55 Answers

  1. Who owes what and to whom? In the modern world, you can prevent a person from leaving the country either by violence, or by creating such conditions for the life and development of a person that you do not want to leave.

    And I'm not just talking about ideal roads and salaries that allow you to feel comfortable. I'm also talking about prospects. Take Russia. If teenagers who want to do business or work in science saw for themselves at least some opportunity to create and develop something new, even from scratch, then almost a third of them would not want to leave the country.

    By the way, 80% of my friends, the winners of all the polls are still in school (later they all went to science), now they are on a postdoc in the USA, Germany or China. Why would that be…

    Take Colombia, with which I can now compare Russia. It is also a developing country with its own problems, but educated young people do not leave here, because there is a political struggle and there is something to develop and work on. Only a small middle class is leaving, because they are in a precarious position here.

    I treat the choice of a place to live like any other choice – which of the options will give me the most opportunities in the future? And whether I'm betraying someone… It's ironic, of course, that I'm writing this response to Lyube's song.

  2. It is not. Anyone in doubt should remember that without emigration, the Americas and Australia as we know them would not exist.

    I understand the background of the question. What is the right thing to do, fight the regime or evacuate, and let the regime sooner or later die by itself?

    In the most general case, I am in favor of evacuation. There are not so many people who have the skills, drive and passion to fight such a fight for a long time, effectively and effectively. They are awarded various prizes (sometimes posthumously), and then streets are named after them. But with a high probability, your struggle will end without any benefit to the cause. Even if you didn't start it at all, people can still come for you. And even if they don't come, you will spend years of your life living in an environment that is repugnant and alien to you – why?

    This is exactly what I tell Russians who ask for advice. I advise my own more categorically. Go away. If you don't want to share my country's difficulties, this is not your war, then don't. An unmotivated, demoralized fighter does far more harm than good. We'll manage without you, don't worry, and there won't be any complaints from me personally, as long as you don't do any harm from where you left, otherwise we know some of them…

  3. Since it is specifically for the Russian state that citizens cause the greatest harm while living here (no one asked us to be born), emigration for Russians is the highest act of patriotism.

  4. The question originally contains a term with which I have never had any connection. “Native country” means if my native Penza Region was a separate state. Then we'd talk.�

    But if you answer in essence, then it is very situational and in 99% of cases emigration is not a betrayal. This is just a normal desire to find a better place in this life. Or would moving from an old, run-down apartment to a new, comfortable one also be an act of betrayal? I'm begging you. And even after I moved, I didn't stop considering Russia and Penza in particular as my homeland, you just don't have to live there all the time to love this place.

  5. No, it's not fair. Emigration is often caused by political reasons – a person loves his homeland, but understands that the people ruling in his country are somehow managing the country incorrectly, not in his interests and not in the interests of the people or the country as a whole (“grandfathers built, but the current government is stealing”, or “the Reds betrayed the Russian people, and only whites are the guardians of their values, but there is no place for whites in Soviet Russia”), and he has a need for protection from these people, which he can find in another country. At the same time, a person remains spiritually with his Homeland, and cannot be considered a traitor in any way. He is not obliged to accept any political changes in his country, and has the right to have a very different point of view on its development from the rulers of his country.

  6. I read the answers – everything is as I expected. No one owes anyone anything. The homeland is, it turns out, just a place where a person was born (long-term socialization and self-identification, of course, do not count). Each hut is on the edge. I will not use such words as “betrayal”, but I will say that I am perplexed by all these “I don't like that couple, it's time to go probably”.

    Perhaps you should envy those who can stick into any cultural environment, like a plug in a socket, and feel like their own everywhere. I can't do that. I'm Russian to the core, and a Kubanoid to the subcutaneous meat. And, damn it, I hate what they've turned MY country into. But to leave simply because “there vazmozhnast bolsha”… I don't feel such a moral right yet.

    Of course, emigration is different. Someone leaves for family reasons, someone for work, and someone out of despair and hopelessness. I understand when people leave after numerous attempts to change something, to break through the wall. I understand when people are forced to apply for political asylum under unfair charges. I understand when people are literally forced out of the country for their social activities. But when a 22-year-old kid, having received a higher education for the money of Russian taxpayers (including at my expense), suddenly declares that you are all burning with a blue flame, and I'm leaving, it causes me confusion. What did you do for hip-hop at your age, buddy?

    In 1993, my compatriots went under tanks so that I would have more civil rights. In 2011, my compatriots made it possible for me to participate in the election of the governor of my region. In 2018, I participated in the elections as an observer, so that in a few years the elections turned from a formality into a functioning democratic institution. Because until I personally get my ass off the couch, I don't deserve to live in a free, democratic country. European and American countries are so attractive because their citizens, when faced with problems, took responsibility for solving them and sought changes. If everyone lived according to the principle: “no one owes anyone anything, fight here yourself, I'll watch you from Belgium”, then that Belgium would not exist now.

