The main motivation is not to receive punishment for parasitism in the form of a certain amount of socially useful work for the benefit of society. (Since the Dictatorship of the proletariat presupposes harsh measures against alien class elements) Or not passing the compulsory procedure of psychological and ideological ” brainwashing “(“brainwashing”).
Receiving coupons for scarce imported goods that are in high consumer demand, as opposed to their same type of consumer goods.
Greater (mass) availability of free travel packages (the lowest class)for employees to domestic resorts (sanatoriums). (Foreign resorts will not be available because of low wages, but rather because they prevent the ideological corruption of communists in capitalist countries.)
Getting benefits for free travel on public transport after reaching retirement age.
Communism is possible only with an overwhelming number of citizens in society with a high conscious level of gratuitous labor for the benefit of society and with the smallest personal consumer demands. In modern society, these are altruists who can be counted on one's fingers. By the time of communism, they will have died out as a genetic (and spiritual) species.
And, relying on the replacement of human labor by robots under communism will only lead to greater parasitism of citizens, antisocial behavior not only of adults, but also of young people and children. What's the point of studying, wasting time on your education (getting hard-to-learn knowledge), if you can get food, clothing, and housing for free, but spend your time on entertainment(same free unlimited content on the web). And to get more social benefits, you just need to give birth to more children. Under communism, large families are entitled to additional benefits (a house, a car, increased social benefits, honorary title of a mother with many children, a father).
There's a completely different concept. It is assumed that a person is not an animal that needs any additional encouragement. Under communism, a person is at such a level of development that he can enjoy the work itself directly. Just from the feeling that it is useful.
In our time, something like this can only be observed in some people. About Louis Gerstner (the famous director of IBM), it is known that he literally suffered on weekends, not knowing what to do with himself, and was very much looking forward to Monday, when he could again be at work in the office. There is also one well-known programmer who declares the phrase as his motto: “I would write code even if it was illegal.”And all more or less successful programmers perfectly understand what he means. Creative energy is very difficult to contain. So the idea of communism is based on the fact that all people can be brought to this level of development.
This is not without meaning, since individual glimpses of such motivation can sometimes be observed in everyone. When you look at some rukozhop who can't change a wheel on a car by himself, for example, there is some inexplicable desire to do it for him and stop these unnecessary sufferings. Absolutely free. Just to help the poor guy. This motivation can only disappear in a situation where you clearly understand that you are being stupidly used. However, communism assumes that such a situation cannot occur. Everyone does the job that they are most excited about. And this principle is institutionalized. Everyone is helped to find something to do. Just like in the famous saying of Confucius: “Choose a job you like, and you won't have to work a day in your life.” Under communism, this happens for everyone. Everyone works without working.
I'm not a Marxist communist (yes, communists can be non-Marxists), but I'll answer that. Communism, by definition, presupposes the death of labor. What is labor? Labor is an expedient, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. In a class society, there is no other way for a person to obtain benefits other than (1) labor, and (2) parasitism in the labor of others. Accordingly, labor in a class society is forced. A person works not because he likes the work that he does (there are also such people, but they are lucky people who are not enough and who have come to this position because of not only personal qualities, but also a happy combination of circumstances), he works because otherwise he will have nothing to eat. Therefore, in a class society and even in the first stages of building communism, namely, within the framework of a socialist society, work should be encouraged. Because it is impossible to remove the “alienation of labor”, it is impossible to provide everyone with work to their liking – there are no educational, informational, or other resources for this. The term “communism” refers to a planetary society that has already outgrown the socialist stage in its development. If we avoid the question that it is insanely difficult to build such a society, and it will most likely arise not so much through conscious efforts as by force (otherwise humanity will not be saved), so, leaving this question out of the brackets, let's first imagine what the working conditions and work in such a society are, and then we can answer the question-whether such a society So, let's look at this society within the framework of basic (understandable even for the layman) parameters:
1. Safety. After the merger of states and their abolition, the external threat disappears. This means that the army is dying out in such a society (there are still small external security forces in Space in case of a possible invasion of extraterrestrial intelligence). In addition, the disappearance of private property and alienation leads to the gradual elimination of crime, crime shrinks. This means a significant demobilization of the militia forces. Criminals do exist, but they are subject to the courts of territorial and industrial communities. So, external and internal threats are close to zero.
