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Choose what works, and as we can see in the most developed countries on Earth, not just one thing works, but a competent “mix” of right-wing and left-wing ideas. In addition, we should not forget that there is usually another coordinate axis – authoritarianism/anti-authoritarianism, which further expands the list of possibilities, but, again, even within this axis there are many options, contradictions, and so on… In short, modern politics is far removed from duality. It is better to define specific ideas, rather than some broad concepts.
The simplest option:
The left is all sorts of communists, socialists, anarchists, various socialists and others like them. Universal equality, improvement of living conditions for the least privileged strata of society, in some cases even state intervention in the economy and the abolition of private property (as in the USSR, for example).
The right – wingers, on the contrary, tend to advocate social inequality (in a good way) and adhere to the principles of capitalism. That is, you arrange your own life, and the state will not interfere with you. If you want to become rich, you can become rich, but under socialism, unfortunately, you will not be able to do this.
But don't forget about the ultra-right, ultra-left and centrists. The ultra-right and ultra-left are all sorts of radicals like the communists of Stalin and the Nazis of Hitler. Centrists, in turn, are neither fish nor meat (again, in a good way), they just try to find a compromise on any issues.�
In any case, there are many political trends that combine principles from both sides, so the classic “left-right” model in the modern world, in my opinion, no longer works.
Why put up these labels? In fact, the left and the right are one and the same in many matters. In general, the love of oversimplification is not a good thing.
In my opinion, modern political theories are quite multidimensional. There is, for example, the axis of authoritarianism/statism. According to it, anarcho-communists and anarcho-capitalists in one part, and communists of the USSR and fascists of Mussolini on the other side. And if we look at the economic model, suddenly anarchists are much closer to communists than they are to anarcho-capitalists. There are also all sorts of axes like attitudes to the environment or to technological progress. Why simplify everything and call it “left” and “right”, if often the views of opposite people in this gradation coincide?
The current political spectrum is divided not into left and right, but into progressives and populists. In each group, as usual, there are shades of positions.�
In the most general form:
Progressives-for inclusive international cooperation, economic and political integration, globalism, free trade, a global liberal order, and political correctness.
Populists are in favor of national sovereignty, isolation, protectionism, and confrontation in domestic and foreign policy.�
Today, it is not the socialists / communists who oppose the capitalists. It is clearly seen that the political “watershed” now runs across traditional political parties and forces until recently.