    Sergey Galitsky, a highly respected billionaire, lives in Krasnodar and is not going to leave (although he has the opportunity to live anywhere in the world). He builds city facilities for residents with his own money and develops children's football. If he's happy with his hometown, why shouldn't I? My compatriots are fighting for beauty and improvement, for democratic rights and freedoms, for freedom of speech, for fair elections. Sorry for the pathos, but for me to leave my country in a difficult moment is to some extent really a betrayal. Maybe I'll leave someday – if it becomes unbearable or dangerous, or if there are family reasons. It would be nice to periodically go abroad and maybe live and work somewhere for a year on a contract. But I definitely don't know how to be a little Russian and then suddenly turn into an American. They don't choose their homeland (sorry for the banality). The state of my country now is not my responsibility, but the state it will be in tomorrow is already mine. I can't afford to just go off on my own and leave this responsibility to others. If someone can, they can only be envied.

  7. You can betray the village by leaving it for the city for permanent residence. You can betray your city by moving to another one. You can betray your country by moving to another country. You can betray the planet (theoretically) moving to another permanent residence.�

    Why exactly is the country level a betrayal? After all, more than half of Russians have moved in their lives from one city (village, village) to another. We all stay on the same planet.

    Our home is a planet. People just move from one room to another. Where there's more sun, there's less order and less stink.

  8. A traitor is someone who causes harm to the state in one form or another. And changing your place of residence is not a betrayal. After all, when children grow up and move out of their parents ' home, this does not mean that they betray their parents.�

    We don't owe anything to the state, so everyone is free to live and work wherever they want.

  9. “When I get back – don't laugh – when I get back,
    When I run through the February snow without touching the ground,
    On a barely noticeable trail to warmth and shelter for the night,
    And, shuddering with happiness, I will look back at your bird call,
    When I get back, oh, when I get back…

    Listen, listen – don't laugh – when I get back,
    And straight from the train station, having dealt coolly with customs,
    And straight from the train station to the utter, insignificant, raeshny
    I will break into this city, by which I am executed and swear,
    When I get back, oh, when I get back…

    When I get back, I'll go to that one house,
    Where the sky cannot compete with the blue dome,
    And the smell of frankincense, like the smell of shelter bread,
    It will strike me and splash in my heart…
    When I get back… Oh, when I get back…

    When I get back, the nightingales will start whistling in February
    That old tune, that old one, forgotten, sung,
    And I will fall, defeated by my victory,
    And I will thrust my head into your knees like a pier,
    When I get back… When will I be back?”

    Alexander Galich. For many, emigration is a tragedy.

  10. Emigration itself, like any other activity, is neutral. And the question of how to treat it, everyone decides for themselves based on their own ideas. This is the same taste as your favorite color. It doesn't occur to anyone to tell another person that they are betraying their previous color. He wore gray, began to wear blue-it means that a person likes it so much.

  11. That's what they taught us at school. But the country is the place where you were born. It is not always possible to implement yourself there. People leave to travel, study, and work. Sometimes, if the law allows, people have two or even three citizenship. They live the winter in one country, the summer in another…

    It happens that a person found love in another country and left. A job that allows you to grow and develop. It happens that people emigrate because the authorities in the country have established an unbearable regime, under which they cannot engage in creative work, write, work on TV, etc.

    And treason is selling some strategic secrets, serving in the army of a state at war with your country. The rest is just life .

  12. No, this is not a betrayal.

    The country in which you were born, the so-called “Homeland”, does not deserve to torment yourself and live in it forever, just because you were born there.

    For example: a couple of travelers went around the world. It so happened that after a passionate night in Ibiza, they went to travel around Africa. The baby was born in the Congo. What now-a duty to give back to the Congo? Nonsense, no doubt.

    You may have cultural ties and traditions with your native country, and if you like everything and are satisfied with the standard of living , why leave? But when your kind of “Homeland” can not provide a decent education, and for the sake of an apartment (on credit) you have to work as a farmhand as not yourself – such a “Homeland” does not deserve respect.

    You should not force yourself to live in the country where you were born. You left for a better future – your country lost. It failed to interest you to work for its benefit, so you will work for the benefit of the country that managed to do so.

    The act of birth can not oblige to something, it only gives rights, including the right to live where you want.

  13. Well, the traitors of the motherland paid everything. I once calculated that a person pays for their education by the age of 26.

    that is, by this time the state already receives a profit from it.

    And among other things, “note that these calculations are WITHOUT the participation of parents.” i.e., purely counting the citizen himself.

