4 Answers

  1. A joke is a natural mistake where the solution seems to be obvious and generally accepted. When nothing foreshadowed trouble, but “everything went wrong.”

    From the point of view of machine learning, this is an observation that reflects an unexpected and previously unknown pattern. Breaking stereotypes.

  2. Personally, I am alarmed by such questions, and even more so by such academic answers. For these reasons, our coaches then grow like mushrooms after the rain – everyone knows how to teach something and sell some technologies, exercises, and so on. Soon we will have to deduce the walking formula, we will forget how to do it.

  3. I've heard one formula that I absolutely agree with. Although it is also not universal.

    The formula is simple – a sharp and completely unexpected change in the angle of view of the main object of the joke. Or transfer this object to a different rating system and aoordinate. And necessarily in the end there should be a feeling of slight shock and absurdity.

    It is clear that it is complicated, so I will explain with a couple of examples.


    • they say that brunettes are smarter than blondes.

    • rubbish.

    • why?

    • my wife was one and the other, and still the same fool.

    As you can see, after the question “why”, we expect a smart, perhaps scientific answer about the absence or presence of a connection between intelligence and hair color. And we get-a deliberately idiotic conclusion made in a self-confident tone. The main chord is the word “FOOL”, which is rough and discordant with the tone of the previous phrases.

    Another example. A historical joke.

    One aunt in the bazaar was very briskly selling pies for a nickel. People swept away in a moment. Delicious and cheap. But one soldier found a piece of burlap in a pie. He went to investigate and immediately started hitting on me: “What are you doing, so-and-so, selling burlap pies?”

    And she said, ” What did you want? For a nickel and a piece of velvet?”

    Do the analysis yourself.

  4. The joke itself consists of two parts. The first part is called setup (from the English setup – installation), in this part it is necessary to intrigue the listener as much as possible, this part must be told in a normal conversational voice. The second part is punchline( from the English punchline – shock wave), this is exactly the moment of the joke, when you seem to hit your final phrase. This part should be read as emotionally and expressively as possible.
    The setup is essentially a prelude to a joke, and the timeline should be closely linked to the first part.
    Let's look at Whitney Brown's joke, for example: “(the beginning of the setup)I saw my grandmother recently… maybe for the last time… (end of the setup and start of the punchline) Oh, no, she's not sick, she's just terribly boring(end of joke).” Let's place the above on the diagram so that you can clearly define the setup and punchline: Setup and punch are usually defined as: A setup is the first part of a joke that prepares you for laughter. Punch is the second part that makes you laugh.

    The following is also worth writing down in the joke formula. It is very important to understand the relevance coefficient of a joke. If you are joking about something that you have already sucked hundreds of times or about what happened a year ago, then the joke will become irrelevant and no one will laugh at it more likely, if you do not do it better than everyone else. Take on unique and new events for jokes.

    There is also the concept of immorality, I advise you to constantly measure it.
    It is possible that your joke will be too immoral for the company, it may even come to a fight. Remember, a joke should not hurt anyone's feelings, so do not joke, for example, about the death of a family who recently lost someone. Use black humor only in the circle of your friends.

    If you make a joke in public, you want to make everyone laugh, then evaluate the listening coefficient or the intrigues of society, people should listen to the joke to the end and then laugh. If this coefficient is negligible, and no one is going to listen to you or even hear you, then it's better not to joke. Otherwise, people will either remember you as someone who doesn't know how to joke, or someone will pick up your joke and steal it, stealing your idea.

    Ah, yes, past jokes matter in the present. The more good jokes you make, the longer people will listen to you, so always try to make a sharp joke whenever possible.

    There is a concept of sarcasm and irony, these are quite complex things, so you need to play with them only in a circle of smart people or friends who understand your sarcasm.
    Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish sarcasm from words, so people can often attribute bad qualities to you. Studies show that irony and sarcasm do not suit women, but for men, these skills help to actively intrigue and make the opposite sex laugh. Use it wisely.

    There are also certain templates for jokes, you don't need to use them often, but if you see that you will get a good punchline, then why not do it?
    The Internet is full of memes, memas, under which you can put vital things, knowing the actual memes, you can easily and quickly joke. You can find memes almost everywhere on the Internet on various image boards or social networks.