2. Ownership and exchange. All property is public, but belongs to different public structures. There is the property of the World Earth Council, there is the property of “domains” or “territories” (former states), and there is the property of” loci “or”communities”. At the same time, there is no parasitism, that is, no one can benefit from someone else's work. Exchange (in conditions of limited Land resources) is made by electronic accrual of certain points for activities. Moreover, this accrual is carried out since childhood (each person has an electronic account). The activity can be different-educational, labor, creative, and so on. And the scores on the account are different (think of the score as a set of digital rows colored in different colors). Points of different colors give access to different public goods. But as such, the principle – I give you so many points, and you give me the product-is absent. On the contrary, there is a threshold principle (I reach a certain level, and you give me access to a certain (large) range of goods. Naturally, there are “scarce” benefits (which simply cannot be distributed equally to everyone) and their receipt depends more on personal contribution. But different instances have the right to award points, and therefore there is no single “authority” who would distribute points. However, there is a limit on the accrual of points and the corresponding table (so that the citizens of the Earth do not have extra points). As production evolves, it is revised. Money (in our understanding), which would strictly control the entire exchange on the principle of 1 unit of money = so many goods-does not exist (points are not money and at the next stage of development they will disappear).
3. Production and service. Production is gradually being decentralized (only planning remains unified, which is carried out by professional planetary councils) and is concentrated within several” domains ” of the Earth (where the climate and landscape are best). At the same time, earthlings are making efforts to invent better ways to clean and recycle industrial waste (as well as clean the rest of the Earth's surface from industrial waste). Production is almost completely robotic and automated – the position of a worker actually becomes the position of an operator of technically complex machines. The activity of service personnel (cleaners, etc.) is also automated.
4. Leisure. Initially, the leisure time of earthlings increases (due to the reduction of the working day, and then the abolition of the concept of “working day norms”). But very soon, in fact, forms of leisure become more creative and developed. Former “hobbies” turn into something between a free pastime and bringing benefits to society (and yourself). So, mountaineering and tourism are combined with geological exploration and rescue, sports-with scientific research of the capabilities of the human body (the principle, I hope, is clear). In the future, the concept of leisure will simply disappear. Even games as such are becoming more complex and represent a de facto simulation of real human behavior models with a huge number of parameters. The game merges more and more with learning, but not in the way that it is being promoted now (they say that all learning will become a game), but on the contrary (the game becomes so complicated that it becomes a learning process. Example – you find yourself in such a future and decide to play a computer “dogfight”. And here you have a cab with a bunch of parameters. And if you figure out how to play in parallel, you will de facto get real (only virtualized) piloting skills. Even now, some games are becoming more complex in this direction. In the future, most games will develop certain useful skills, and useless games will simply disappear (they will still exist by inertia, but they will not be interesting to anyone except very young children). I'm not saying that the virtuality space will be completely “immersive” (with the experience of tactile and other sensations, up to moderate pain), and not as it is now. After playing the game “rock climbing” and leaving the simulator cabin, you will barely move your legs (a special robot will strain your muscles, as if you were really climbing on a rock).
5. Education and upbringing. From the simple acquisition of knowledge, education will pass into the category of largely self-learning and stimulating people to future professional activities. Here we get a partial answer about how the incentive to work will be formed – it should normally be formed from childhood. Education and upbringing will merge together and become a single process of socialization of the individual. And the family will cease to be the main center of this process, and communities will become the center. Not only parents, but also special specialists will take part in the upbringing of children. This means that the parent will no longer be able to arbitrarily harm their child and “shape it as the left leg wants”. The process of emancipation from the parent will be mandatory and gradual (the child will be taught independence, while maintaining attachment to the parents). And even if the parent commits an unethical act in relation to the child or even a crime, even then the child will be explained that it is impossible to hate the parent, that the feeling of hatred for the parent destroys. The child will then simply be moved to a special center for a while, but no one will deprive him of communication with the parent (in general, the idea of” withdrawal from the family ” will be absent, the child will always keep in touch with the family and relatives). From here, we will actually see the following transformation: the upbringing and education of people from a random and chaotic process (as it is now) will become purposeful and conscious, from a personal – family one (when everything was blamed on the psyche of parents and children) to a family – social one (when the family is provided with multi-level assistance, not only material, but also psychological and moral).
