8 Answers

  1. We don't see deja vu, we feel deja vu. Deja vu is felt by approximately 98% of people at least once in their entire life and is quite natural for a person. Why?

    First, a few words about the history of the discovery and study of this effect. For the first time, this term for a phenomenon overgrown with vague guesses and myths was used in the book “Psychology of the Future” by Emile Boirac, and, a little more than half a century later, serious medical research on this phenomenon began. Studies were complicated by the difficulty of reproducing the effect under artificial conditions.

    In 1982, Pierre Glor and his colleagues inserted electrodes into the brains of 35 patients suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. The temporal neocortex, the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the area near the parahippocampal gyrus were stimulated — then four people experienced deja vu.

    In 1994, Bancode tried to replicate the results of Glor in 16 patients, and found that the effect can be caused not only by the activation of the hippocampus, temporal cortex and amygdala, but even only one of the listed structures, while a greater effect was observed when the limbic system was stimulated medbiol.ru (hippocampus and amygdala in the experiment). It became clear which areas of the brain are responsible for the formation of feelings of deja vu. But how this happens remained unclear.

    So, when we receive a visual stimulus, information about it goes first to the primary visual cortex, is processed in the secondary and sent to the dorsomedial visual zone-this is the dorsal pathway associated with understanding the movement and location of the stimulus, as well as evaluating reach. The picture is shown from above — wikimedia.org — the one below is shown, which will be discussed later. At the same time, the signal goes from the secondary cortex to the ventral lower part of the temporal cortex — this is the ventral pathway through which we recognize the shape of an object, get an idea and associations about it from long-term memory.

    But wikipedia.org the signal from the retina also goes to the limbic system, which was mentioned above, and not only to the occipital cortex — for example, to the amygdala, which is responsible for the unconscious emotional processing of incoming information.

    Thus, one of the explanations for the deja vu effect looks like this: if the above processes do not occur synchronously, and the unconscious processing is completed earlier, deja vu occurs: first, an external stimulus got emotions and associations from memory, and then visual information processed by the visual cortex did the same thing — the brain, having felt the same thing twice, believes that the event has already happened, and designates it as

    But that's not the only explanation. There is also an opinion that a number of aspects of the situation that the brain considers repeated may have actually occurred in the past. If you see someone stutter, fall, lose their glasses, and find a thousand dollars on the floor looking for them, and then after a long time, by chance, the same thing happens to you or something close, it may seem to you that this has happened to you before. However, this hypothesis does not explain why then not every similar repetition causes deja vu, because something similar happens every day.

    The brain is an imperfect system, sometimes giving small and large failures. You don't need to go to psychotherapists and neurosurgeons to make sure of this: look at pictures with optical illusions. There is no background to such things, and deja vu is not the result of memory erasure or reincarnation. Deja vu is natural for all of us.

  2. For me, the deja vu effect is explained as a coincidence in the result of analyzing what is happening, that is, the brain constantly analyzes each of our steps and anticipates how this step will end.

  3. “I was once told that time is a flat circle. Everything we have done or will do will be repeated again and again in a circle. This boy and this girl will be trapped in this room forever. Again and again. In a circle.”

  4. If anyone has read such a wonderful thing as “The Creative Artist” by Anna Borisova (aka Boris Akunin), then there is an interesting version of the explanation of this phenomenon:


    “Do you have any deja vu experiences?
    “Sometimes. Like everyone else. There is nothing mysterious about this phenomenon. I've read that deja vu is one of the symptoms of overwork. Memory anomaly. The brain clings to some small detail and snatches out of the subconscious seemingly similar situation from the past. And there is an illusory feeling of what has already been seen.
    “Nonsense! Standing grimaced. – People tend to invent simplified explanations for incomprehensible phenomena. It's like the wild tribes of Melanesia, who explained the sunset by saying that it is swallowed by a Night Shark. Then it dives to the other end of the sea and spits it out again. Deja vu is not an anomaly of memory, quite the opposite. < … > You see, every person's life is something like a melody. Despite the fact that it is composed, relatively speaking, of the same universal seven notes, this melody is unique and unrepeatable. No one else has had or will have a second one like this. The journey from birth to death is conveniently compared to the sound track on a record. “Here and now” is a needle that is in contact with the track at the moment and produces sound. He is, in fact, life. The theory originated in the seventies, before CDI and MVP, hence the “plate” terminology. Now they would come up with some computer term. < … > You see, very few people alive manage to finish their melody to the end. Somewhere along the way – some earlier, some later – the needle slips off. Figuratively speaking, it gets on a speck of dust, on a scratch – and hello. The music is floating, out of tune, and the needle starts going in the same circle. There is a so-called “broken record effect”. This means that life has failed. The melody is ruined. And God takes it, puts the needle first. Gives the soul a new chance. The second time, the tenth, the thousandth. Until the dangerous place is safely passed and the melody does not sound further. There, however, it may fail again, and everything will happen again. But each of us has an unlimited number of chances. And when you bring your melody to the finale, without straying or faltering, walking in circles will end. And there will be something else. We don't know what it is…>
    -�Tell me, is it possible to determine at what exact moment in your previous life you “jumped off the sound track”?
    – �Not possible, but necessary! Absolutely necessary! Everything that has happened in life is recorded by the subconscious mind. There's a trace left. Like a hint for your next birthday. Sometimes the hint comes up in the form of a so-called “prophetic dream” (this phenomenon is completely unknown to science). But more often in the form of deja vu, which we, professionals, call the more correct term deja vu, “already lived”. After all, the feeling of repetition is not necessarily associated with visual images – it can be a sound, smell, or emotion.”

    If you are interested in reading this particular dialog further, then it is in the chapter “12:55”:)

  5. According to the Yakut belief, the feeling of deja vu means that you are acting in accordance with your destiny and if you strain and try to remember, you can see the future.

  6. My theory is that De ja vu is a dream. While awake. When the brain, in order to get rid of long-term stress, creates a daydream. The same effect as in a dream. A person learns a place and time that they have never been to before. In fact, such a dream is the same hallucination. When awake, this hallucination becomes a de ja vu effect.

  7. I believe that deja vu is a consequence of gaps in the parallels of our lives.Deja vu for me is one option out of the “nth” number of times we have lived the same time period.

  8. One day, my cousin and I were playing at my grandmother's, and we noticed that we were sitting in the same clothes, in the same places, and talking about the same things as a week ago.

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