51 Answers

  1. When you go outside during the day, are you 100% sure that it's daytime? After all, it can be that you are sleeping and in fact it is night and you only dream that it is day outside? But even if you admit that you are dreaming, you do not take out a lantern and start shining it around – because even if it is night in reality, in the dream it is day and everything is clearly visible, because the sun is shining. That's why I believe in atheism.

  2. Because this is an axiom that is accepted on faith at personal will and no longer disputed. If a person is reasonable, then he understands this, if not, he will prove that this position is based on objective objectivity, and not just his personal choice.

  3. Conventionally, atheists can be divided into 2 groups: those who believe in the absence of God, and this is not much different from religion, and those who consider religious theories to be scientific. The first ones are sure, maybe 100%. The latter may have doubts, but there is no reason to accept the theory of the existence of God: there is no evidence, no phenomena that this theory would explain better than others. So the theory is redundant.

  4. Everything is very simple: what is not in the experience, in the experiment, that is not in life…. Until it provides material for a different approach. Thousands of people have seen UFOs, a sea serpent, a snowman, the Loch Ness monster, met with Satan, talked with the Mother of God, and still marvel at the phenomenon of the holy Fire and “not made with hands” icons. And so on without end. Do you want me to believe all this? Do you want proof of NONEXISTENCE to be found? Don't stop people from doing useful things. Do you believe it? It's a pity, but it's none of our business.

  5. Confidence does not come from the concept of atheism, but from existential attitudes. An atheist sees no reason to use beliefs in the supernatural and gods in his picture of the world – that's all.

  6. That's not quite the right way to put the question. 🙂 It is a believer, a religious person who needs one hundred percent confidence that God exists in order to be considered a true believer.

    And to become an atheist, you just need to doubt it. If you doubt the 50-50 ratio, you are agnostic (also a subtype of godless, according to some). If your disbelief is already more than 50% – confidently consider yourself an atheist. One hundred percent confidence is not required here, just do not go beyond a critical view of any statement.

  7. And how can believers be 100% sure? Both are wrong. But, for that matter, atheism is closer to an increased probability, if only because everything or much depends on it. And believers contradict themselves at every step, for example, in the fact that God is in everyone, so create, and do not be a slave.

  8. Yes, how can you not want to understand what each person chooses because it is easier for him , his psyche lives, he does not bother: true or not and how many percent he thinks so. Why – a long discussion conversation. In short : because he wants to.

    Well if you are not satisfied with this answer I will say for an atheist


    1) the atheist doubts is this really true ? he believes only in facts that can be verified and argues that the absence of evidence for the existence of God,the afterlife is a direct proof that all this does not exist in nature, Otherwise it is impossible to prove what does not exist. And believers do not doubt and believe what is written, what is said ( logic, reasoning, statements of authoritative people, etc.)

    2) too many contradictions that defy logic (nonsense) in religious literature, and the believer explains it with the incomprehensible logic of God ( he has his own logic, God cannot be comprehended) the atheist does not understand how to comprehend him if he is incomprehensible in principle ?

    3) nowhere and in no way does an atheist see God and his divine providences no matter how much you pray , but believers see something there that God or a teaching has been revealed to them, etc.

    4) an atheist, as it seems to me, does not bother and is never the first to ask questions to believers, “agitating them for Soviet power” I have not seen or heard that an atheist came to church or where believers gather there and engaged in propaganda of atheism. An atheist begins to argue when they are asked a question, then they answer it themselves, and after 5 minutes they explain why they answered it incorrectly. In Russian: there is an indoctrination, an attempt to turn the worldview into your own circle and show what poor atheists who have not grasped the truth are,and the believer is “higher” ( he has learned the truth!). You call it pride.

    You have expressed an opinion and it is enough,it is useless and harmful to argue or object.

  9. More questions from believers… Something here in the topic” Atheism ” believers write a lot ? With the aim of either provoking doubts, or practicing arguments ? Oh, well . Practice. If we understand the absence of God, it is true for atheists. Basic: the lack of evidence for the existence of God ( facts, not writings, stories, etc.chatter) is a direct proof that he does not exist.Otherwise, what is not in nature can not be proved. No one can show you any other way .