6. Profession. The profession will most likely be called something else, something like “life's work”. Each person will be tested as a child and find out if they have a certain aptitude for a particular profession. If not , it doesn't matter, interest in the profession will be formed only later – in adolescence or adulthood. The main role in choosing a profession will be played by the personal aptitude of a person, his abilities, as well as the opinion of specialists. At the same time, the individual will have the opportunity to “veto” the expert opinion and thus insist on his own, going against the wishes of everyone (although then he will also have the responsibility to prove that his decision was correct). An ordinary person will have several professions in their lifetime. In addition, professions can be “main” (“life's work”) and “secondary” (temporary). For example, most people will seek to avoid low-level creative work (the work of machine operators) and therefore many people in this area will work temporarily. But on the other hand, there will also be those who consciously want to become a worker. In general, the production of goods and maintenance as a result of automating these processes will not require a huge number of people. Already in the first phase of communism (which I am describing), only about 20-25% of the population will be engaged in production, and later even less.
So, sorry for the long preface. Judge for yourself, what other special incentives for work will be required by individuals? I remind you:
1) All work will be creative. Non-creative professions will be temporary and will be perceived accordingly.
2) A person within the “points system” will have the choice to “refuse any work” at all. But such a person-having received the minimum of necessary benefits, will be essentially isolated. They will not be friends with him (other people will not be interested in him), and he is unlikely to start a family. No one will force such an individual to work. Just the social atmosphere will make it work. Well, or so he will live part of his life, content with virtual or some other things and communicating only with relatives. But-part of it. Because there is no such person to whom absolutely everything in life would not be interesting (or he is mentally ill). The same virtual games-models will sooner or later lead him to a particular profession (especially since they will specifically provide an incentive to work).
3) A person will have more rights to choose a profession. Already in the framework of childhood and adolescence, he will master 1-2 professions, and in the future he will be able to go for retraining if he gets tired of his profession. (this is the first phase of communism; in the following phases, by increasing life expectancy and improving the process of socialization, the professions that he will master by the conditional “entry into labor activity” will already be 4-5, or even more).
4) Labor will be rewarded with satisfaction from the labor process itself. There will be no outsider standing over a person in the process of labor, whom he would not have chosen himself (all positions in the production process will be occupied by people elected by workers or territorial communities). Work, therefore, will not be built on the principle of “I came to work and then the goat boss ruined my mood and so every day”. And if the work will traumatize a person, he will be able to undergo psychological therapy and find out why this is so.
5) A person will not be tied to one place of work within the profession. If the majority of employees simply cannot work with each other, their community will simply be disbanded and replaced by others. Working groups will be formed within the framework of minimal compatibility of people with each other (minimal because it is impossible to take away people's freedom of choice).
6) At the first stage, certain benefits will be limited due to the lack of access to Space and the scarcity of Earth's resources. But they will be available to people who have accumulated points for a long time and successfully (see above). However, these will still be “necessary goods for life.” These will not be “prestigious items” that a person does not need, but which he can brag about over others. Such items will simply cease to be produced for exchange (they will be produced only for placement in museums or for special works and scientific experiments). Thus, precious stones, gold and so on. precious metals will lose their value. They will not be able to buy anything and they will not fall into private hands until many generations have passed and people forget that they were once psychologically dependent on things.
Work will really be a joy for a person. But because the person will be able to choose the work that he likes. In fact, work under communism will be closer to today's concept of a hobby. After all, hobbies are a joy to engage in. Moreover, no one will forbid having several classes or changing the field of work and mastering a new one if you get tired. And take as many resources as you need, because resources are fully available to everyone. Who, then, will do the dull and monotonous work that no one wants to do? Cars. One of the conditions for the onset of communism is a high level of productive forces. And as a result – total automation. Thus, the reward for labor becomes its very process and the process of self-development as a result of labor.