    Play smart!;)

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4 Answers

  1. A joke is a natural mistake where the solution seems to be obvious and generally accepted. When nothing foreshadowed trouble, but “everything went wrong.”

    From the point of view of machine learning, this is an observation that reflects an unexpected and previously unknown pattern. Breaking stereotypes.

  2. Personally, I am alarmed by such questions, and even more so by such academic answers. For these reasons, our coaches then grow like mushrooms after the rain – everyone knows how to teach something and sell some technologies, exercises, and so on. Soon we will have to deduce the walking formula, we will forget how to do it.

  3. I've heard one formula that I absolutely agree with. Although it is also not universal.

    The formula is simple – a sharp and completely unexpected change in the angle of view of the main object of the joke. Or transfer this object to a different rating system and aoordinate. And necessarily in the end there should be a feeling of slight shock and absurdity.

    It is clear that it is complicated, so I will explain with a couple of examples.


    • they say that brunettes are smarter than blondes.

    • rubbish.

    • why?

    • my wife was one and the other, and still the same fool.

    As you can see, after the question “why”, we expect a smart, perhaps scientific answer about the absence or presence of a connection between intelligence and hair color. And we get-a deliberately idiotic conclusion made in a self-confident tone. The main chord is the word “FOOL”, which is rough and discordant with the tone of the previous phrases.

    Another example. A historical joke.

    One aunt in the bazaar was very briskly selling pies for a nickel. People swept away in a moment. Delicious and cheap. But one soldier found a piece of burlap in a pie. He went to investigate and immediately started hitting on me: “What are you doing, so-and-so, selling burlap pies?”

    And she said, ” What did you want? For a nickel and a piece of velvet?”

    Do the analysis yourself.

  4. The joke itself consists of two parts. The first part is called setup (from the English setup – installation), in this part it is necessary to intrigue the listener as much as possible, this part must be told in a normal conversational voice. The second part is punchline( from the English punchline – shock wave), this is exactly the moment of the joke, when you seem to hit your final phrase. This part should be read as emotionally and expressively as possible.
    The setup is essentially a prelude to a joke, and the timeline should be closely linked to the first part.
    Let's look at Whitney Brown's joke, for example: “(the beginning of the setup)I saw my grandmother recently… maybe for the last time… (end of the setup and start of the punchline) Oh, no, she's not sick, she's just terribly boring(end of joke).” Let's place the above on the diagram so that you can clearly define the setup and punchline: Setup and punch are usually defined as: A setup is the first part of a joke that prepares you for laughter. Punch is the second part that makes you laugh.

    The following is also worth writing down in the joke formula. It is very important to understand the relevance coefficient of a joke. If you are joking about something that you have already sucked hundreds of times or about what happened a year ago, then the joke will become irrelevant and no one will laugh at it more likely, if you do not do it better than everyone else. Take on unique and new events for jokes.

    There is also the concept of immorality, I advise you to constantly measure it.
    It is possible that your joke will be too immoral for the company, it may even come to a fight. Remember, a joke should not hurt anyone's feelings, so do not joke, for example, about the death of a family who recently lost someone. Use black humor only in the circle of your friends.

    If you make a joke in public, you want to make everyone laugh, then evaluate the listening coefficient or the intrigues of society, people should listen to the joke to the end and then laugh. If this coefficient is negligible, and no one is going to listen to you or even hear you, then it's better not to joke. Otherwise, people will either remember you as someone who doesn't know how to joke, or someone will pick up your joke and steal it, stealing your idea.

    Ah, yes, past jokes matter in the present. The more good jokes you make, the longer people will listen to you, so always try to make a sharp joke whenever possible.

    There is a concept of sarcasm and irony, these are quite complex things, so you need to play with them only in a circle of smart people or friends who understand your sarcasm.
    Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish sarcasm from words, so people can often attribute bad qualities to you. Studies show that irony and sarcasm do not suit women, but for men, these skills help to actively intrigue and make the opposite sex laugh. Use it wisely.

    There are also certain templates for jokes, you don't need to use them often, but if you see that you will get a good punchline, then why not do it?
    The Internet is full of memes, memas, under which you can put vital things, knowing the actual memes, you can easily and quickly joke. You can find memes almost everywhere on the Internet on various image boards or social networks.

    Play smart!;)

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