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All people live in a world created in their heads. Each person perceives colors, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches in their own way. Therefore, each person's perception of the world is unique. The reflection of reality in the consciousness of each person is illusory in its own way. Therefore, people are forced to agree on what is normal and what is not. Usually, if a person's illusions do not harm him or others, then society has nothing against such an illusory world. And even vice versa, there are many examples when a unique perception of the world turned out to be in demand in society. These are artists, scientists, leaders, and other people whose vision of the world has helped society develop. Therefore, an effective way to relate to the world is to develop your own opinion about it and self-control, directing your thoughts in the direction of not causing harm and bringing benefits.
Each of us lives in a world created in the brain. However, for millions of years, evolution has selected those brains that most adequately reflect reality. (Adequate to the tasks of survival and reproduction).
A. Markov.
On the other hand, when parents raise a child, they pass on to him a model of the world that is accepted in society, plus or minus the same for everyone, plus or minus suitable for survival. Then the street, school, television, literature, etc. do it.
Of course, some variability is introduced at each stage = > everyone's inner world is slightly different. Some cases of such variability are severe failures that make a person unhappy and / or ill-adapted to life in the environment (i.e., in the case of a person-in society).
Everyone lives in the painted world! But, there is a difference!
For some, this painted world is close to reality and helps them live without stepping on a rake in the dark, building their lives as they want.
And most importantly, they are quite comfortable in their own world.
And others have drawn their own world with strong deviations from reality. And the further away from reality, the more short-sighted he moves through the dark forest of real life, bumping into unexpected obstacles / rakes or falling into holes.
Such people are not very comfortable in this world. And more comfortable in their fantasy world of dreams, the picture of which they drew for themselves. They run down there like … like when we watch a movie in a movie theater, we come out either refreshed or hoping for the light at the end of the tunnel.
We all live with a made-up world in our heads. The length and quality of our lives directly depends on how much our world in the head coincides with reality. And when in reality we do not get what we want , we either start changing our fictional world in our head, and then we act differently. If we get what we want, the fictional world remains unchanged.
If we talk about such a world not as a simple system of perception, but as a hypothetical closed self-sufficient scheme, then I think the key point here is the control and awareness of a fictional life. If, if necessary, you are able to soberly respond to external stimuli and adequately assess the situation, ignoring your own fantasies, then apart from cognitive dissonance from the discrepancy between “your” world and the external world, nothing serious threatens you.�
Otherwise, you have a direct path to a consultation with a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist for the diagnosis of a psychopathic disorder. There are a lot of diagnoses, I don't want to choose. Here it is important to understand: the diagnosis of such a mental illness is important primarily for the patient himself, since in the vast majority of cases, psychopathic disorders are either accompanied or are a consequence of impaired brain biochemistry, which means they can pose a direct threat to human life.