3 Answers

  1. First, let's look at both concepts:

    1. Social phobia is a fear (from the Greek phobos – fear, fear) of society (from the Latin socius-general, joint). It is important to understand that social phobia can manifest itself in communication(not only in person, but also on the phone), when meeting new people, in a situation where people pay attention to a person, or they are simply in a crowded place. When any such situation occurs, the social phobe has an uncontrolled increase in psychological tension, which turns into fear and at its peak can be expressed in such signs as:�
    • stupor;
    • muteness.�
    • stuttering.�
    • dizziness;�
    • difficulty breathing.�
    • a sharp increase in body temperature;�
    • chills or sweating;
    • shaking of hands and feet;
    • vomiting.�

    Social phobia appears for a reason. As a rule, there are some unpleasant events in our life (conflicts, failures, serious illnesses, accidents, non-recognition and misunderstanding by others, unrequited love, etc.), and in this regard, a person, with a wrong perception, develops typical states that are increasingly reproduced in any life situations:

    • fear of the worst-case scenario;
    • disordered thoughts and actions;
    • tension and irritability;
    • anxiety;
    • inattention;
    • loss of concentration;
    • inadequacy.
    1. Personality(definition of “personality psychology”) is a multidimensional system of psychological characteristics that provide individual originality, temporary and situational stability of human behavior.

    This definition expresses the essence of the question we were asked about: is a social phobe a strong personality?

    I answer: no, a sociophobe, from the point of view of psychology, is a very weak personality, since it is the situational stability of behavior that suffers from it, that is, the same formed typical states are constantly reproduced, seemingly in ordinary and harmless situations of communication, being in a crowded place, etc.

    A social phobe can be a strong personality, in the following cases::

    1. A person knows in what situations he shows fear, and he will avoid such situations (even if he is closed in on himself), while he has no other restrictions(except physical and psychological, which everyone has), and he can develop, be useful, individual and meaningful.
    2. When communicating with people you know who understand and support the social phobe.
  2. Well, first you need to distinguish the degree of “social phobia”. A medical sociophobe is already a diagnosis like “claustrophobia”, when a person cannot even get into the elevator and is considered a sick person

    A household social phobe is a person who, in response to communication difficulties, prefers to bypass or even escape from the difficulties of communication and choose the difficulties of isolation. But even here, there are two extreme cases.

    It is one thing if isolation benefits the individual, and quite another when isolation worsens the quality of life.

    If a sociophobe suffers from this choice, is malnourished, undertreated, ill, sad and dies early, then such a choice can be called “weak” both as a person and as an organism.

    If such an isolationist begins to “flourish”, grows materially, spiritually, overgrown with students or followers, then such a person is strong both physically and as a person.

    Strength in nature is a term for competition and survival.

  3. It seems to me that any person who has a phobia is more vulnerable than a person who does not have a phobia. However, the concept of a Strong personality is very vague.

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