    By the way, the state can still calculate the period of military service. after all, renting a house for a year is not a cheap pleasure.Sure.conscripts as soldiers are so-so, but this is no longer their problem, they are not pushing themselves into the army.


    In general, the country does not spend as much on us as it likes to say. moreover, she takes half of all her income (44 percent if you look at the white PO) every month, and this does not take into account expenses for VAT, utilities, and so on.

    And the medical service… well, gentlemen, those who need something expensive-and so they do everything for their money.
    And those. anyone who needs a leg bandaged and a prescription written out – they're almost free, you know.

    To be honest, I don't like this policy of the Motherland. those. at first, she gives you supposedly a bunch of everything, without asking if you need it, and then comes as a requester, they say, give it back.
    And if the person didn't want to take it? there are quite legitimate and logical options when a person decides for himself whether to borrow something from the Motherland or not.
    But our country doesn't like it. because she doesn't have much to offer, and she knows perfectly well that in this case, people will stop taking anything from her at all, except for free primary education, and this, sorry, costs a penny.

  14. And what, the country is such a kind gentleman who, out of his kindness, gives serfs a hut, a school or a hospital?�

    The country is us, its citizens. And everything that the country has at its disposal is the result of our work. The country (represented by the state) only creates conditions for us to work productively and establishes rules for fair distribution.�

    If I see that my state does not appreciate my work, does not consider my interests, nothing prevents me from leaving for a place where other rules and traditions apply. And nothing prevents me from still loving my native language and culture, meeting my friends and relatives who have stayed here, wishing my homeland prosperity, and even doing something for it.

  15. The trouble is that the concept of norm is relative. If, for example, a person does not accept same-sex marriages as such, then they are abnormal for him. So it is with the term “betrayal”. If you consider yourself a patriot and do not accept emigration from Russia, then, as expected, those who do so will cause you misunderstanding, and even hostility. And they, meanwhile, were guided by other attitudes and motives when they decided to leave: fatigue from what is happening in their native country, the desire to give a better future to their children, the desire for comfort, or something else of their own that we cannot (or do not want) to know.�

    Someone chooses the path of deprivation, struggle, someone has the strength and courage to live where much is far from perfect and the prospects are vague. And others, at the first opportunity, will leave such a problematic place, although not always without regrets. And even the former greatness of the Motherland, the achievements of their ancestors and the love of their native language and culture will not stop them, because all these are fragments of the past, and people, as it happens, live mainly in the present and future.�

    Disapprove of their choice, and even condemn – a personal right and business of everyone. But to impose your own vision and try to fix the appropriate labels of betrayal or cowardice, or something else at the level of society, is already unacceptable.

  16. I believe that this is not a betrayal, since initially you did not make a choice in favor of this or that country. Your decision can be made for any reason and can be made at any time. First of all, you own your own life and manage it yourself. No one and nothing has the right to determine your responsibilities beyond those that you consciously and independently assumed.

  17. It doesn't matter what you do. It is important how, and for what purpose. If you feel like you're betraying someone, then you are. For example, if you feel that you have some obligations to your native land, the people, or leave the country in a difficult time, although you could be useful here, then this will be a betrayal for you. If you perceive the situation differently, for example, as a search for a better life, and it doesn't matter where you benefit, or you don't care about the interests of humanity, or the people, but only yours, or your family – then there will be no betrayal. In short, there can be no single right attitude for everyone to any action. Everything always depends on the point of view, nuances. So emigration may or may not be a betrayal.

  18. To betray the country. One must be initially loyal to it. If such a feeling has never been, it is sincere, then it is logical that this is not even close to betrayal, but in fairness it is worth noting!) If emigration takes place by avoiding the problems that lie on your shoulders, of course, this is a pure betrayal not only of your country, but also of yourself. A responsible and self-respecting person will not do this. (Of course, I do not take into account the situation when the problem is not solved. For example, in a sense, it is the responsibility of every citizen to try to improve their country in any way they want, since first of all, not only they themselves live in the country, but also their friends, relatives, and so on.. However, in most cases, it is better to simply emigrate because one person can not solve much, especially if they lack the ability, talent or something else for this task.

  19. Currently, the USSR is under occupation and captured by pro-American democrats and executors of the will of the world's elites! And not recognizing the war with the USSR and its people is also a betrayal!