The main motivation is not to receive punishment for parasitism in the form of a certain amount of socially useful work for the benefit of society. (Since the Dictatorship of the proletariat presupposes harsh measures against alien class elements) Or not passing the compulsory procedure of psychological and ideological ” brainwashing “(“brainwashing”).
Receiving coupons for scarce imported goods that are in high consumer demand, as opposed to their same type of consumer goods.
Greater (mass) availability of free travel packages (the lowest class)for employees to domestic resorts (sanatoriums). (Foreign resorts will not be available because of low wages, but rather because they prevent the ideological corruption of communists in capitalist countries.)
Getting benefits for free travel on public transport after reaching retirement age.
Communism is possible only with an overwhelming number of citizens in society with a high conscious level of gratuitous labor for the benefit of society and with the smallest personal consumer demands. In modern society, these are altruists who can be counted on one's fingers. By the time of communism, they will have died out as a genetic (and spiritual) species.
And, relying on the replacement of human labor by robots under communism will only lead to greater parasitism of citizens, antisocial behavior not only of adults, but also of young people and children. What's the point of studying, wasting time on your education (getting hard-to-learn knowledge), if you can get food, clothing, and housing for free, but spend your time on entertainment(same free unlimited content on the web). And to get more social benefits, you just need to give birth to more children. Under communism, large families are entitled to additional benefits (a house, a car, increased social benefits, honorary title of a mother with many children, a father).
There's a completely different concept. It is assumed that a person is not an animal that needs any additional encouragement. Under communism, a person is at such a level of development that he can enjoy the work itself directly. Just from the feeling that it is useful.
In our time, something like this can only be observed in some people. About Louis Gerstner (the famous director of IBM), it is known that he literally suffered on weekends, not knowing what to do with himself, and was very much looking forward to Monday, when he could again be at work in the office. There is also one well-known programmer who declares the phrase as his motto: “I would write code even if it was illegal.”And all more or less successful programmers perfectly understand what he means. Creative energy is very difficult to contain. So the idea of communism is based on the fact that all people can be brought to this level of development.
This is not without meaning, since individual glimpses of such motivation can sometimes be observed in everyone. When you look at some rukozhop who can't change a wheel on a car by himself, for example, there is some inexplicable desire to do it for him and stop these unnecessary sufferings. Absolutely free. Just to help the poor guy. This motivation can only disappear in a situation where you clearly understand that you are being stupidly used. However, communism assumes that such a situation cannot occur. Everyone does the job that they are most excited about. And this principle is institutionalized. Everyone is helped to find something to do. Just like in the famous saying of Confucius: “Choose a job you like, and you won't have to work a day in your life.” Under communism, this happens for everyone. Everyone works without working.
If you work, others work, and everyone has access to ALL the resources they need. No charge, for everything you need. So much for the reward factor.
I'm not a Marxist communist (yes, communists can be non-Marxists), but I'll answer that. Communism, by definition, presupposes the death of labor. What is labor? Labor is an expedient, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. In a class society, there is no other way for a person to obtain benefits other than (1) labor, and (2) parasitism in the labor of others. Accordingly, labor in a class society is forced. A person works not because he likes the work that he does (there are also such people, but they are lucky people who are not enough and who have come to this position because of not only personal qualities, but also a happy combination of circumstances), he works because otherwise he will have nothing to eat. Therefore, in a class society and even in the first stages of building communism, namely, within the framework of a socialist society, work should be encouraged. Because it is impossible to remove the “alienation of labor”, it is impossible to provide everyone with work to their liking – there are no educational, informational, or other resources for this. The term “communism” refers to a planetary society that has already outgrown the socialist stage in its development. If we avoid the question that it is insanely difficult to build such a society, and it will most likely arise not so much through conscious efforts as by force (otherwise humanity will not be saved), so, leaving this question out of the brackets, let's first imagine what the working conditions and work in such a society are, and then we can answer the question-whether such a society So, let's look at this society within the framework of basic (understandable even for the layman) parameters:
1. Safety. After the merger of states and their abolition, the external threat disappears. This means that the army is dying out in such a society (there are still small external security forces in Space in case of a possible invasion of extraterrestrial intelligence). In addition, the disappearance of private property and alienation leads to the gradual elimination of crime, crime shrinks. This means a significant demobilization of the militia forces. Criminals do exist, but they are subject to the courts of territorial and industrial communities. So, external and internal threats are close to zero.
