around them, as well as rational reasons to convince themselves that everyone is conspiring against them. Thousands of further examples can be given, and I assure you that in each of them the influence of weakness will always be destructive and corrupting!
So Evil is born in our hearts. Once committed, it can develop, be transmitted from one person to another, take on new forms and take on huge dimensions.
And yes, this scheme, of course, works not only within the individual, but also on the scale of human societies. The more intelligent, strong, and talented people manage a group, organization, or state, the more successful this structure is, the more harmonious and beneficent it is both within itself and for everyone around it. And if unworthy people are in power in society, giving free rein to their weaknesses and destructive emotions, then having the strength, intelligence, and any possible resources at their disposal will only enable them to bring Evil into the world more effectively.
So, Strength is Good, Weakness is Evil.
Evil appears in this world only when Strength is subordinated to Weakness.
The power of Evil is always the greater, the stronger the Good that is under its control. Evil, by its very nature, simply does not have any other power and cannot exist.
Evil is a perverse act of the will of God's creatures that violates and opposes the Divine will and leads to falling away from God.
Evil entered the world because of the fall of sin, which occurred in the spirit world, when God's Angel decided to fall away from God and received the status of Satan ( opponent). After himself, he seduced some of the angels into evil, apparently promising them “freedom” from God's” tyranny ” and domination instead of submission to the Creator. Then, with the same temptation, he also led man away: they say you will be like gods ( God himself), God, they say, holds you “for fools” and hides freedom and knowledge from you. Since then, evil has mixed with humanity and become its nature-although at all times there were people who returned from evil to good, to God and obedience to Him, and so the line of the righteous continued, bringing light and Truth to the world, a revelation about the world and its original “corruption”. It was from this lineage that the perfect Lord, Christ, came, born of the Virgin and the Holy Spirit, and thus escaped this world corruption. It was He who became the Savior of the world and the correction of “evil-twisted” humanity.
The short answer is that evil is what leads society to ruin.
more broadly, ” good and evil “is the attitude of a Person (as an individual/society system) to”death”.
To date, only a Human Being has been able to understand the very existence of “death”. for animals, this problem is not present (here I will refer to Spengler)
“death” can only be understood by using language as a system of abstractions (the time system), and animals exist only in the present. Their social systems are regulated not by themselves, but by nature from outside (selection), and the” languages ” of animals are just systems of signals that exist only in the present (this is also what Spengler said that animals understand only the present).�
It can be justified by the fact that animals do not conduct purposeful activities – they simply have nothing to set a goal with (no language), because there is no problem (awareness of death).