    Many contradictions, which are not able to explain the lies in God's”wishlist”:

    • god is all-seeing, he knows everything about the future, but he sends his son to torment and death, knowing perfectly well that in 2000 years humanity will not change at all , all the same sins as they were and remained,sends us “trials” in the form of catastrophes, disasters,epidemics, etc., knowing perfectly well the result of all these “trials”. Why all this earthly fuss, which you need to skip and immediately shove humanity into hell ( original sin and the presence of sins created by their behavior in earthly life prevent you from entering paradise)? And God gives you the opportunity to purify yourself in your earthly life;

    • god is all-powerful, but he is not able to save people from torment and suffering because he is all-loving ( I like to observe, study the limits of the fall of human souls) or does not want to, if he does not want to, then he is not all-loving

    • god, who is all-loving, therefore allows the birth of children, then does not have time to sin because of the age of children for the sins of their parents ( ?!) takes away their health, life ( after all, the son is not responsible for the father) so that the parents suffer, suffer, come to their senses, but he takes away the lives of adults so that they come to their senses, and that's right : the dead can just correct themselves and come to their senses better than the living

    • god forgives everyone, even murderers, you only need to sincerely repent, the limit and quality of repentance was shown by the robber Dismas, whom Jesus took with him to paradise, why then pray, live according to the Gospel, if it is enough to repent ? And it is necessary for the fact that no one knows the limit and “quality” of remorse, if you didn't get what you wanted, then you didn't repent so much ( and you can't check it in any way)

    • god does not go against the will of a person, but God does not take into account his will at birth and/or death, and whether this person wants eternal life at all, those who want the final death (died-so died and no problems) will still end up in heaven or hell, well, that's right : when it comes to the last judgment, it's not up to;

    • the church explains many ambiguities “it is God's will, he has his own logic and we cannot comprehend it like God himself” (and God's “wishlist” – be healthy! – see written above), then why do we need this God with his commandments, which are simply impossible to live by without breaking? And then to try to fulfill them and understand God, but not to understand him.

    Etc. – mass ! These are the main ones, so to speak on the surface, which are visible even to a person who is far from the content of any religious theory and literature

  10. What's the point?

    An atheist believes what he believes.

    If desired, he will find evidence of his rightness, BUT!!!

    But he doesn't need that proof himself!

    They become necessary when a person comes and asks questions to this atheist.

    However, in my opinion, the most logical action would be to indicate the direction of movement to the person asking such questions.

    Preferably to infinity 🙂

    For example, I don't care what Sidorkin or Petrushkin believes or doesn't believe. What do I care?

    They are my friends and that is all I need to know about them, the rest is ” by their deeds you will know them.”

  11. Atheism is a scientific and materialistic worldview, a rejection of faith as an uncritical way of accepting information. This methodology of understanding the world is certainly TRUE. That is, this is a real worldview.

    Perhaps the author wanted to ask the question differently, that the truth is not atheism itself, but the refusal of atheists to believe in gods, mermaids, brownies, UFOs, harm to GMOs, wave genetics… And so on?

  12. The beauty of it is that atheists don't need to be 100% sure.

    Moreover, any judgment about God from the position of an atheist is erroneous, both among believers and non-believers.

    It's just that the description of the world from the position of godlessness is constantly being corrected, and this is normal. No one is born with a set of knowledge built into their head. People receive them gradually.

  13. Atheism in the broadest sense is a lack of faith in a higher power. It doesn't state anything, so there is nothing in it that can be true or false.