  20. As the saying goes: “the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.” In the 62 years from 1892 to 1954, the gates to New York City were opened to expats and 12 million future citizens came to realize the American dream. Between 1861 and 1985, 29,036,000 Italians emigrated to other countries. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, there were approximately 2.5 million Latin Americans in the EU countries, 800 thousand of whom were in Spain. Thanks to emigrants, the United States and many other countries were able to develop well. Emigration, as a process, occurs throughout the entire history of mankind, and some countries benefit when reasonable and hardworking people move, while other countries lose by losing their citizens. �

    In the Mahabharata, there is an interesting statement: in the beginning, a man found a country with a good king (government), then earned wealth (and in a good state, a man could hope to make capital in five to ten years), then found a wife in this country, then had children. Don't you think that nowadays everything starts in reverse order? If a man or a young man cannot earn enough to earn a living, then he can go to other countries to earn money, and if all the living conditions in another country satisfy him, then he can transfer his family there. Thus, many countries are enriched by smart and enterprising people. The fact that people emigrate en masse from certain countries only means that the living conditions in these countries leave much to be desired.�

    The Mahabharata says: “Without undergoing austerities and hardships, my son, one cannot attain happiness in this world. Everyone experiences alternately joy and sorrow.”Emigration is quite risky, but it is sometimes the only right decision. So, in which country a person should make an effort to put down the roots of his family, this is a purely personal matter:)

  21. Without considering any security issues of the country where you live, the issue of emigration is a matter of LAW.

    If someone denies you this right (and any other right) even at the level of morality, then this is just savagery.

    And if someone tries to calculate who owes money to whom on a calculator, then the state will still be a decent citizen. And those are 90% of citizens. These are the ones who (through their physical or mental work) develop and enrich any state, so that later they can fulfill their duties to citizens.

    I mean any country.

  22. If the ruler is like Hitler. To join the big world and not to be a soldier, but to feel like a person, why not? Why we have to be meat. Nasri on everything live for your children and for yourself.

  23. Going into such questions, you already know that you will see a bunch of monotonous answers with superficial arguments, hoping to see something interesting with a bunch of cons at the bottom. But since that didn't happen, here's my answer.

    Emigration may well be an act of betrayal:

    1. A person was born and the State will have to spend a lot of money before he gets a job and can start paying them back in the form of taxes.In any case, the system implies this. First, you need to pay for childbirth, medicines, baby recruitment, and social benefits. Then the child goes to the kindergarten, it is also necessary to feed the baby and give a salary to nannies, pay sick leave to parents who are on shifts in a week or two. Then a school and an institute, then a master's degree, and everywhere there are some benefits, that is, costs. So a person grew up, got a good education and went to work abroad, for example, as a doctor, pay taxes there, develop science there,and help local citizens. And the parents of this person stayed in their homeland and retired, and now the state pays them a pension from the budget in which the person who left does not invest, they go to free polyclinics, which are also paid by the state,but there are fewer and fewer good doctors( the good ones are free and do not owe anything to anyone), more and more visitors with

  24. I have identified the main reasons for emigration: objective, economic, political, and professional. I consider the infringement of freedoms and the search for a better more secure life abroad to be subjective reasons:


    The most preferred non-CIS countries for Russians, according to official statistics, are Германия Germany, 🇺 🇸 USA, 🇮 🇱 Israel and 🇫 🇮 Finland.

    The Berlin Institute for Population and Development called Russia a “vanishing power”, predicting that by 2030 its population will be reduced by 15 million people.

    During the years of Vladimir Putin's rule, from 1.5 to 2 million people left the country-this is estimated based on statistics from host countries.

    More than 2.6 thousand Russians applied for asylum in the United States in 2017. This is almost 40 percent more than last year, and generally the maximum for the 24-year period.�

    To substantiate the application, it is necessary to prove that the applicants were persecuted or threatened in their home country on racial, religious or national grounds, or because they belong to a particular social group or political opinion.�

    Thus, emigration is a consequence of the current policy, but it is the population and human capital that is the most precious wealth of the state.

  25. The country does not give anything to anyone for nothing, first of all. Only pirated products on torrents are free, and the consumer pays for everything else either directly or indirectly, even if they don't notice it themselves.

    Secondly, the choice of place of residence is a private decision, unaccountable to anyone other than the migration service of the host country. In fact, any discussion on this topic can be closed with a single armor-piercing phrase “I don't owe anything”, which is not refuted in principle by any verbal argument. Including demagogy about grandfathers who, they say, built something. They did not build, but earned their own bread personally, as at all times around the world it was. A bricklayer, for example, does not realize any great goals, he puts bricks to get a salary and not get stuck for a simple or deviation from the project. The economy, you know.

    Third, the term “betrayal” in any context other than personal relationships is untenable and in itself contains manipulation.

  26. The question is so naively ideologized that you can even feel a faint troll taste. Let me be cynically honest. Fortunately, the country where our grandfathers fought and fought is no longer there. No one obliges me to honor their values and live in constant exaltation just because that's how my ancestors lived.

