2 Answers

  1. The difficulty of explaining the Tao is that it is fully revealed only to the observer. Sitting by the river, you watch a rabbit that decided to quench its thirst – this is a manifestation of the Tao, it was grabbed by a fox and dragged to its hole with the fox cubs – this is a manifestation of the Tao, the fox cub was taken away by a hawk to feed itself-and this is also the Tao. A sage who understands what “non-action” is, simply observes it, because his intervention will upset the balance, the laws of nature. Non-action is not doing nothing, non-action is when your actions do not break the balance.

    This is an attempt to explain more clearly what the Tao is, of course, it concerns not only the animal world.

  2. Taoism is a philosophical and religious teaching that developed in China in the IV-II centuries BC. The first philosophical works of Taoism date back to the V century BC, almost coinciding with the teachings of Confucius. Traditionally, the legendary ruler Emperor Huangdi is considered the founder of this teaching, but the more reliable founder of Taoism is Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese sage who wrote one of the main books of Taoism-“Tao Te Ching” (translated into Russian it turns out “The Book of Ways and Dignity”).�

    (Lao Tzu)�

    At the center of the entire doctrine of Taoism is the doctrine of the great Tao, the universal law and the Absolute. Tao is understood as the law of being, cosmos, nature, the universal unity of the world. No one has created the Tao, but everything comes from it, goes through a cycle to return. Here it is important to understand that in the Chinese mind the world is cyclical, one state is constantly moving into another, for example, the transition from day to night, from winter to summer. The Chinese looked at these things not as opposites, but as something connected, one resulting from the other. These changes are expressions of the Tao. And a person is only a part of this world, he has no special status. However, because of desire and free will, one can stray from the path of the Tao and harm the harmony of the world.�

    To live a virtuous life means to act in accordance with the Tao, to achieve the fusion of one's soul with the world order. The way of the Tao is characterized by the inherent power of У Wu-wei, which manifests itself in every person. Wu-wei — “non-action”) is not an effort, it is the desire to avoid all effort, the denial of purposeful activity that goes against the natural order. In the process of living, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of non — action-the Wu-wei principle. This is a human activity that is consistent with the natural course of the world order. Thus, Taoism teaches a contemplative attitude to life. Virtuous is not the one who seeks to win the favor of the Tao by good deeds, but the one who, in the process of meditation, immersion in his inner world, seeks to listen to himself, and through himself listen and comprehend the rhythm of the universe. Thus, the purpose of life was understood in Taoism as a return to the eternal, a return to one's roots.

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