16 Answers

  1. “Silence of the Lambs” (1991) and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” (1974) are the best motivational and philosophical films of all time. You can also add” Fight Club ” / Fight Club (1999).

  2. I have always been very motivated and driven to move forward by the film “Regions of Darkness” / “Limitless” (2011). The story of how a person turned from a simple unsuccessful writer into a genius (even with the help of pharmacology), can not but make you believe in yourself and in your own strength. And Eddie Morra is a bit like Charlie Gordon (“Flowers for Algernon”) and Martin Eden.

  3. I read the answers , yes, some films are good, but I was surprised that no one told me that there is still a film “Chasing happiness” with Will Smith in the main role. A film about being a single father. Raising a five-year-old son, Chris tries his best to make sure that the child grows up happy. Working as a salesman, he can't pay for the apartment, and they are evicted.

    Once on the street, but not wanting to give up, the father gets an intern in a brokerage company, hoping to get a specialist position. Only during the internship, he will not receive any money, and the internship lasts for 6 months…

    Be sure to watch this amazing movie. Motivation for the ages.

  4. This is Pi's Life.

    There's 3 stories nested in each other. Two are clearly told: the improbable one and the official one. And one is completely metaphorical, philosophical, about how a person is freed from the deadly problem of his life.

  5. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw your question was Akira Kurosawa's 1952 film Ikiru, inspired by Leo Tolstoy's novel The Death of Ivan Ilyich. If you have read this work, you will understand what it is about. The film is about a man who breaks down all the barriers on the way to his goal after learning that he will soon die. A film that inspires and motivates.

  6. I was once very moved by the film Clever Will Hunting, but it seems to me that in order for this film to affect you, you need to have certain factors in your life. Take a look and you'll understand.

  7. When I was in my fourth year of university, I had a chance to watch a couple of Ron Fricke's film “Baraka”. Quote from Wikipedia: “A documentary film that uses non-verbal means to tell the story of the planet Earth, its nature and people.”

    The film is from 1992, so to see our planet as it was 25 years ago will, in my humble opinion, be very interesting.

    There is also “Chronos” in 1985 and” Samsara ” in 2011 from the same director, but somehow I can't get my hands on it. (

  8. Knockin ' on the Sky, Shawshank Redemption, Desert Flower, Stephen Hawking's Universe, Gravity, Still Alice. Everyone sees in films, and indeed in reality, what they want to see. So you search and find, good luck.

  9. “La La Land”. In the cinema, on the big screen, in a pleasant company.�

    There will be something to philosophize about later, and something to be inspired by your own achievements.

  10. “Hector's Journey in search of happiness” is a very good film. Watch better on the big screen.�


    Hector — a slightly eccentric but terribly charming London psychiatrist-is in a state of crisis caused by the fact that his patients are not getting any happier, despite his best efforts. And one day Hector decides to personally go on a trip around the world to find out if happiness exists at all and, more importantly, if it exists for himself.

  11. “Spring, summer, autumn, winter… Spring again ” directed by Kim Ki-duk. Even the name evokes a philosophical mood:)�

    It will appeal to those who are close to the topic of meditation, life in a monastery, the role of a spiritual teacher in life, and the meaning of human life

    • Interrupted life�

    A wonderful film that touches on many important philosophical questions about friendship, love, life and death, our fears and “depressions”. About how important it is not to lose yourself in daily problems, to live easier and never give up. After watching it, it left me under the impression for at least a week. It just so happened that I did not review this film during the best period of my life, and it gave me a second wind. An amazing game of actors and an incredible fate of the characters with whom you really live their life together.�

    • Dead Poets Society

    If you haven't watched this movie yet, then it's better not to read any more, but go ahead and turn it on right now. Because there are hardly enough words to describe all the emotions. You just need to look at it. You will remember these two hours forever. At least the last scene is definitely worth it. Seize the moment and appreciate every moment of your life. Insanely kind, sincere and inspiring film, after which you want not just to live, but to live every second for real.�

    • Big fish

    A fantastic tale about life. About the life of each of us. Do not rush to scroll through if you do not like science fiction or “too childish a story”. This film is unlike any other in its genre. At first, it seems very simple and too fabulous. But don't jump to conclusions. Sometimes it is worth moving away from reality and remembering how colorful we imagined the world as a child. This kind and touching film will awaken every child. And it will tell the story of one person's life from two different angles. And what to believe is up to you.�

    • Reach out to the heavens�

    A movie I've watched so many times that I've learned almost everything. A film that never ceases to delight. A movie that has been at the top of my list for many years. A film with a heavy story, told so easily, with humor, that it is simply impossible not to fall in love. It is worth noting separately gorgeous quotes, indescribable atmosphere and soundtrack. Life is worth it to realize your dreams and decide on the craziest things. A film that will reach every heart. And it will stay there forever.

  12. Personally, I liked “Diary of a teenage girl”
    With all the roughness of the content, it doesn't seem vulgar at all, and it would be nice for adults to sometimes remember the life lessons that Mini learns during the course of the plot.

  13. Green Elephant (1999) it is not too difficult to understand, but it is no less good. It is even more likely to be attributed to motivational ones.

    Sergey Pakhomov, who played the role there, noted that the film is “from the field of that miracle that happens once in a lifetime.” According to him, “the absurdism of the Green Elephant is very well laid down now on the absurdism of reality and its meaninglessness … Remember: the world is over, culture is over, the book is over, the word is over, the movie is over, everything is over. And inside this desolation is the “Green Elephant” just was a reflection of this beautiful state”

    The film was awarded a second-degree diploma in the feature films section of the Amateur Cinema competition at the Lyubov Kino! -2000 Film Festival in Moscow. Critics describe the film as a” brutal anti-militarist parable”, emphasizing the tape's belonging to transgressive cinema and describing its art form as”primitivism and extreme naturalism”.

  14. Since you asked not about motivational films, but about motivational and philosophical ones, my list of films would look like this:

    1. Gandhi

    2. The Gospel of Matthew�(Pasolini)

    3. Joan of Arc (Luc Besson)

    4. Lord of the Rings

    5. The fate of man

    6. When the trees were big

    7. documentary film”Circumnavigation of Laura”

    8. cartoon Hedgehog�in the fog

    9. For reasons of conscience

    10. Flying Over the Cuckoo's Nest

  15. Try” The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty ” from motivational and philosophical it is not too difficult to understand, but that's why it is no less good. It is even more likely to be attributed to motivational ones. The main character gets a great shake-up in his everyday life( although in my opinion, it only seems so to him , because such work and hobbies, although past ones, can not be called ordinary at all).

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