    Moreover, looking at the level of free medical care and education in our state, I'm beginning to think that I don't owe the motherland that much) I do not feel any reverence and reverence for her and for the fatherland.�

    A person is always looking for a place where he will be better off, and at the moment a rather small stratum of people feels good in Russia. You can, of course, call all those who left Russia traitors, but they will also be free to ignore you or choose some stronger word.

  27. The question is based on the cause, emigration itself is a consequence, it only means that your country has not created comfortable living conditions. Whether it is considered a betrayal of the motherland to create conditions that are not compatible with the normal life of society or a person is another matter

  28. “Home country” and “My country” are currently different concepts. The USSR was my country legally. Russia is all someone's legislation. And we actually pay such taxes for education and medicine here that calling them free means letting ourselves be deceived.

  29. Traitor is just a propaganda label, nothing more. �The same as, for example, “fascist”. The very concept of betrayal implies that you made some kind of oath to someone, and then broke it. Most likely, you did not swear anything to the state or personally to the current president.

  30. Then the question arises, why do you emigrate to another country?�

    If it is connected with any threat in your country, then this is more likely a salvation from a threat to you, and what kind of betrayal can we talk about here ?�

    In other cases, it depends on your attitude to your country.

    I believe that you can live anywhere in the world, but protect the interests of your state/country, mentality. Observe traditions and many other things that make any nation special. If necessary, come and provide assistance.

    There are countries in which for some people there are no factors for a comfortable stay, such as climate, social attitude/perception of individuals, earning opportunities associated with your permanent activity.

    Why should I adhere to a conditional principle (if we are talking about it) and not give myself the opportunity to develop, achieving what I want both personally and spiritually.

    And this does not mean that after moving I will turn against the country in which I lived.

    It depends on what kind of person you are and how stable you are in your definitions.

    You can also be a traitor in your home country without going anywhere. Just like patriotism is not measured by how far you are from your homeland.

    The question is interesting, and the answer to it is definitely not specific.

  31. Of course not,most State Duma deputies have children on permanent residence, and the leader's press secretary has the whole family,the main patriot Zheleznyak has two daughters,and these are the people we should focus on in our actions

  32. Of course not, look around! In Russia today, as in ancient China-the people do not differ from the space. The Constitution does not work , debts to neighboring countries are forgiven, the Republic cuts off electricity to its citizens at that time, tax policy simply sucks – people are strangled with levies for creating jobs, and you can continue this list for a long time.�

    And there is a choice!

    Love for a woman, for my mother , for my brother – this is my feeling. Do you understand mine? The same goes for love of the Motherland.

  33. I just can't resist getting in. My older brother lived and worked like everyone else, but there was always something wrong with him. In 2005, he came to work on a work visa in Canada, and upon his return, he became even more dissatisfied. A year later, he returned there and was happy in his marriage and everyday life. Maybe mintalitet or something. I know about a woman over 30 here always tired and angry was, now in Miami at 5 am runs for a jog and married a former Muscovite and happy. As for the grandfathers, the country, they are quite enough to communicate by phone (I will not speak for everyone) and their life there is just like their families.

  34. Wow, they're free. Ask us how much we pay taxes to the state. Yes, with such a high quality of medicine, education, and so on. we're just being robbed! The state doesn't care about us. And on the grandfathers who built and fought, for the most part, too. Don't know how pensioners live?

  35. Absolutely fair! They are the real traitors. However, we must not forget that there are people who were forced to do this. For example, I was taken away by my stupid family when I was 14, my opinion was not taken into account. I was beaten up when I said I wasn't going anywhere. Minors are not to blame for being taken away. It would be unfair to insult them about this. In a couple of years I will finish university and return to Russia. I hate my parents, who ruined my life and took away my youth. Please, if you have a brain disorder, then do it yourself, do not cripple the psyche of your children.

  36. For the sake of justice, before you call someone something, you should think about what to call yourself? After all, they are called” traitors ” not by medicine, not by their grandfathers, or even by the country, but by you personally. So, answer yourself: what did you personally give these people that they didn't want to leave here? What did you give people in Russia in general? And most importantly, did you really give it to them from the bottom of your heart, or were you forced to give it because this is how you earn your bread? Or maybe because the state obliges you to do this, for example? Do you have complete confidence in your “sanctity” before lynching someone? Maybe people leave the country because of people like you?

    “Whosoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at them.”

    From the Bible. In the Gospel of John (ch. 8, v. 7)

  37. N E � � Z N A Y

    Here on the one hand – “where I was born, there I fit”, and on the other “the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is where it is better”. Everyone probably has their own truth.

