9 Answers

  1. Discussions are still ongoing on this topic. And each side has its own arguments. I prefer the approach in which the primary meaning is given to deep feelings, which are perceived by a person on an instinctive-intuitive – unconscious level, sometimes on an energetic level. An adult tries to realize this state, understand, analyze and explain to himself rationally what is happening and why he feels this way, and then the mind turns on to its full potential-offering explanatory hypotheses (based on education, upbringing, breadth of erudition, limiting beliefs, in short, from those socio-individual layers-filters that have developed at the moment).

  2. You won't be able to grasp the essence of what is happening if you put the question this way. It doesn't matter what is primary, because these things are in constant mutual transition to each other.

    Under the influence of the state, you will produce thoughts that determine the attitude in this moment and move this state, so that under the influence of thoughts it is replaced by another state. There is no point in figuring out where the chicken is and where the egg is, because it will not give you anything to understand.

    You need to act based on the task. Why are we trying to resolve this issue? Do we need to know the reasons for a person's behavior? If we are looking for a starting point for behavior research, we will follow the states and thoughts that follow each other until we reach those states and thoughts that cause the most anxiety and resistance in a person.

    Anxiety and resistance are markers that we have stumbled upon something important that plays a significant role in shaping the human personality, but at the same time bears traces of trauma. Therefore, states and thoughts alone do not give reason to think that we have found something. Anxiety, an emotionally charged reaction to thoughts and states – these are sure signs that we are dealing with something “primary”, that is, causing behavior in general.

  3. A person is algorithmically designed like a feedback control system.
    The main controlling influence on behavior, mood, and state is still exerted by thoughts. Thoughts based on associative connections create emotional states in a person by 80%, and the feedback of the influence of these states on thoughts is 20%.
    The figures are approximate and may differ the more strongly the stronger a particular disorder is.

  4. Neither one nor the other.

    Both the emotional state and automatic thoughts are the result of assessing the significance of a particular life situation for the survival and life realization of a person.

    However, this assessment is often an unconscious act.

    If a person is confronted, for example, with a situation of danger, then his emotional state is formed almost instantly based on an unconscious assessment of the degree of danger of the situation.

    If the situation is assessed as not dangerous, then a person will not have any negative emotions, regardless of the real danger of this situation.

    Fear, terror, and anxiety arise almost instantly. in turn, they are accompanied by negative thoughts, but it is not emotions that generate them, but the significance and assessment of the danger of the situation.

    In addition to external situations for the human body, internal situations are also evaluated.

    For example, panic attacks are caused by an inadequate assessment of the danger of an internal situation. In this case, a person unconsciously evaluates their bodily sensations as approaching death, which generates uncontrolled horror and vegetative reactions that cannot be consciously controlled.

    As a rule, coping with panic attacks allows a gradual and painstaking awareness of the causes of your condition, its circumstances and psychotherapeutic help, which helps in the end to influence the unconscious assessment of the danger of your feelings and change it, thereby eliminating the cause of panic states.

    Depending on the psychological type of person, an unconscious assessment of the significance of a particular situation can be expressed both in the corresponding emotional state and in the state of obsessive thoughts in the complete absence of emotions.

    At the same time, this assessment can be partially realized and reflected, then the result of its awareness and reflection will be expressed in the appropriate verbal formulation.

    If the assessment of significance is completely unconscious, then it will be expressed exclusively in the emotional state.

    A similar expression of significance assessment occurs in animals that are able to distinguish the degree of danger of a situation and give an emotional reaction, but are naturally unable to express it in words.

    Assessment of the significance of a situation for the survival of an organism appears as a result of past life experience and can be either learned or the result of traumatic situations.

    If a person has learned to be afraid of a particular situation, then he will have the appropriate emotions and thoughts.

    Animals behave in the same way: if they have learned to be afraid of humans, they run away when they see them; if not, they approach them and show curiosity.

    At the same time, some assessments of the danger of the situation in animals are transmitted at the genetic level, for example, the silhouette of the shadow of a hawk causes a danger reaction in newborn chicks of other, smaller birds.

    In humans, such innate assessments of the significance of external stimuli are much smaller, and most of them are the result of education and learning from personal life experience.

  5. More primary are our emotions, which did not get their completion and through effective experiences came to a psychological state. In this state, thoughts began to wind up corresponding to the conflict that is not being resolved.

  6. If there is a clear definition: what is thought in the vital activity of the human body – such a question does not arise, and considering thoughts – exclusively an attribute of consciousness, people become stupid and carry nonsense with nothing…

  7. What is primary is rather the state, otherwise what precedes the appearance of thoughts. Thoughts depend on the situation and are logically related to it. You can say that thoughts in the future lead a person to some state

  8. in my personal opinion, if a person is not able to control their thoughts, feelings or emotions, then they have a self-control disorder. in my personal opinion, a person who cannot control himself is not healthy and it is better not to deal with him.

  9. Primary perception of the surrounding world, which creates a psychological state. Thought recreates the psychological state through associations of past experience. In turn, the psychological state can generate thoughts.

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