10 Answers

  1. Well, the main difference is that Marxism is a doctrine, while communism and socialism are stages of the communist formation within this doctrine. Of course, there are many other definitions of socialism and communism, but since Marxism is concerned here, I will use only these.

    Socialism, if we take only Marxism (not Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism, etc.) and do not touch the same anarchism – this is the first stage of communism, the formation features of which are determined by public ownership of the means of production, corresponding to highly developed social productive forces. Marx gave a rough definition of this concept in his Critique of the Gotha Program(I recommend reading it for a complete understanding).:

    “We are not dealing with a communist society that has developed on its own basis, but with one that is just emerging from capitalist society, and which, therefore, in all respects, economically, morally, and intellectually, still retains the birthmarks of the old society from the depths of which it emerged.”

    That is, the remnants of capitalist society are still preserved in the minds and everyday life of people, just as in all previous societies, the remnants of even more ancient societies in the form of customs and traditions were preserved. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that before this stage there is also a transition between capitalism and it (the dictatorship of the proletariat), but this was not asked in the question, so we will continue. Private property is abolished. In its place comes a public one. Labor is also still a necessity, and the distribution is based on the principle of “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” At the same stage, the state dies out (since there are no classes, and therefore there is no suppression of one class by another) and is replaced by self-government.

    As I said above, at the moment the term “socialism”is used everywhere and has different meanings among people of different views: especially stubborn market fundamentalists call socialism any state intervention in the economy, social democrats cite the example of the Scandinavian countries, Stalinists-the USSR, anarchists-Aragon and Catalonia during the Spanish Revolution of 1936-39.. Was there socialism in the USSR? This question is a holivar, which requires a separate question and which is hardly worth raising here, because it touches on a whole range of big theories from the deformed workers ' state, state capitalism to real socialism.

    Communism in the narrow sense is the highest stage of the communist formation, which is also sometimes called full communism. Marx did not leave any detailed description of the functioning of communist society, which is expected, because he believed that any attempt to describe it smacks of utopianism (vivid examples: Plato's The State, Mora's Utopia, Cabet's Journey to Icaria, and Morris's News from Nowhere), which was studied by utopian socialists (Fourier, Owen, and Saint-Simon). He limited himself to the following words in the same Critique of the Gotha Program: “At the highest stage of communist society, after the subjugation of man to the division of labor that enslaves him disappears; when the opposite of mental and physical labor disappears; when labor ceases to be only a means of living, but becomes itself the first need of life; when, together with the all-round development of individuals, the productive forces grow and all the sources of social wealth flow in full, only then will it be possible to completely overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeois law, and society will be able to write on its banner: Each according to his abilities, each according to his needs!”

    The answer may have turned out to be crumpled, but I do not pretend to be an absolutely accurate and strict description, and I advise you to read the “Criticism of the Gotha Program”, where all this is written thoroughly. To get acquainted with the main ideas of Marxism, you should read “Anti-Duhring” and the first chapter of “German Ideology” (if time permits), or at least “The development of socialism from utopia to science” by Engels, where in three small chapters the history of the formation of socialist thought is described (I chapter: utopian socialism, II chapter: dialectics, III chapter: historical materialism).

  2. To pay for any of the goods ,as you know, you need money .The money cycle provides a partial return of the money spent by a person when buying goods . Utopia is impossible without a one hundred percent refund for the purchase of goods .

    In this case, one hundred percent Marxism is acceptable, in which, as in the old Marxism, the entire distribution of goods is controlled by the state, if it is impossible to sell goods to ordinary citizens who use fraud .

    Under the old Marxism, there is also a price increase and when inflating, the proceeds are sent to the state budget .

    I would propose to introduce a complete ban on cheating by establishing a law prohibiting price gouging ,in which all goods can cost only as much as it is spent on their production at the same time …

    It will be the same thing that we have seen in the past Marxism – a default .

    Under the old Marxism ,there was a shortage of goods on the shelves; under the new Marxism, there is a shortage of wages .