    Let's say there are two villages nearby. In one, people are non-drinkers, hardworking. In the other, everyone is thumping and hitting each other's faces. In the first, everything is well-maintained, clean, school, shop, asphalt, playgrounds, lawn. In the second – houses leaning, weeds, nettles, garbage piles. Looking at this, “some residents from the devastation want to move to a well-maintained” village. And those residents who keep their village in order do not want to see them at home. For a simple reason: they did not improve their village for them, but for themselves. Normal, in my opinion, such a desire. No, of course, there is also a fear that people will not just move out of a run-down village, but along with the garbage and their habits. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is that ” why are you needed here?”'and” we're not keeping things in order here for you.” Something like that.

    I may be wrong, and most likely, but somehow I chose the option that I'm staying. My sister went to Canada, but I stayed.�

    I'm afraid to sound original, but I don't want to and I won't leave. Basically. Despite…

    I built my own house with my own hands on the site of my grandfather's house. In the cemetery of the same village lie my grandparents, great-grandmother. This is where my roots lie. And although “I don't like many things more and more, especially this invasion in Moscow and the Moscow region. But here I have two houses, an apartment, and a family. And there? Someone “made it nice and convenient, but he did it for himself, not for me, and” I'll pay for everything ready? No, this is my home and my job is to make it better. �This is my land.�

    And so…Yes, it seems that the slogan “When will you all leave here?” By type: the more �leaves, the more will go to those who stay. Or something like that. The world is changing, and in my opinion – not for the better and too fast.

    My sister has been in Canada for 20 years.�

    And I'm staying. Where I want to be. And I may be a little afraid, but I'm staying to live.

    Traitors fleeing their homeland? I'm not sure at all. Although… Probably still this is how they perceive themselves. Some may see themselves as traitors. Especially those who left their elderly parents in their homeland. Taking care of the phone is, of course, better than no one, but…everyone decides for themselves.

  38. You can call it anything. (The original wording of the question was “Can I call it”.) And I, for one, will fully understand these feelings.

    * Here are your parents-they personally invested a lot of money, energy, emotions, and energy in you. As much as we could. Therefore, you must live with your mother all your life and not betray her, that is, not to start a family.

    • For example, you have been treated by one doctor for 12 years for severe allergies. His treatment didn't help you much. You have moved to another clinic and your condition has greatly improved over the past year. You betrayed the doctor.

    * For example, the country also bullied you and prevented you from living. Idiotic additional taxes, red tape, kickbacks and bribes, the state of roads, the fight against education and medicine. How would I pay her a debt and for that, for everything, and not just for the good? No? Wrong approach?

    * I wonder where the money from the sale of oil, which belongs to me by birthright in our country, goes? I wonder where our taxes go? Could it be for the maintenance of medicine, education, and regulated intersections that they've invested in me?

    • I hear so often: if you don't like it, pay the money. If you don't like it, get out of here. Well, okay, let's say a person was forced to choose paid medicine and went to a private school. Now he can emigrate, but his neighbor can't?

    * By the way, many people are forced to study for a fee.

    • What is a betrayal of my grandfathers and parents, and what is not, can be dealt with within the family, without the involvement of wise sofa warriors.

    • My country (the country's leadership) has repeatedly betrayed me and my trust.

    I was taught to be fair, so here's what you'll get:

    • You can leave. But the greater virtue is to stay and try to do your job well and help others. This will not make the country perfect. But this will also be a contribution.

    * The reasons for leaving are very impressive. If a person wants to go to heaven, it's not Europe or America. If no one needed him here, the situation may not change there, but plus there will also be a language that he doesn't know very well.

    • If you think you'll save all your friends by leaving, it's just like anyone else. Will your friends see your departure as a betrayal? It's just like anyone else's.

    * Now a lot of push point of view: If you don't like it-get out!!! For example, we have an ideal president, Duma, corruption, SBER and anything else. Is there anything you don't like? Get out!!! I have a question. Why should I leave? Maybe they'd better leave. Then it will be easier for all of us.


    • Some talented books were written in exile. And I'm not just talking about exiles from the USSR right now.

  39. Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – high treason, nothing about the change of residence is not said.�

    We are a social State, and our State recognizes and respects to some extent international human rights, in which freedom of movement is one of the inalienable human rights.

  40. No, this is a manipulation of concepts. Everything is strained here – and what concerns free education, medicine, and even more so free housing – in fact, for most people, any benefits came at an incredible price of blood, sweat,and hard work for more than one generation, and under the loud promises of the near-coming bright future and the fact that everything around us is ours, common, and popular, while in fact this is an impudent lie of the state system-the former socialist All this was anyone's business, but not a national one. Therefore, if you really count, first of all, the state itself as a system betrayed society, repeatedly promising it greatness and benefits, but giving only problems, eternal disorder, and taking the benefits for itself. And most importantly , in the relationship of an individual with the state, there are no clear legal and other agreements, violating which one of the parties could be considered a traitor. Especially on the part of individuals – on the part of the authorities, they can be traced in part: after all, the authorities gave a lot of “pink” and quite clear promises ( to catch up and overtake, meet all needs, separate housing for everyone, get rid of poverty and misery, enter the top five, raise the standard of living, give rights and freedoms, fair distribution of benefits, etc., etc.). So who is the main traitor is an open question.
    If anyone can be considered a traitor, it is, in my opinion, the one who got his hands on something popular, not his own, profited from a state resource and ran away, but there was no possible persecution or harassment of him. This is especially disgusting when such a person shouted about the greatness of the Motherland at every corner. But this is more than a betrayal, such a person is just a scoundrel and a scoundrel.

