9 Answers
In my opinion, this is an erroneous perception. Pioneers are never alone.
Someone who went somewhere and was left alone, who is really alone — not in an existential sense, but in some other way-just went somewhere wrong…
Where no one needs and where no one is interested. Even to himself, in fact: otherwise he would have kept going — or he would have been happy and writing books instead of whining about his loneliness.
At least there are mosquitoes there?
I'm exaggerating, of course. Hyperbole.
Just got fed up with whiners who think they're geniuses. And the fact that I'm being compared to them
Also hyperbole =))
Yes, there are people who like to be the first — where they have not set foot (in a broad sense). And they often find themselves alone. Especially at first.
When they discover something interesting (and sometimes even before that), they gain followers and competitors.
Of course, the trailblazer can go somewhere supposedly ahead again all by himself. However, this is already his choice. After the first recognized discoveries, he has a full opportunity not only to assemble a team, but also to move in the general flow of those who rush after him
As for “being different”, that's a separate question. Although the answer to it may be similar, yes.
By definition. Because pioneer means “first”. Not the one who first drank a glass of jelly at the table or performed any simple, easy, non-dangerous and obvious action. The word “pioneer” is awarded to those who have done something difficult, difficult, unobvious, or dangerous for the first time… Things that others were afraid to do or didn't know they could do. And if it is difficult to decide on something, then simply according to probability theory, it is unlikely that there will be an associate nearby.
There is an interesting difference here:
A pioneer who has gone into a thicket and found something useful there, oil, a gold mine, a new fertile land that is teeming with rabbits and where bananas and pineapples grow, will not be alone for long.
And a pioneer who has climbed into the thicket, where there is no animal for food, no medicinal plants, and generally little useful, will not be able to lead people, no matter how he calls.
And even a single one will not follow him if there is no way to create a normal house there.
The conclusion is clear – if you want to be not alone, come up with something useful or attractive.Or at least learn to sing beautifully or speak beautifully.
Writing beautifully isn't enough. A beautiful writer can be loved remotely. )) -
Because it's very difficult to be strong when everyone else prefers to be afraid. A person loves himself very much, believes in himself, hides his shortcomings and almost always does nothing, but when he sees someone else in front of him, someone who knows how to realize himself, he hates him. The trailblazer is hated and then deified.
Who said that ? Nonsense! Being different doesn't mean being alone ! It means wanting TO BE ALONE. DELUSIONS OF EXCLUSIVITY. I've been ill since childhood-that's why-I know) Putting myself in opposition to society-and this is the only reason to be alone-is just a desire to feel SPECIAL. Then how special are ALL PEOPLE. It's just not noticeable for everyone)
Pioneers are lonely, from my point of view, because most use ready-made solutions, because they do not want to take risks, i.e. they obey the instinct of self-preservation. Some people find it difficult to imagine new goals due to the lack of developed imagination, while others do not support the pioneer, because they themselves want to be pioneers.
Because you are…another. Not Uncle Vasya or Aunt Zoya. A person is essentially a lonely traveler on a road called life. This is only his road. And if when he meets a fellow traveler for a while, this is happiness. Because your roads and his (HER) roads coincided for a while. It is an image of Friendship and Love. But you will always be alone and different. In youth it is a punishment, in maturity it is a dream, in old age it is a reward.
Because most people will not spend their attention on any resource (science, art) until this resource proves its importance.
But pioneers are not always alone, they seem so on the pages of history, but as a rule there are always people around them: family, friends, assistants, colleagues who support and share their ideas. Singles usually have very little energy reserve and very rarely appear on these pages.�
“Being different” does NOT mean being alone, but perhaps the “other” chooses the pretentious mask of a loner because he wants to hide under it his banal uncertainty and tightness in front of people, fear of disapproval, etc.�
In a developed (intelligent) “other”, his otherness will always find an opportunity to get along harmoniously with people.
Before you ask such questions, make sure that this is true, that the quote is correct, and that there are real reasons to say so. There will be fewer such questions.
In my opinion, this is an erroneous perception. Pioneers are never alone.
Someone who went somewhere and was left alone, who is really alone — not in an existential sense, but in some other way-just went somewhere wrong…
Where no one needs and where no one is interested. Even to himself, in fact: otherwise he would have kept going — or he would have been happy and writing books instead of whining about his loneliness.
At least there are mosquitoes there?
I'm exaggerating, of course. Hyperbole.
Also hyperbole =))
Yes, there are people who like to be the first — where they have not set foot (in a broad sense). And they often find themselves alone. Especially at first.
When they discover something interesting (and sometimes even before that), they gain followers and competitors.
As for “being different”, that's a separate question. Although the answer to it may be similar, yes.
By definition. Because pioneer means “first”. Not the one who first drank a glass of jelly at the table or performed any simple, easy, non-dangerous and obvious action. The word “pioneer” is awarded to those who have done something difficult, difficult, unobvious, or dangerous for the first time… Things that others were afraid to do or didn't know they could do. And if it is difficult to decide on something, then simply according to probability theory, it is unlikely that there will be an associate nearby.
There is an interesting difference here:
A pioneer who has gone into a thicket and found something useful there, oil, a gold mine, a new fertile land that is teeming with rabbits and where bananas and pineapples grow, will not be alone for long.
And a pioneer who has climbed into the thicket, where there is no animal for food, no medicinal plants, and generally little useful, will not be able to lead people, no matter how he calls.
And even a single one will not follow him if there is no way to create a normal house there.
The conclusion is clear – if you want to be not alone, come up with something useful or attractive.
Or at least learn to sing beautifully or speak beautifully.
Writing beautifully isn't enough. A beautiful writer can be loved remotely. ))
Because it's very difficult to be strong when everyone else prefers to be afraid. A person loves himself very much, believes in himself, hides his shortcomings and almost always does nothing, but when he sees someone else in front of him, someone who knows how to realize himself, he hates him. The trailblazer is hated and then deified.
Who said that ? Nonsense! Being different doesn't mean being alone ! It means wanting TO BE ALONE. DELUSIONS OF EXCLUSIVITY. I've been ill since childhood-that's why-I know) Putting myself in opposition to society-and this is the only reason to be alone-is just a desire to feel SPECIAL. Then how special are ALL PEOPLE. It's just not noticeable for everyone)
Pioneers are lonely, from my point of view, because most use ready-made solutions, because they do not want to take risks, i.e. they obey the instinct of self-preservation. Some people find it difficult to imagine new goals due to the lack of developed imagination, while others do not support the pioneer, because they themselves want to be pioneers.
Because you are…another. Not Uncle Vasya or Aunt Zoya. A person is essentially a lonely traveler on a road called life. This is only his road. And if when he meets a fellow traveler for a while, this is happiness. Because your roads and his (HER) roads coincided for a while. It is an image of Friendship and Love. But you will always be alone and different. In youth it is a punishment, in maturity it is a dream, in old age it is a reward.
Because most people will not spend their attention on any resource (science, art) until this resource proves its importance.
But pioneers are not always alone, they seem so on the pages of history, but as a rule there are always people around them: family, friends, assistants, colleagues who support and share their ideas. Singles usually have very little energy reserve and very rarely appear on these pages.�
“Being different” does NOT mean being alone, but perhaps the “other” chooses the pretentious mask of a loner because he wants to hide under it his banal uncertainty and tightness in front of people, fear of disapproval, etc.�
In a developed (intelligent) “other”, his otherness will always find an opportunity to get along harmoniously with people.
Before you ask such questions, make sure that this is true, that the quote is correct, and that there are real reasons to say so. There will be fewer such questions.