    In both cases, a person sets out to produce more goods if he can produce them .That is, it creates a system in which both money and goods are produced in greater quantities if they can be produced . That is, under socialism 1-the money earned from the sale of goods goes to the state budget which spends this money that was received from the cheat and since the cheat was in the state system, this is reflected in citizens in the form of a commodity defecit as in the case of Marxism 2 (my ) the state does not receive a source of money to pay salaries to citizens, and along with prices, salaries decrease .

    Consequently socialism is clearly different from communism because sociolism is a rationalizing redistribution of money in society and because of the redistribution there are individual gaps when some people get a little more than under capitalism and others therefore get less in the form of default .This regime cannot be called a utopia because it is just like capitalism capitalism that has only a small rationalization prohibiting some citizens from using more goods and others from using less .While under communism the monetary system completely disappears which does not allow a default to occur due to the fact that all goods immediately go to the people and there is absolutely no one to stop this flow by taking goods to the landfill or lower the rate for receipt as in socialism 2 .

    Because there is a law that it is impossible to get money from nowhere under socialism but it is possible to produce more goods under communism .

  3. To pay for any of the goods ,as you know, you need money .The money cycle provides a partial return of the money spent by a person when buying goods . Utopia is impossible without a one hundred percent refund for the purchase of goods .

    In this case, one hundred percent Marxism is acceptable, in which, as in the old Marxism, the entire distribution of goods is controlled by the state, if it is impossible to sell goods to ordinary citizens who use fraud .

    Under the old Marxism, there is also a price increase and when inflating, the proceeds are sent to the state budget .

    I would propose to introduce a complete ban on cheating by establishing a law prohibiting price gouging ,in which all goods can cost only as much as it is spent on their production at the same time …

    It will be the same thing that we have seen in the past Marxism – a default .

    Under the old Marxism ,there was a shortage of goods on the shelves; under the new Marxism, there is a shortage of wages .


    In both cases, a person sets out to produce more goods if he can produce them .That is, it creates a system in which both money and goods are produced in greater quantities if they can be produced . That is, under socialism 1-the money earned from the sale of goods goes to the state budget which spends this money that was received from the cheat and since the cheat was in the state system, this is reflected in citizens in the form of a commodity defecit as in the case of Marxism 2 (my ) the state does not receive a source of money to pay salaries to citizens, and along with prices, salaries decrease .

    Consequently socialism is clearly different from communism because sociolism is a rationalizing redistribution of money in society and because of the redistribution there are individual gaps when some people get a little more than under capitalism and others therefore get less in the form of default .This regime cannot be called a utopia because it is just like capitalism capitalism that has only a small rationalization prohibiting some citizens from using more goods and others from using less .While under communism the monetary system completely disappears which does not allow a default to occur due to the fact that all goods immediately go to the people and there is absolutely no one to stop this flow by taking goods to the landfill or lower the rate for receipt as in socialism 2 .

    Because there is a law that it is impossible to get money from nowhere under socialism but it is possible to produce more goods under communism .

  4. PEACE BE WITH YOU. It is no different: the most important thing , the most cunning thing, is when a handful of very smart and advanced people impose SLAVERY with every beautiful philosophy – another one. And a lot of fools support this – they end up in a tunnel with no way out. But again, the next handful (of wise ones) finds a way out of this hole.

  5. Marxism is a doctrine. At the same time, it is a religion, because it is based on a blind faith in the equality of people. Socialism is also a doctrine and a religion, because it is based on the same error. But specifically in Marxism, socialism and communism are the stages of development of society after the seizure of power by adherents of this religion. См. https://sotsializm-marksizm.blogspot.lt/

  6. Under communism, there is no property other than personal property, and under socialism, some types of property are preserved. In addition, under communism and socialism, the level of consumption is different, respectively, and the principle of distribution is different. Under socialism – according to labor, under communism – according to needs. Under socialism, there is money circulation; under communism, money is not needed.

  7. It's very simple.�

    The formula of socialism-from each according to his needs, to each according to his work.