    Atheism in the narrow sense is a belief in the absence of higher powers. But even here, a belief doesn't have to be absolutely certain. It's not really about the degree of confidence. I'll explain with an example. Now I write this answer sitting quietly in my apartment, and a meteorite may fly to Earth, which in half an hour will fall on my house and kill everyone who will be in it. More precisely, while it is flying, it is still an asteroid, it will become a meteorite after the fall, but since I am not interested in it until the fall, I will call it a meteorite 🙂 I can't be 100% sure that there is no such meteorite. Nevertheless, I do not run to save my life and property, but calmly continue to write the answer. And it's not just that the probability is very small. The bottom line is that the probability is, figuratively speaking, lower than the background fluctuations. First of all, a meteorite may fall not on my house, but where I will run to save myself. Second, and more importantly, there are many other risks to my life, and many of them will increase from my attempts to escape by an amount greater than the risk that comes from a meteorite. If you understand my logic in this example, you should also understand why I don't care about the possibility of higher powers.

  14. There is no doubt that the Bible is an ancient fairy tale. The Bible has all the characteristics of this literary genre: God (wizard), magic wand (Word of God), supernatural entities ( angels, demons), animals talk, dead people come to life, miracles of transformation, events that contradict physical laws, etc. etc. So I dare to say that atheism is 100% right.

  15. And how can physicists be 100% sure that the law of conservation of energy is observed? Yes, it's just that there have never been any cases of its violation!
    So there was no proof of the existence of God, and there is no proof of the existence of God.

  16. It's simple. All they have to do is look out the window, into the real world. Atheism is neither a religion nor a belief. Atheists do not believe that there is no God, they simply do not see him, do not hear him, do not feel him. No signs of it, nothing. Outside of the Bible, God does not appear or speak to people.

    It is enough for an atheist that there is no evidence for the existence of God and that he does not manifest himself in any way in our physical world.

    It's like a glass jar sitting on a table. Someone believes that there is a mysterious matter inside, wonderful and amazing. And someone comes up, shakes the jar, opens it, puts his hand in, turns it upside down and says-it's empty. And until one of his senses senses that there is something there, it will be obviously empty for him. Just empty glassware.

  17. Experience.

    Anyone who claims to be a believer can move a mountain according to the New Testament. But let's leave the mountains alone. Try asking a believer to pray and have bread appear in front of you on an empty table. Alas, this will be a disastrous experience. Similarly, if you follow the recommendations of priests, the result of the desired result will also not be. And by asking the question ” Why?” a person will receive approximately the following answers: “You are very sinful, this is the will of God, you did something wrong or did not do it properly.” But, going back to the New Testament, there are also words that no matter what you ask, you will receive. Alas, no matter how much a person prays, he will never get anything. Try, for the purity of the experiment, it is necessary to pray locked in a room and that the requested appeared without your physical participation and any contact with people. Just you and God. Once again, this experiment is doomed to fail.

    There is an experience that shows that there is no God and this is just the idea of a separate circle of people who do not believe in God themselves.

    If there were something like God, then everyone could get everything they need through prayer, and the world would not be so cruel.

    Also, you can note that the history of both Judaism and Christianity, which is an outgrowth of Judaism, do not exist for so long. Religion as such has also evolved. At first, they worshipped fire, water, and stones. Then these substances began to be shaped, then the forms began to fill with meaning and these forms were transformed. In fact, the modern Christian worships the same fire, water and stones as primitive man. As for the number of saints and high governance, this is just a transformed pantheon of gods of extinct religions.

    In addition, I have a personal experience, yes, once I was a Christian and had the experience of independent prayer and prayed over me, but not a single prayer was heard, and all the changes in my life occurred solely through my efforts. In addition, I have not understood the idea of God since I was a child. This idea did not fit in my head, and subsequent attempts to prove to myself that God exists led to the starting point that god is just an idea, a fiction of one person who was able to convince several people, and they simply passed it on as a tradition.

  18. The same question can be asked of believers. They have never seen God, never met him, but they are sure that they are right. Relying on SUPPOSEDLY authoritative sources. But they don't know how true they are. Everything is taken purely on faith.

  19. I once wrote this aphorism:

    “When it seems to you that you know everything to the end,

    Banish this thought quickly, it is worthy only of a fool.”

    So only fools are completely sure of their views. There are such people among both believers and atheists.

  20. Let's first understand what is meant by atheism at this stage of development.

    Many people are used to hearing that atheism is understood as the statement that God does not exist. Today, this is somewhat non-correct, because atheism denies completely different things.


