8 Answers

  1. An individual develops philosophical thinking if he understands the content of all the great philosophical teachings for 2500 years, in which philosophers expressed how they gradually comprehended the philosophical subject – Truth. Assimilating this content, trying to comprehend the entire course of the history of philosophy as a single whole, the individual changes the form of thinking from rational to rational.

    Being surprised by unusual thoughts, the interested person turns away from ordinary opinions that he has absorbed in his life. Trying to connect what is not connected in the usual world, turning attention to the essence of phenomena and even to the essence of all entities, a person develops his ordinary consciousness to greater intelligence. By delving into specific questions, looking for their own answers, analyzing the teachings and arguing with great philosophers, one's own philosophical thinking grows.

  2. Arthur Schopenhauer, revered by many as a philosopher, once put it this way::

    “It is only later that the original thinker becomes acquainted with writers who are authoritative for his opinions, who then serve him to confirm his thoughts and for their own reinforcement; whereas the book philosopher sets out, proceeds from them, arranging for himself a whole from the opinions of others that are read out, which is likened to an automaton made up of someone else's material; the worldview of the former, on the contrary, For it is the fruit borne and born, conceived as a result of the influence of the external world on the thinking spirit.”

    .. and personally, I-actually philosophers after Aristotle that is called “point blank do not see”, because for me-a philosopher is only one who-before talking about anything-does not disdain to decide on such “matters”:

    what is a person from the point of view of his philosophy
    (if the definition is given, and it does not become clear by itself ) –
    what is the meaning of a person's life in the coordinates of his (the philosopher's) worldview
    (if it is not yet clear) –
    what is the soul and what is wisdom
    (and, if the philosopher does not mind) –
    what is love…

  3. To develop philosophical thinking, you will need: time, reading literature, life experience and communication with people of this type.

    Philosophy is wisdom about life. And to understand this wisdom, the first thing you need to start with is learning from someone else's experience.

    Start reading the minds of sages( Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Democritus, Socrates, Aristotle). Also, thinking develops fiction, which describes life stories.

    Read novels, analyze them, and try to understand what the author wanted to convey.

    And of course, communication with people who are more knowledgeable will enrich your thoughts. University teachers, scientists, or even native grandmothers can share useful tips and give food for thought.

  4. The most useless and even harmful activity is to develop your thinking in a philosophical direction. The work of philosophers has historically turned out to be useless and useless to anyone. And the fate of philosophers is sad, it is good if they ended their life like everyone else. No one uses the advice of philosophers. Michal Evgrafych, who is Saltykov-Shchedrin, described all philosophers as follows:”Each cricket must occupy a strictly corresponding pole.” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin succeeded because he gathered all the chatterbox philosophers and put Adya on board. Although on the other hand, philosophy is a profitable business, this is when they serve the powerful (to fool the electorate). And for everyone else, it's a waste of time. ))

  5. Philosophy provides the development of logical thinking. But it is difficult to isolate it from the works of philosophers. You should start with logical thinking lessons on YouTube, but 99% of them are fruitless. The principle, ” with whom you will lead…””!Seek and find”

  6. I assume that to do this, you need to read the works of great philosophers and gradually build your personal philosophy on their basis.) Fortunately, a lot of books on philosophy have been written at the moment.

  7. It all depends on why you need it, philosophical thinking. If you imagined that philosophers are such cool peppers selling air, then you don't need to develop anything, so it is, you have succeeded. If you haven't thought about the air, then alas, you're not a philosopher yet. If you believe that thinking can be developed with special exercises, then no, you shouldn't. Drop this case, and throw all the development books in the oven, if you have any. These books were written exclusively by charlatans or, at the very least, narrow-minded people. By no means philosophers! Although, of course, both of them sell air…

  8. To become a philosopher, you need to be a philosopher – The first and inevitable rule.Fundamentals of Being, or how the world really works.No place without a Bible.So gradual, and portioned thoughtful reading, will speed up the process of implantation in philosophy,a little later such a seeker will appear, again a step forward, then if you do not give up,it will go slowly, little by little.The main rule is not to rush…..some philoterms open for a long time, endure.And remember one more important thing.You will only be able to handle what Taoi's Soul can handle.So calmly, and with love.You will stand in these simple rules,you are in the topic, consider it a tiny one, but our brother Filosov.Everything is in your hands. Good luck!!!

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