4 Answers

  1. What they do or will do there is a matter of interpretation, we don't know for sure, and the sacred texts are vague about it. Earthly amusements are sinful only if they contradict God's law (break the commandment) and if they take the first place in life.

  2. I do not know exactly what people do in paradise, but I can only express my opinion. I don't think all entertainment is sinful. Much can be done if it is done in God. In paradise, there are people who love God and loved him during his lifetime, were kind and merciful. Therefore, in paradise, they probably bathe in rivers and lakes, communicate, eat fruit, visit each other, talk about their earthly life, share memories, maybe play dominoes or backgammon, gather around the campfire, sing songs, dance, and experience extraordinary grace, happiness and bliss. Even in paradise, people watch life on earth, empathize with their living relatives, help them, coming in a dream with advice. And much more in this regard. I think so.

  3. Paradise is a fairytale for people to actively comply with norms and laws. After all, if it weren't for this beautiful cover, people wouldn't really care about religion and so on. And Hell is a great tool for people not to forget about it. Best Spiritually promotes the Buddha's 4 Noble Truths

  4. nothing, they are very bored there, the only thing that angels can do there is love and praise God, and everyone can rest from life on earth, but still if you sin in paradise, you will go to hell(:

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