    The world's religions present us with God as the creator of the universe – of all existence. But if God created the universe, then there is no way he can be a part of it – he cannot even theoretically be in our existence.

    That is, God is the supreme being, which, if it exists, is beyond the boundaries of our existence.

    To know such an entity, as well as to prove or refute the fact of its existence, no one is able to objectively-we cannot look beyond our being.

    The existence or absence of a Creator God is based solely on faith: believe it or not. There can be no talk about any characteristics of God, his teachings or instructions at all, because what is beyond the boundaries of being cannot be realized and understood by a person, because in our world this simply does not exist.

    And let's consider another matter – religions. They don't just claim that there is a God. and not only is it there, but it exists precisely in our being. They present this fact as a priori proven axiom , and build their own theoretical system based on it.

    So, this is exactly the system that Atezim denies.

    By definition, there can be no God in our universe, because he is the creator of this very universe. So none of the world and other religions can have anything in common with God, because it is impossible to know him.

    So, we get that atheism does not deny the very fact of the existence of God, but completely denies everything that other religions present.

    And, interestingly, religion very cleverly replaces two different concepts, exploiting a person's sense of faith. We are told that if you deny our dogmas, you are denying the existence of God, which has nothing to do with it at all.

    An atheist does not believe a single word of any of the religions, because I cannot have the divine origin of these words, and therefore they require confirmation of their correctness, which no religion can give.

    And then on what basis should a person unconditionally accept on faith the words of exactly the same other person? An atheist does not take these words on faith, because they exist in our reality, which means they must be proved, and what is not supported by evidence must be recognized as false.

    Now, this is exactly what the atheist denies – the entire theoretical basis of all known religions. And the presence or absence of God in this case does not matter.

  21. as a child, maybe they believed in miracles and magic…but over time, they grew up and realized that there were no goblins and brownies, that my father was dressing up as Santa Claus, and so on…but many were apparently so impressed about babaika that they still believe in mysticism

  22. No way. They”truly believe” in it.

    Because if you look around while sitting in a room, everything around you will be 99.9% created by someone. Except for the darkness of the night.

    And the computer, and the table, and the apple on the table. That is, it implies in its root cause a certain Creator-an apple tree or a person. Based on these facts (exactly the facts!) and the belief in God is based on believers, and for most ordinary people-an unconscious, inner belief in something Higher.

    Atheists have no facts.

    There is the uncertainty principle. Here in Brazil, a country where “many wild monkeys” are known, there is a certain Don Pedro. You'll never see it again. So is it really there, or if you don't see it, isn't it? For you, it seems-and no. And for him-very much-there is.

    So it is with God:if an atheist “doesn't see” it, he believes that it doesn't exist. Or maybe it's just that God is on the other side of the galaxy and hiding behind a star from an atheist? In the end, if you close your eyes, then there is “nothing” at all, except darkness…

    I mean, the belief in the Creator has much more foundation than the unconfirmed belief in his absence-the so-called atheism.

  23. Atheism is like a religion, it has an invisible God, – (Evolution), prophets, – (Darwin) scriptures, – (textbooks on the theory of evolution) relics,- (remains of bones), churches – (educational institutions, schools institutes) priests, – (teachers) parishioners – (adherents of the theory of evolution) and donations – (funding ).

  24. I have been researching the nature of faith and have come to certain conclusions.

    I will not go into the subtleties, just explain specific points:

    Atheism is the same faith as faith in God.

    Faith also comes in two extremes, subjective and objective.

    Objectivists areAtheists andBelievers.

    Subjectivists areIdealists andMaterialists.

    Agnosticism is not a belief, but a skeptical attitude to information, so an agnostic can be either a believer, an atheist, or even a Satanist.

    Superstition is a type of faith, but it works separately from the main one. Thanks to this feature, there can be funny varieties, like a superstitious atheist and even a rational believer.

    Additionally I will write interesting facts or something:

    1. Faith does not correlate with the level of intelligence. Many famous scientists were believers, such as Newton.

    2. An atheist will never become a believer. The opposite is also true. They can lie to others and even to themselves, but the transition is meaningless, as it contradicts the inner self-perception of a person.

