5 Answers

  1. Example on the topic: Sergey Dovlatov did not live to see his confession for exactly 5 days. Today his name is known, he has become a fashionable and very relevant prose writer. But at the time of the peak of creativity in the USSR, no one needed it. The first novels and novellas were constantly rejected, publishing mini-excerpts once a year in unreadable newspapers just to fill the empty space.I didn't live to see my confession exactly 5 days ago. More similar stories of unrecognized geniuses during their lifetime: Poor, but brilliant: the price of writing�

  2. In the first answer, everything is said, but I will add that when a person is not near us for a long time, and even worse, if he is gone forever, then with the help of memories or other reflections about the person, we simply idealize him in our head. So, by the way, some people fall in love by correspondence.

  3. Because to praise a person or directly acknowledge their achievements is the work of the prefrontal cortex, the same areas that allowed a person to share food with unrelated individuals and thus distinguished him from animals.

    And to humiliate and lower is a primative reaction, for which subcortical structures are responsible.

    Try during the day to directly and sincerely praise all the people who have done or said something really good and worthwhile, from your point of view. You will discover how difficult this is, and how much easier other behaviors are given: viciously rebuke, envy, scold. Being a primate is effortless, unlike human behavior.

    Praising the dead and recognizing their achievements is a safe behavior model for a primate, since the deceased is no longer a competitor for a piece of food and a place in the sun.

  4. Because the first people who” appreciate ” a person after death, as a rule, are those who wrote denunciations against him during his lifetime. Or had nothing to do with it at all. They write memoirs and give interviews about how they were friends with a person – having their own profit from this, not always monetary. In life, a person would have told them-get out of here, I don't know you, you're all lying. That is, I would have denied it. And after death , it can't.

  5. A person does not begin to appreciate after death.
    A person begins to be praised after death.
    This is our tradition.
    In rare cases, after the death of a person, they can put a memorial plaque or some kind of bust in their homeland.

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