    The formula of communism-from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.�

    The fundamental difference is not in the change of external conditions, but in the person himself, his psychology, mentality, attitude to life. It is assumed that under socialism, a person is given all the opportunities to develop his abilities, and by developing them as much as possible for the benefit of society, he brings maximum benefit to society and receives appropriate remuneration.�

    Under communism, things are even more interesting. Everyone is supposed to have access to all the benefits. He can have whatever he wants. Whatever he likes. And he works not because of the remuneration, but because he feels his responsibility to society, and because he is interested in the work itself, it is interesting to do something necessary and useful. He works not for fear, not for remuneration – but on his conscience, out of a sense of duty.�

    The world of communism and the change in human psychology are well described in the Strugatsky books about the “World of Noon”. And in “It's hard to be a God” the main question is raised very harshly-what to do with people so that they become different out of envy, greed, filth and greed, become the same honest, kind people of the victorious communism? How, how to achieve this?�

    Read it – it opens your eyes to a lot of things.

  8. It depends on what you mean by socialism. Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and the DPRK can be called a socialist state. социалист Also called socialist projects of the structure of society, invented by utopians of the past.

    Given this comparison, we are most likely talking about Marxism. In Marxism, socialism refers to the lowest stage of the development of communism, while such a self-sufficient stage as “socialism” does not exist.�

    And they differ in the strength of state violence against a person. Socialism is a post-revolutionary society that still retains the habits and shortcomings of the previous society.�

    Socialism is characterized by the existence of money and the principle of “who does not work, does not eat”, the punishment of shirkers from work, while the socialist state differs from the capitalist one in that it does not have an army, and there is no caste of bureaucrats. Officials under socialism are elected at all levels, who are recalled at the first request of voters and whose salary depends on the average salary of a worker. In addition, the armed people carry out revolutionary violence against the exploiters.�

    This is the “dictatorship of the proletariat” – the dictatorship of the majority over the minority, which is opposed to the “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie” – the dictatorship of the minority over the majority.

    As Lenin wrote in The State and Revolution, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, there is no need for such state institutions as the army and bureaucracy, since the majority does not need to resort to them for violence against the minority.

    At the highest stage of communism, the state does not exist, since there is no control over people – the need for it simply disappears. Instead of officials as a special position, each person is an official and keeps records for himself, while the principle “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”is implemented.

    For people brought up under socialism, working as hard as possible is a moral duty. Collectivism (in the good sense of the word) becomes a part of human individuality.

  9. The utopian nature of their ideas, but as we saw in the example of the USSR.

    Socialism is the first phase of communism. General – based on public ownership of the means of production. Differences: in the degree of socialization: under socialism, the socialization of the means of production is not complete; under communism, it is complete. In production: under socialism, manual labor is used; under communism, it is completely replaced by machine labor. In the distribution: socialism-from each according to ability – to each according to work, communism – from each according to ability – to each according to needs. Exchange: under socialism, there are commodity-money relations; under communism, the principle of direct, non-monetary distribution applies. Consumption: under socialism, the full satisfaction of basic needs is ensured, under communism, the full satisfaction of all reasonable needs is ensured.

    The principle of communism : “The free development of everyone is a condition of free development.”

    All the same, under communism, I will see that someone gets more, someone gets less. The system won't be able to track everyone. And then communism is over. And Marxism is even more utopian than communism. Utopia is good in dreams. But in reality, Utopia is not possible!

  10. Anton, this question is extremely interesting, but by now it has a fairly accurate answer. Socialism is a social system, the main idea of which was universal equality, social justice and enhanced development of industry(in short). But communism is the highest stage of development of society, which the countries in which socialism flourished tried to achieve. Roughly speaking, socialism is a fairly real social system, which can now be found in countries such as Cuba. But you will not find communism anywhere, as it is considered a utopian form of development and none of the countries managed to achieve it, although some scientists believe that Sweden is a prime example of communism, but in fact this is very controversial:)

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