    If an atheist reported that he believed in God, then either he was an idealist, or he was well paid.

    1. Einstein was a believer. His God doesn't play dice.

    2. The nature of disputes about faith is the same as that of disputes about tastes. And they don't argue about tastes.

    3. Most proofs of the existence of God are ridiculous, meaningless, contradict themselves, and even prove the opposite.:

    God wrote the Bible, so God exists. And Zeus, too. And Perun. And Allah.

    Proofs of Thomas Aquinas. It's a pity, because Foma is really a smart guy. In addition to the fact that no evidence indicates that there is a God, there are also five different interpretations of the same thing. In short, if there is a beginning of everything, then who became the beginning of God?

    Jesus christ. A real historical figure. Everything else is made up. You won't be able to check it anyway. Suck the amethysts! No, well, seriously, if even in our time they believe in the existence of psychics, then it was generally a furor.

    The claims of atheists are often quite justified, but even they are limited in their conclusions.

    Well-known propagandist of atheismRichard Dawkins made many arguments for the non-existence of God. You can't argue against them, but even he can't answer the prevalence of faith among scientists. That way, they won't be able to answer why something that makes sense is meaningless.

    Anyone who claims that science can know God is also wrong. Never can. It is possible to know the nature of God, but it is impossible to know God himself.

    Among all the proofs of God's existence, I found only one convincing one. And succeeded in doing soRene Descartes. His famous phrase “I think, therefore I exist” is for me the most convincing proof of the existence of God. Because the corollary of this phrase means that ” everything I think about exists.” Unicorns, of course, do not exist, but there are horses and narwhals.

    The existence of God is obvious. Its nature is probably only apparent to one person on the entire planet, me.

    And by the way, I'm an atheist.

  25. Getting rid of illusions is a difficult job, largely associated with growing up. After all, if the child does not talk about faith, he will not believe. The child forms his worldview mainly from what adults inspire him. And then he gets his own experience, his own view, but it is difficult to part with childish illusions. This requires motivation and resources, both mental and emotional. It's as hard as admitting one day that the people you idolized and considered authority figures are just ordinary and stupid people. But if you manage to reach the end of it, stop believing in fairy tales – then this holiday will always be with you. 100% atheism is a reward for hard work, not a heavy burden.

  26. First you need to answer what is or who is God.In addition to generally accepted concepts, there may be others.For an astrophysicist, for example, God can be the Higgs boson,for a geneticist the b-52 protein.To paraphrase Stephen Hawking, for the creation of the universe, God is not needed,but the laws of nature are enough:chemistry,physics, and so on.In relation to the emergence of life, we can say the same thing: For life to arise, God is not needed,the laws of nature are enough

  27. The question of God is a matter of faith, not rational proof. You can either believe in the existence of such an object or not. Therefore, both atheism and all forms of theism cannot be justified in principle. Some believe that God (or gods) exist, while others believe that they do not exist. And no more than that. Atheism and religion are two opposite poles of the phenomenon of human faith.

  28. And how can believers be 100% sure that there is a God? Most of them didn't even read the Bible. Just a blind thoughtless belief, which is often imposed by the environment? How can you be sure that somewhere on the dark side of the moon a cancer isn't copulating with a horse, parallel to the fistula?

    Score in some search engine or video hosting the concept of “Russell's Teapot”.

  29. Atheism is a scientific and materialistic worldview. The question itself is ignorant-how can a scientific – materialist worldview be considered true or false?

  30. When they find the absolute Truth in themselves. All other truths, including the truth of the existence or non-existence of an external god-personality, aliens, afterlife, the truth of the matrix of the world, the structure of the universe, the origin of life, the truth of history, and so on. they fade into the background, become unimportant, although they continue to interest, be the conditions of the Quest-life.

  31. In no way , in principle, as well as believers in God. But if we look far into the future, it is possible to clarify both the creation of man ( in full) and the meaning of our existence ( although our world is most likely just a sandbox ).

