3 Answers

  1. Since Plato did not value the happiness of each individual citizen of the polis and considered stability a blessing, we can say that his ideas would have been extremely pleasing to our rulers.

    On the other hand, Plato believed that a thing is all the more valuable the closer it is to its ideal prototype from the world of ideas and the more it gives good-as-such. In this sense, Plato would hardly have approved both the name of the system (since it mixes the sacred world of ideas and the profane world of the instrumental tax), and not the implementation, since it is far from the ideal concept of “go – pay”, implemented poorly and with errors in the code.

    And, of course, most of all Plato would not like that now the first page in the Google search results is not a page about him in Wikipedia.

  2. Plato is my friend, but Karl Popper is dearer. So, if Plato were the ruler of Russia now, and if he had the same resources and powers as Vladimir Putin now, he would not consider the protests a problem, and would physically suppress the resistance.

  3. I have been reading “The State” for a long time and I risk making a mistake here, but I hope that they will correct me (and not immediately mention it).

    In an ideal Platonic state, everyone goes about their own business under which they are “imprisoned”. Based on this postulate, the most worthy of the worthy – philosophers-rule and establish laws. But for them, as for all other residents, the good of the state comes first.

    So, for starters, Plato would not have liked the way things work here at all.) He quite clearly defined the types of state and compiled his top poorly functioning systems. By the way, democracy is not far removed from tyranny due to its insolvency.

    Perhaps he would not consider the truckers ' demands fair, because in his scheme the state is the highest priority. And if the state needs toll roads, then they are necessary, and residents should tighten their belts.

    On the other hand, according to Plato, the state must be wise and just. But even if he noticed the injustice in his actions, truckers for him, most likely, would be a side problem, an indicator, and he would suggest starting with the reform of the government itself according to his idea.

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