  41. Anna Andreeva,

    Andrew Akayomov

    this question was answered in a truly patriotic way. 36 responses. It can be concluded that those who wrote 34 responses justify emigration and the withdrawal of capital from Russia. And they themselves cry, why it's so shitty to live in Russia… If you do not invest in your homeland, it will not flourish on its own.

  42. By betraying WHO? Паспорта Passport,citizenship, paperwork, bureaucracy? Don't you care?�

    By betraying your parents? Well, then, consider any attempt to leave the nest a betrayal. And an adequate parent understands and realizes that the child will not be under the parental skirt forever and will go to arrange his life. And not necessarily in the next apartment or even in the next city.

    Betrayal of the motherland? What is the motherland in the political and bureaucratic sense? Who defined its boundaries? What makes you think that the borders of the motherland are limited to the borders of the state, and not, for example, the walls of the maternity hospital in which you were born or the borders of the Globe? And in this scenario, is the discharge from the same hospital or colonization on Mars an act of betrayal?

  43. If we assume that betrayal is possible not only in relation to a certain specific person, then we can say so, probably. But I personally don't think so.

  44. A betrayal of who or what it might be? A person, as a rule, is looking for the most comfortable place for him. If a person has found a place where he can fully express himself, in which what he can and loves to do will be interesting and necessary for someone, then why not move to such a place? Who will he betray? Even if we consider this from the point of view of” good for the country ” – if a person in his native country, which he is going to leave, cannot show himself in any way, does this mean that the country will lose something from the fact that such a person leaves it? No. No one loses. If you know that there are better places for you, where you will be understood and where you can create something, create, somehow express yourself and interest someone with your creativity-why not strive there? It is ok.

  45. This is not a betrayal. This is much worse. A person differs from an animal in that he does not adapt to the environment, but changes it as he needs. Of course, there aren't many of them. But it is thanks to these people that we have become what we have become and have what we have. If it weren't for them, they would still be jumping in the trees. And what does it matter to me where I will change the world? Where I was born, everything is at least native and familiar. And some of the robots have already been made by my people. Changing your place of residence is 99.99% a rejection of the struggle and adaptation to the world that was not created by your ancestors. And your ancestors changed this world for you, too, and hoped that you would continue their work. So stay where you are. Well, if you are a coward or a weakling, then look for a better excuse for this you will always find.

  46. If a person was instilled with a sense of patriotism from childhood, if he liked the city in which he grew up, if he had a father who was not interested in politics and a mother who did not scold the government… Then he will undoubtedly feel like a “traitor”, leaving the country in which he was born. At least for the first time.

    Ideally, people should not feel guilty or “traitors” if they have the opportunity to live in different countries. After all, we can choose our school, job, friends and partners. Family it will always be a family, but no one forces us to live with our parents all our lives.

    Well, politicians are trying to force us to live and invest in the countries where we were born, because people are the most important resource that no one wants to lose.

  47. No, it is not. Under totalitarian regimes, a preventive sense of guilt and duty is introduced into people's minds, but this is done only because totalitarian regimes are not competitive, and life in them is always worse than in liberal countries. The totalitarian regime is forced to limit the possibility of emigration both physically – border protection, etc., and morally-treason to the motherland, etc.

  48. Question from the series – ” Is there free will?” and “What is more important – freedom “from” or freedom ” for?” Who cares? As the taxi driver said from the movie “Brother” – ” home is where the ass is warm.” And I totally agree with him. I am infuriated by all these cheering patriots who are always chewing on the topic of “duty to the motherland”. What the fuck kind of debt is that? Present the IOU first. Don't you have it? Then what are you guys talking about? The topic of betrayal and treason to the Motherland is relevant in wartime, when the issue of the nation's survival is acute. In peacetime-excuse me-move over. You can't provide a decent existence for your citizens, who for some reason regularly pay taxes – goodbye. Draw conclusions.