  32. I think that if they can prove to themselves and justify the origin of consciousness, then nothing can move their throne. But since they can't do it , they always have a chance to change and come to the source of this mystery. Atheism is also true, but not completely, not developed, and only human, where they actually have God in a childish state of conscience that has not developed into faith.

  33. And you teach science, we know many orders of magnitude more about the World than you think, and about the soul and the mind and the gods and the mass of things..
    But both the mind and soul to understand this must be created accordingly, atheists create and use themselves and do not give anyone away, and without this you want to understand something at least, but it will not work out in any way.
    Religiosity is a disease, denying yourself responsibility to yourself for the World, you cease to own yourself, you decompose.
    And you need an intermediary between your parts of the personality, and you give these parts to him, destroying both your mind and soul, killing them.
    What do you expect from the rest of this?
    How do I understand what?

    Here's the answer.

  34. The truth of a theory can only be confirmed by checking and rechecking it in practice. The existence of God or any other all-causality contradicts the law of conservation of energy, which has been proven many times. However, idealistic theories, which include the rational principle, can be rejected not only because they do not agree with experience, but also because they are simply preconceived inventions, because whatever the experience may be, some idealistic invention or other can always be invented to explain it.

  35. Well, how should I put it? I'm an atheist. I am 99.9999999% sure that there is no God. Because the scientific picture of the world is confirmed by experiments and research, and the religious one-only by faith.

    Why aren't you 100% sure? The difference between knowledge and faith is that faith(whether religious or atheistic) allows for no doubt.

    Try to raise doubts in a believer and he will be rude to you.

    Knowledge requires doubts and checks.

    Let's say an event occurred with a probability of 00.0000001%, and the descendants proved that some higher power exists. For example, the angels were hidden for 1000 years and suddenly began to visit the earth again.

    Those who believe in atheism 100% will call themselves fools. I just admit that the most realistic theory turned out to be a mistake.


    You don't have to accuse me of being philosophical. Philosophy, as well as another “pseudoscience”- alchemy-has provided many ideas for sociology and psychology.

  36. Just as a believer (or non-believer) can be sure of the absence of any hypothetical unproven entity.

    Other gods, ghosts, Santa Claus, elves, Pokemon, magic, and anything else.

    It makes no sense to think about whether such things exist or not, because you can't draw any conclusions from these hypotheses, they will remain speculation.

    Gods from specific religions, it is obvious that nonsense (there are too many contradictions to the known facts in the religions themselves for this to be true), whether there are any higher powers at all-it does not matter, because if so, then nothing concrete is known about them and there is not the slightest possibility of finding out about them or even suggesting how this can be done. There is no meaning (except for a purely psychological one) in such a belief.

  37. 100% sure, it's unscientific.

    The problem is not with atheism, but with the religions themselves. The scientific mindset tells us that something that does not have physical evidence, proven experimentally, cannot be claimed to exist. Despite all the hypothetical evidence for the existence of a Black Hole, it was confirmed as actually existing only when we were actually able to see it through a photo.

    In other words, you can't claim the existence of something if you don't have anything on hand to prove it. As a hypothesis, okay. But not as a theory (fact).

    Let me tell you that the moon was driven by aliens. No matter how ancient the preposition is, you won't be able to tell it apart from my fantasy. What if I made it up? How do you check this? But not at all. The great similarity of many myths is that they are irrefutable. For example, there is a myth that our world is a dream of the great Brakut-garo. Okay, so how do I refute that? You don't have to, because it doesn't have any proof. If something has no proof, it is not necessary to refute it, it is not proven, so it refutes itself.

  38. God and all Spiritual things are known only by the Holy Spirit.Everyone has laziness, self-justification, and other universal shortcomings.The Lord wants to lead everyone to the knowledge of the Truth,but our will is also needed.There are sincere atheists,there are few of them,but there are some.It happens that a person is kind,very literate, very gifted, but stubbornly does not believe in God,cannot recognize the possibility of His existence.It is the man's will to persist, it is his sin,but who among us has no sins? There was such a graph- Sievers, a privy councilor of Nicholas II, multiplied seven-digit numbers in his head,was honest and decent.Nicholas 2 liked to visit the family of this count, even though he was absolutely not a believer in God.Count Sievers liked to give alms in secret and was very compassionate,but he could not even accept the possibility of God's existence.The revolution and the civil war,and the ensuing consequences, greatly affected this count, for he remained in Russia.Shortly before his departure from this world,he came to know God and became Orthodox.Before the departure, he also confessed in the world of otoshol to eternity.The Lord told his followers to be careful in the courts,because often we cannot fully see all the reasons and our judgment becomes unrighteous.

