7 Answers

  1. It is possible that such an idea arose out of an incredible decline due to the inability to fully understand the essence of being. And the possession of reason as such in general, determined belonging to a higher level of being than sensually perceived.

  2. To the phrases of Nietzsche, it is worth mentally attributing: “I am the only smart one in a white coat who stands beautiful.” And everything immediately falls into place. For example:

    He who feels the lack of freedom of the will is mentally ill; he who denies it is stupid. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    Moral people are smug with remorse. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    Majestic natures suffer from doubts about their own greatness. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    I distinguish two kinds of philosophizing people: some are always thinking about defending themselves, while others are always thinking about attacking their enemies. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but the latter usually does not forget it.

    I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    Fever patients see only the ghosts of things, and those with a normal temperature see only the shadows of things, and both need the same words. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    If you're a slave, you can't be a friend. If you're a tyrant — you can't have friends. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    Man is a dirty stream. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    They are cold and seek warmth in liquor; they are hot and seek coolness in frozen minds; they are all frail and obsessed with public opinion. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    Only those who build the future have the right to be the judge of the past. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

    The same thing happens to a person as it does to a tree. The more it strives upward, toward the Light, the deeper its roots go into the earth, down into darkness and depth – toward evil. I'm the only smart one in a white coat standing beautiful.

  3. If a person needs awareness and answers the question what is the spirit and what is the soul what is the difference and what new type of soul we have to master it will raise it a step higher in the evolutionary plan. If there is no imaginative representation coming from the inside then you can guess forever

  4. The bottom line is that everyone has a piece of the spirit, is something more than “just a person”. Nietzsche tried to express this in words, in philosophy, and paid the price for it, unable to bear the senseless suffering of an ordinary horse. So, “just a man” with a sufficiently fanatical approach to the idea of a superman may well embark on the same rake. Nietzsche's strength is not in the idea itself, but in the fact that he had the strength and courage (and stupidity) to express it, but he himself attached importance to the idea. Summarizing his life and ideas suggests a moral: everything is possible, but this does not exclude the responsibility of a person for everything he does, thinks and says. That's all.)

  5. Friedrich Nietzsche is certainly not a man of this world. Many of his ideas are maximalist in nature. By itself, the idea of a superman, developed and widespread in the works of this German philosopher, speaks of a certain fading of faith in people, due to the rapid development of technology that has begun. Having learned to curb and use to their advantage the previously uncontrollable forces of nature, people imagined that they would one day be able to compete with a higher power, supernatural phenomena. The term “superman” itself describes a homo erectus, which evolved, made the same leap in development that made a human out of an ape. And by itself, the development of this topic and idea suggests that there is no limit to the development of human abilities. An interesting, but rather frightening idea that could only arise in the head of a person who is used to building everything in the absolute. Divide people roughly into two categories of necessary/unnecessary. In his writings, he described historical events as follows:”History itself has no other colors than black and white shades.” By this phrase, he meant that there will always be people looking at the same event from diametrically opposite angles. To accept his ideas means to see behind every opportunity, a door to another world. The development of humanity should make the development and nurturing of superhumans its primary task. Only this, according to Friedrich Nietzsche, is the meaning of the development of nature. That is, for example, imagine a situation where, for example, only a scorched desert will remain on the planet, and humanity will go to conquer the stars. So this, if you follow the ideas about superman, is a simple action, well, for example, how to learn to smoke for a monkey.

  6. As already correctly described in the first answer, the idea “Superman ” appears in Nietzsche against the background of the general decline of European culture (mid-19th, early 20th century) and this decline is expressed primarily in the emerging nihilism, but not only-in art, for example, the phenomenon manifests itselfDecadence, a kind of retrogradism, which many young artists at that time perceived as the enemyNew art.

    For Nietzsche (Nietzsche was not a nihilist himself, by no means!) The superman is the moral ideal of a person who is not inert like the “mob“, who “manifests himself” and realizes his “will to power“, a person whose morality is based on his own views (very similar to the autonomy of the will in Kant) and the sublime spirit of his nature. More specifically, the Superman for Nietzsche is the very way out of the current cultural situation of the “revolt of the masses” and the domination of slave morality – vindictive, devious, based on malice (towards the master). Thus, Nietzsche transfers the social and moral ideal of the aristocrat (of the Greek type) to the general plane of morality and power relations that are not tied to a specific social class (that is, to a specific social class).Everyone can become a superman individually, but not all together).

    By the way, that is why it is incorrect to call Nietzsche a nihilist – a nihilist is one who denies the norms and values of culture, while not creating anything himself, remaining without an idea. Nietzsche, on the other hand, does quite the opposite, criticizing both the current cultural environment and nihilism itself, and putting forward a new ideal, the – – idealSuperman.

  7. In order to understand the idea of the superman, first you need to consider other terms from Nietzsche's philosophy.

    Phrase “God is dead.” The meaning of this phrase can be understood as follows. With the advent of science (in Nietzsche's time), the image of God loses its former strength and its former meaning. And he died in terms of having no place in people's minds, not literally. And besides, God's former place claims to remain empty, which gives rise to nihilism.

    Eternal return. The idea of eternal return is based on the fact that a person lives his life an infinite number of times. At the same time, he lives the same life and cannot change anything. This idea is more like a thought experiment that helps to uncover the idea of a superman.

    Superman. Let's try to consider the relationship of this term with the previous ones and a few quotes through which you can understand the essence of superman. Unfortunately, I didn't find any direct definitions.

    Here is what he says about the “death of God” : “All the gods have died; now we want the superman to live – this should be our last will at great noon.” The idea of a superman is also contrasted with the idea of a collective, which also claims to occupy the same empty place. “Preachers of equality! The powerless madness of a tyrant cries out for “equality”in you: this is how your innermost desire for tyranny is hidden behind the words of virtue!”�

    The superman is not afraid of eternal return. All he says about it is, ” So that was life? Well, then! One more time!” The story of the shepherd who had a snake crawling down his throat also reveals this side of the superman well: “And the shepherd bit off, as my cry advised him; he bit off the snake's head! He spat it far away, and leaped to his feet. – No shepherd, no man, but before me stood the transfigured, enlightened one who laughed! “(Here the snake symbolizes eternal return. Read more about this symbol here )

    Here is another metaphor from the parable of the three transmutations of the spirit(Read it, it is small). In short, the first transformation is the transformation from a spirit into a camel that wants to experience the weight of its burden (this means eternal return). The second transformation is the transformation of a camel into a lion, creating freedom from the old morals and old values. But leo is not yet able to create new values. All he can do is clear the field for his subsequent and final transformation into a child, which symbolizes the idea of a superman-a person who seeks to “create”.

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