  49. I wasn't born in Russia, and I didn't grow up in it for a while either. In the country from which I left at the age of 4 with my parents, unhealthy moods began to manifest themselves after the collapse of the USSR. By that time, many years had passed (relatively many), but the peak occurred precisely in those years. The work seemed to be stressful, but so was the education in schools, so we packed up all our things, sold the apartment and emigrated to Russia.�

    I don't think I committed any act of treachery. It was necessary. In addition, international treaties have given me the right to move freely around the world – so why should this be a betrayal?�

    In the same way, you can call it a betrayal if you slept on the couch today, and not on your own bed. Or they didn't sleep at home at all. Basically, everything is the same.

  50. “Betrayal is a violation of loyalty to someone or a failure to fulfill a duty to someone.” ,from the Wiki

    As can be seen from the definition, you can betray only trust that is caused by your own promise or oath. In addition to the fact that a person is not the property of the country and does not owe it anything, unless of course he himself has signed up for something, there is also a problem in determining what a “country”is. This is such an obscure abstract construction that has as many interpretations as opinions and does not exactly pretend to be “someone” to whom one could take an oath. However, nothing prevents such a phenomenon as collection in favor of the” homeland “or” country ” to exist and be used for manipulation. Just as popular is collecting for the benefit of the poor or for the needs of another lord. This topic was not invented by us.

    There is such a type of violence as the imposition of non-existent debts, with the further goal of resolutely acting as their creditor. Since the government differs from a gang in much the same way that a sect differs from a religion, specifically in the amount of property, nothing prevents individual authorities from acting as such self – appointed creditors against the population they control. Often, the idiocy of claims is clear to both sides, but some do not consider it enough to resist and risk their lives, and the second apparently it is enough to calm minor pangs of conscience.

  51. No, it's not a betrayal. I believe that a person has every right to live where he is comfortable and wants. At least change your country every year, if you can afford it, it's your choice. Just because I was born in Russia doesn't make it special for me, just because I was born Russian doesn't make me special, among many others. I'm not tied to my city, I'm not tied to my country. If the need arises, I'll leave. Who did not hide, I'm not to blame )))

    You can, of course, reproach, they say the country is everything to you, and you …

    What is a country to me? Education – for a fee, the child was raised and rrstim-for a fee (oh, sorry, 152 rubles / month were given), housing on a mortgage, a car on credit, I served in the army, I plochu regularly. Some high words, whether it's loyalty, loyalty, patriotism, love for the motherland, we are Russians, God is with us, etc.do not impress me.

    In my understanding, to betray the country is to give out all the state secrets to the filthy enemies, deliberately harm the country, sell state resources over the hill. I don't have any information or resources, and with my departure, nothing will change for the country, but it will certainly change for me. I'm not without selfishness, like everyone else.

    Of course, you can continue to feed on “fair democratic elections”, the history that took place in a completely different country, TV shows about how bad things are with your neighbors, advanced weapons, krymnash and all the most important things. Or you can just go to another country that is more suitable for you and live there. And call it what you will, betrayal, cynicism, selfishness, scum, but if it is convenient for me to live this way, and not otherwise, I will live as I want. I don't owe this country any more than it owes me. And she, as I understand it, does not owe me anything

  52. No it is not. You have the right to choose your own country to live in, with the political system, with the conviction that appeals to you. And in general, I believe that in a country where you pay for education, for medicine and other social buns, and in fact you pay for your life, you don't owe anything. It is not a betrayal to move to another country for the sake of securing one's life, we are free people, not serfs or slaves.

  53. No, it is not. We live in a free and developing world and we have every right to choose where we live, why we want to live there, and so on and so forth. This is completely normal, there is no betrayal here.

  54. Betrayal is a violation of obligations, duties, or oaths. A citizen is subject to obligations for using the benefits that the state provides. If you leave the country, you don't automatically benefit from these benefits, so you don't have any obligations. How can you betray someone you don't owe anything to?

  55. I was asked to answer a question! This is so strange and unexpected… How exactly are question experts moderated if nothing is specified in the profile?�

    No, it is not. The person is not linked to a point on the map. All the ties that bind him to a place appear over time. Language, environment, work, a clear environment, a comfort zone relaxes a person, makes him happier, because he knows everything, is ready for everything and the unknown does not frighten him. Emigration for a person of any character is a difficult step, you need to have a strong character, although often refugees simply have nowhere to go. But to move out of the old place and start all over again without permission: such people are worthy of respect.

    There are examples of a peculiar sense of guilt – when emigrants, living in a new, better place, miss what they are used to, the difficulties that they overcame and made a part of themselves. But, of course, they will not return. As in news stories, when expats with 10 years of experience say that Russia has a great president, but their country is a mess… Whether they're in Dresden, Ottawa, or Bangkok, people aren't stupid enough to go back to where they left so hard.

    A person does not owe anything to anyone, and even more so to the state, which ideally should wish its citizens the best, even if “over the hill”.. Only here in Russia it's the other way around.

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