  39. God and all Spiritual things are known only by the Holy Spirit.Everyone has laziness, self-justification, and other universal shortcomings.The Lord wants to lead everyone to the knowledge of the Truth,but our will is also needed.There are sincere atheists,there are few of them,but there are some.It happens that a person is kind,very literate, very gifted, but stubbornly does not believe in God,cannot recognize the possibility of His existence.It is the man's will to persist, it is his sin,but who among us has no sins? There was such a graph- Sievers, a privy councilor of Nicholas II, multiplied seven-digit numbers in his head,was honest and decent.Nicholas 2 liked to visit the family of this count, even though he was absolutely not a believer in God.Count Sievers liked to give alms in secret and was very compassionate,but he could not even accept the possibility of God's existence.The revolution and the civil war,and the resulting consequences, greatly affected this count, because he remained in Russia.Shortly before his departure from this world,he came to know God and became Orthodox.Before the departure, he also confessed in the world of otoshol to eternity.The Lord told his followers to be careful in the courts,because often we cannot fully see all the reasons and our judgment becomes unrighteous.There is a difference,whether a person is baptized or not, who does not believe in the existence of God.Only Orthodox baptism matters, because the sacrament is performed and a person receives a guardian angel and mentor for the rest of his life,and therefore, such a person has more motives for knowing God, and if not a serious sinner, then due to the renewal in baptism,he necessarily believes in God,feels that there is eternal life,although he may be sooblaznyatsya Orthodoxy,and be un-churchly,but not an atheist.An atheist only soiled and mired in mortal sins.For non-baptised people, or those who are not baptized in Orthodoxy, everything is different.

  40. I'm an atheist. I am a technical person, so I say that “THERE ARE NO MIRACLES”. If something is not clear, then humanity will eventually figure it out. And also my position: “”The spiritual world is a world of FANTASIES and CONJECTURES, they cannot be proved and cannot be refuted. “” GOD, moreover, is NOT represented in religions. I regularly ask the question: “WHO IS GOD or WHAT IS GOD???””. There isn't even a definition. WHAT IS THE BAZAAR ABOUT???

  41. They can't be 100% sure, because atheism is exactly the same religion as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The atheist is convinced that there is no God, but in fact we will only be able to find out 100% about this in the future. However, in any case, there is something that created us. Atheists are no different in their stupidity from religious people (and atheists often claim to be smarter). Since the claim that there is a God (such as he is described in religions), and his antagonist the devil, and soon they will come together in a life-and-death battle-this is the fantasy of sick people. Atheism is also a fantasy of sick people, because it cannot be that all the laws of the universe according to which it works appeared out of nothing. Recently, theories about the fact that our world is a simulation have become increasingly popular. They are mostly written by many atheist scientists who, after analyzing scientific data and many theories that they personally discovered, came to the conclusion that the universe exists for a reason, and there is something higher, begin to talk about the fact that the world is a simulation and so on, just so as not to seem stupid in front of other people.

  42. well, how can believers be sure?! the stupidity of such questions is that you want such an atheist to be found in the arithmetic of all atheists and answer you! we can only answer in full personally because it is immediately clear that the worldview of all atheists is very different! Personally if I am wrong and God exists I will probably go to live a second life maybe even in reproving a person it is up to the almighty to decide if there is one! And naturally, I will already be a faithful helper of God! but now I do not believe in the existence of God for the simple reason that I consider religion to be a way to control the masses of the people here remember the history: paganism, Christianity and even more so Catholicism with its indulgences! they lied that the world can't be made up of atoms! they preached the geocentric system! they tried to fool us with the fact that we are supposedly so special we are alone in the world(there are 300 billion stars in our galaxy and at least 1000 more civilizations exist in our galaxy) we are made in the likeness of God! and most importantly-it's not about me, it's about you! the fact that you impose on me the existence of God and you believe in him? and we also believe in omens although the one who believes in omens does not believe in God! or other mysticism! you don't believe it yourself but you impose it! you create the feeling that now faith in God means selling all your possessions and going to the bunker with your family to wait for the end of the world!

