9 Answers

  1. What I personally dislike most about these Bible stories is the separation of God and man. The Bible is written in metaphorical language and one must be able to interpret it correctly.

    I think that if we (human beings) could not lose our divine inner essence in the external world, then we (souls) would enter an immortal life, where we would not have to be reborn again and again.

    Therefore, there is no punishment from a man with a beard (God). And there is only our own unwillingness (or maybe just a misunderstanding) to move into the infinite universal field.

  2. The creator was hardly worried about anything, because he doesn't really exist, at least all the facts of his absence are obvious.

    Let's assume that the creator is the author of this work, and therefore the questions “What was the creator worried about..?”, ” Why did God warn Adam?”they will remain unanswered forever, as it is unlikely that the author is still alive.

    But if you think logically, then why wouldn't the main character of this work warn his pet Adam (he created him after all) about death?

  3. Ahhh! I finally heard the question in your question! Warning why? Because Adam and Eve might never have known “sin” and then they would not have had to live in a human body in the human world and be born again to correct their ” sins.”

    I think so. Do you have your own answer?

    p.s. What kind of Bible have you read? From the store? For a hundred, 150, 200 years, there were other words and expressions in the same book. Absolutely not similar to today's “word”.

  4. The Creator was primarily concerned with the welfare of his earthly children. He created people with free will. This means that Adam and Eve could do whatever they wanted. Yet their eternal happiness depended on them obeying the laws of God.

    The Bible says: “God is love” (1 John 4: 8).

    All the works that the Creator does are perfect and dictated by love. Jesus cited the example of human fathers and compared their actions to the love of our heavenly Father. He said:

    What kind of father would give his son a snake if he asked him for a fish? Or give him a scorpion if he asks for an egg? So, if you, sinful people, know how to give your children good gifts, how much more will heavenly Father give the holy spirit to those who ask him! (Luke 11: 11-13, bold text is highlighted by me).

    Parents warn their children about the danger of electric shock or playing with fire to prevent them from negative consequences, including tragic ones.

    If imperfect parents are capable of showing love and caring for the well-being of their children, even more so did our heavenly Father want to warn Adam and Eve against the bitter consequences of disobeying his perfect commandment.

    The Bible teaches that the soul is a person or life. It says that death is the opposite of life. This is how the wise King Solomon put it:“The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they no longer receive any reward, because the memory of them has disappeared. Their love, hatred, and envy are gone, and they no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6).

    And the prophet Ezekiel wrote the following: “The soul that sins will die” (Ezekiel 18:4).

    Because of Adam's sin, all humans inherited sin. All people are sinful souls. The Apostle Paul summed it up in these words: “All men are sinners and cannot reflect the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). And then, “For sin pays with death, but God gives eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

    Sinful people are unable to fully reflect God's love and therefore cannot inherit eternal life in paradise on earth. It is for this reason that when the first human couple became sinful, the Creator kicked them out of paradise and they died.

    All our troubles and problems are the consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience. However, very soon God will remove sin. Through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, those who obey the Creator will be able to free themselves from imperfection and enjoy a happy and eternal life in paradise on earth (John 3: 16).

    “And the last enemy that will be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:26).

  5. You write that … “Through the Bible, God constantly warns of the danger of certain choices that can lead to death.”

    This is similar to a doctor's warning about the dangers of smoking through posters on billboards. This warning is seen by the urban population. And what do they see in the villages, not to mention in general the Papuans of New Guinea, who have no idea about any Bible there. Are they doomed to ignorance of the true God? Why such an injustice?

    The whole story of Adam and his “treachery” is an allegory. But even if we do not include here the true “picture” of events, then logically we can come to the conclusion that this warning was given as information for reflection and action.

    Why did God plant the tree of knowledge of good and evil? For whom? For giraffes, buffaloes, eagles or mice? How could God do something without a purpose? Nonsense. So the goal was. What is it? Actually, the only thing that can be assumed here is that the tree was planted FOR Adam.

    Indeed, if Adam is a creation of God in the likeness of God, then this very clearly describes Adam himself as the son of God, and therefore as the heir of all or almost all the powers of God. Including absolute knowledge. How could Adam know himself and the world without tasting the fruit? No way. He would have remained a holy vegetable in the Garden of Eden without even knowing who he was. Only experience, the knowledge gained in experience, the knowledge of life with all its vicissitudes could make him a worthy son of God.

    To do this, Adam had to manifest what distinguishes a conscious human being from an animal or pure spirit – he had to manifest will. It is the will that is the most essential and powerful gift to man.

    The ban was exactly the psychological barrier (trigger) that had to be taken. If Adam had obeyed God, we wouldn't be here, and blessed Adam would still be walking around Eden unconsciously smiling at the butterflies of paradise.

  6. Physical death does not affect the immortality of the soul, because it consists in the separation of the immortal soul from the mortal body. Therefore, the warning about physical death is quite meaningful when an immortal soul is granted.

    But in this passage, we are primarily talking about spiritual death, which consists in the removal of a person from God. And also that, in principle, after the fall, man became mortal.

    The Explanatory Bible edited by Professor Lopukhin explains:
    “on the day… you will die.” The word “day” here, as before (Gen 2:1), should be understood in the sense of an indefinite indication of time and translated with the words: “at the time when…”. “You will die by death” is one of the Hebrew language's most commonly used ways of amplifying a thought, which is equivalent to our expression ” you will surely die.” This threat of death (for breaking the commandment) cannot be understood in the sense of an instantaneous defeat that occurred immediately after the fall, but must be understood in the sense of a slow process of dying that began as a result of the fall: God sent death (or rather, took away immortality) at the very moment when man fell; but this death only gradually eroded his strength, manifesting itself palpably in the sorrows of the spirit and diseases of the body. But in addition to this physical death, the Holy Scriptures and the Church fathers see here a reference to spiritual death, which consisted in the fact that by the act of his fall, man broke his first covenant with God, severing his connection with the greatest source of life, and thereby from that moment condemned himself to spiritual death (Rom 5:12,17,21; Eph 4:18).”

  7. god created Adam with an immortal soul in an immortal body.

    in Eden, there were two forbidden trees, “knowledge” and”life.”

    there were no warnings about the tree of “life”, since Adam is already immortal, but about” knowledge ” there was a clear warning.

    after eating the “knowledge”, Adam's body becomes mortal as a consequence of the warning.

    god decides to expel Adam from Eden, so that he would not get to the tree of “life”, and would not live forever (would not restore immortality), but with “knowledge”, which was contrary to the original plan of God.

    22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil; and now lest he stretch out his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

    23 And the LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the land from which he was taken.

    God's warning not to eat from the tree of knowledge is defined by this very fact – that no one should eat from the tree of knowledge.Adam DIDN'T become like one of Us, knowing good and evil

  8. The Lord is just, He doesn't play trump mapupa. In order for a person to be able to make decisions, a person needs to know the rules of the game. The Lord communicates them to Adam and men.

  9. As a loving Father, God did not want Adam to die. That's why I warned him about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was needed to test the first couple of people, whether they are worthy to live forever. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve failed this test and brought suffering on their descendants.

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