2. Ownership and exchange. All property is public, but belongs to different public structures. There is the property of the World Earth Council, there is the property of “domains” or “territories” (former states), and there is the property of” loci “or”communities”. At the same time, there is no parasitism, that is, no one can benefit from someone else's work. Exchange (in conditions of limited Land resources) is made by electronic accrual of certain points for activities. Moreover, this accrual is carried out since childhood (each person has an electronic account). The activity can be different-educational, labor, creative, and so on. And the scores on the account are different (think of the score as a set of digital rows colored in different colors). Points of different colors give access to different public goods. But as such, the principle – I give you so many points, and you give me the product-is absent. On the contrary, there is a threshold principle (I reach a certain level, and you give me access to a certain (large) range of goods. Naturally, there are “scarce” benefits (which simply cannot be distributed equally to everyone) and their receipt depends more on personal contribution. But different instances have the right to award points, and therefore there is no single “authority” who would distribute points. However, there is a limit on the accrual of points and the corresponding table (so that the citizens of the Earth do not have extra points). As production evolves, it is revised. Money (in our understanding), which would strictly control the entire exchange on the principle of 1 unit of money = so many goods-does not exist (points are not money and at the next stage of development they will disappear).
3. Production and service. Production is gradually being decentralized (only planning remains unified, which is carried out by professional planetary councils) and is concentrated within several” domains ” of the Earth (where the climate and landscape are best). At the same time, earthlings are making efforts to invent better ways to clean and recycle industrial waste (as well as clean the rest of the Earth's surface from industrial waste). Production is almost completely robotic and automated – the position of a worker actually becomes the position of an operator of technically complex machines. The activity of service personnel (cleaners, etc.) is also automated.
4. Leisure. Initially, the leisure time of earthlings increases (due to the reduction of the working day, and then the abolition of the concept of “working day norms”). But very soon, in fact, forms of leisure become more creative and developed. Former “hobbies” turn into something between a free pastime and bringing benefits to society (and yourself). So, mountaineering and tourism are combined with geological exploration and rescue, sports-with scientific research of the capabilities of the human body (the principle, I hope, is clear). In the future, the concept of leisure will simply disappear. Even games as such are becoming more complex and represent a de facto simulation of real human behavior models with a huge number of parameters. The game merges more and more with learning, but not in the way that it is being promoted now (they say that all learning will become a game), but on the contrary (the game becomes so complicated that it becomes a learning process. Example – you find yourself in such a future and decide to play a computer “dogfight”. And here you have a cab with a bunch of parameters. And if you figure out how to play in parallel, you will de facto get real (only virtualized) piloting skills. Even now, some games are becoming more complex in this direction. In the future, most games will develop certain useful skills, and useless games will simply disappear (they will still exist by inertia, but they will not be interesting to anyone except very young children). I'm not saying that the virtuality space will be completely “immersive” (with the experience of tactile and other sensations, up to moderate pain), and not as it is now. After playing the game “rock climbing” and leaving the simulator cabin, you will barely move your legs (a special robot will strain your muscles, as if you were really climbing on a rock).
5. Education and upbringing. From the simple acquisition of knowledge, education will pass into the category of largely self-learning and stimulating people to future professional activities. Here we get a partial answer about how the incentive to work will be formed – it should normally be formed from childhood. Education and upbringing will merge together and become a single process of socialization of the individual. And the family will cease to be the main center of this process, and communities will become the center. Not only parents, but also special specialists will take part in the upbringing of children. This means that the parent will no longer be able to arbitrarily harm their child and “shape it as the left leg wants”. The process of emancipation from the parent will be mandatory and gradual (the child will be taught independence, while maintaining attachment to the parents). And even if the parent commits an unethical act in relation to the child or even a crime, even then the child will be explained that it is impossible to hate the parent, that the feeling of hatred for the parent destroys. The child will then simply be moved to a special center for a while, but no one will deprive him of communication with the parent (in general, the idea of” withdrawal from the family ” will be absent, the child will always keep in touch with the family and relatives). From here, we will actually see the following transformation: the upbringing and education of people from a random and chaotic process (as it is now) will become purposeful and conscious, from a personal – family one (when everything was blamed on the psyche of parents and children) to a family – social one (when the family is provided with multi-level assistance, not only material, but also psychological and moral).