  43. No one can be sure of anything. A – negation. Theism is a belief in God. FAITH – the acceptance of any position without theoretical and practical evidence; opposed to knowledge.

    Thus, Atheism is the denial of the existence of God if there is no proof of his existence. That is, atheism is based on the evidence-based principle. It is logical to assume that if there is irrefutable evidence of the existence of God, then atheism as a philosophical trend crumbles.))))

    This is very simplistic. However, many materialists are atheists precisely because of the lack of evidence for the existence of the supreme. And many scientists come to believe in the existence of the Supreme, receiving evidence of the existence of the world-organizing force. I will not be unfounded, here is an article that talks about this.

  44. Those who recognize that there must be a Creator, and there is no way without him , immediately, in accordance with their thoughts, must recognize that the Creator must have a Creator, and so on indefinitely . We inevitably come to atheism ,i.e. we recognize the self-development of nature . Although can this be called Development ? We're probably wreaking havoc . We are just a PART of everything and nothing more . By the way, the part is extremely small.

  45. Very strange question) Religion is not a question of confidence at all. Religion is a matter of faith. Either you believe it or you don't.

    And atheists are not sure, but do not believe) Something like this)

  46. Many atheists base their atheism on the idea that the existence of God is a hypothesis. With this approach, you won't get 100% confidence, and here's why:
    even if we consider God as an unfalsifiable hypothesis, we cannot say unequivocally that he does not exist. It is possible that Russell's teapot is also flying somewhere in orbit. We have no reason to believe this, but we cannot deny it with 100% certainty. You can stand as long as you want in the position: “prove to me the existence of God, otherwise I will not believe”, but the maximum that this gives is: that there might be a God, but the denier didn't bother to check it.
    I adhere to theological non-cognitivism, which, in my opinion, is the only reasonable basis for strong atheism. From this point of view, statements about God are meaningless. You can't create out of nothing, because nothing exists. You can't be omniscient and omnipotent, because knowing everything you do in advance, you lose your free will. Etc. If you analyze the statements about God, it turns out that these are just correctly composed phrases that do not make sense, like logical puzzles about “all ships are penguins” or an invisible pink unicorn

  47. Atheism is the understanding that religions arise naturally, and not through ” Revelation from Above.” This is evidenced by the wide variety of religions. We have no criteria for saying that such and such a religion is correct and such and such a religion is not.

    And to discuss the question of if God is, you need to at least understand what it is. But this is incomprehensible to the mind.

  48. People in general can be sure of the most fantastic things, based on the most false assumptions . They can blindly trust any “authorities” and ” geniuses “, propaganda can manipulate them, maybe laziness, get to the bottom of the truth, I listened to the blogger Rudy, he explained on his fingers that Gagarin flew and did not see God, and under “socialism” there was ” free housing and education “, well, and now the priests are stupid and drive Mercedes, and voila !

  49. 100% confidence is the lot of believers. Even words with the same root, mind you. Any atheist will immediately accept the existence of God as soon as he sees sufficient proof of his existence.

    And what proof is considered sufficient? It depends on the god in question.

  50. Atheism is not a science, religion, or social institution. It is THE STATE of any person who lives in objective reality and denies all that is mystical, which is the product of deliberate lies or the fruit of the inflamed imagination of mentally disabled people.

  51. Atheism is based on the denial of the divine nature. This is not a theory, scientific fact, or area of expertise. This attitude directly to mysticism and the facts in favor of the existence or non-existence of a belief in God are not always decisive. That is, an atheist can not believe in God simply because he does not believe and that's all. He does not need God for life, nor does he need faith in him.

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