6. Profession. The profession will most likely be called something else, something like “life's work”. Each person will be tested as a child and find out if they have a certain aptitude for a particular profession. If not , it doesn't matter, interest in the profession will be formed only later – in adolescence or adulthood. The main role in choosing a profession will be played by the personal aptitude of a person, his abilities, as well as the opinion of specialists. At the same time, the individual will have the opportunity to “veto” the expert opinion and thus insist on his own, going against the wishes of everyone (although then he will also have the responsibility to prove that his decision was correct). An ordinary person will have several professions in their lifetime. In addition, professions can be “main” (“life's work”) and “secondary” (temporary). For example, most people will seek to avoid low-level creative work (the work of machine operators) and therefore many people in this area will work temporarily. But on the other hand, there will also be those who consciously want to become a worker. In general, the production of goods and maintenance as a result of automating these processes will not require a huge number of people. Already in the first phase of communism (which I am describing), only about 20-25% of the population will be engaged in production, and later even less.
So, sorry for the long preface. Judge for yourself, what other special incentives for work will be required by individuals? I remind you:
1) All work will be creative. Non-creative professions will be temporary and will be perceived accordingly.
2) A person within the “points system” will have the choice to “refuse any work” at all. But such a person-having received the minimum of necessary benefits, will be essentially isolated. They will not be friends with him (other people will not be interested in him), and he is unlikely to start a family. No one will force such an individual to work. Just the social atmosphere will make it work. Well, or so he will live part of his life, content with virtual or some other things and communicating only with relatives. But-part of it. Because there is no such person to whom absolutely everything in life would not be interesting (or he is mentally ill). The same virtual games-models will sooner or later lead him to a particular profession (especially since they will specifically provide an incentive to work).
3) A person will have more rights to choose a profession. Already in the framework of childhood and adolescence, he will master 1-2 professions, and in the future he will be able to go for retraining if he gets tired of his profession. (this is the first phase of communism; in the following phases, by increasing life expectancy and improving the process of socialization, the professions that he will master by the conditional “entry into labor activity” will already be 4-5, or even more).
4) Labor will be rewarded with satisfaction from the labor process itself. There will be no outsider standing over a person in the process of labor, whom he would not have chosen himself (all positions in the production process will be occupied by people elected by workers or territorial communities). Work, therefore, will not be built on the principle of “I came to work and then the goat boss ruined my mood and so every day”. And if the work will traumatize a person, he will be able to undergo psychological therapy and find out why this is so.
5) A person will not be tied to one place of work within the profession. If the majority of employees simply cannot work with each other, their community will simply be disbanded and replaced by others. Working groups will be formed within the framework of minimal compatibility of people with each other (minimal because it is impossible to take away people's freedom of choice).
6) At the first stage, certain benefits will be limited due to the lack of access to Space and the scarcity of Earth's resources. But they will be available to people who have accumulated points for a long time and successfully (see above). However, these will still be “necessary goods for life.” These will not be “prestigious items” that a person does not need, but which he can brag about over others. Such items will simply cease to be produced for exchange (they will be produced only for placement in museums or for special works and scientific experiments). Thus, precious stones, gold and so on. precious metals will lose their value. They will not be able to buy anything and they will not fall into private hands until many generations have passed and people forget that they were once psychologically dependent on things.
Something like that.
Work will really be a joy for a person. But because the person will be able to choose the work that he likes. In fact, work under communism will be closer to today's concept of a hobby. After all, hobbies are a joy to engage in. Moreover, no one will forbid having several classes or changing the field of work and mastering a new one if you get tired. And take as many resources as you need, because resources are fully available to everyone. Who, then, will do the dull and monotonous work that no one wants to do? Cars. One of the conditions for the onset of communism is a high level of productive forces. And as a result – total automation. Thus, the reward for labor becomes its very process and the process of self-development as a result of labor.