27 Answers

  1. Pray to God, of course, but to imagine the God you are praying to-imagine Jesus Christ, then you will definitely get to the “right place”. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will not pray to the real God, but to a figment of your imagination.

  2. What do you mean when you say: Son? This means that the named person has the same nature as the Father, which means that it is essentially the same as the Father. For example, Vasya, Petya, John, Gerard, and so on. they are separate Individuals, but they are all People (unless, of course, someone means the name of the animal). They have the same Nature.

    This means that the Son of God is God. As for direct instructions:

    30 ” I and my Father are one. 31 Then again the Jews seized stones to smite him. (Jn.10:30,31). There are other fragments as well.

    When Jesus speaks of himself as a Human Being, He is referring to his Human Nature, and when He says that He and the Father are one, He is referring to His Divine Nature.

    So, in Christ, two Natures are united: the Divine and the Human.

    He is both God and Man. Or is it impossible for God? The same applies to St. John the Baptist. The Spirit:

    3 But Peter said, ” Ananias! Why did Satan put it into your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and withhold some of the price of the land?

    4 What did you possess, was it not yours, and what you acquired by selling was not in your power? Why did you put this in your heart? You did not lie to men, but to God.

    5 When Hananiah heard these words, he fell down without a breath, and great fear seized all who heard them.

    (Acts 1: 4).5:3-5)

  3. The Christian religion is very close in its essence to the pagan religion. Everyone prays here except God. To Jesus the man, to the Virgin Mary his mother, to images of saints-people who once lived. By the way, there are an infinite number of the latter. Even the last tsar Nicholas II, who was nicknamed “bloody” in the country for mass shootings, was also canonized for some unknown reason. I think for market reasons. God is mentioned in passing, sometimes. Unlike the Christian religion, the Muslim religion worships only God and only when the Prophet Muhammad is remembered.

  4. As the son of man is a man, so is the Son of God (the only begotten, and not some metaphorical one) Christ is God. To be precise. that is Christ the incarnate God-the God-Man.

    According to the Bible and the teachings of the Church, the one God exists in three Guises: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Almost every Orthodox prayer ends with the trinitarian formula:”…The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” So most often Orthodox people say “God” means the Most Holy Trinity.

  5. Jesus gave the model prayer, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name,” – Matthew 6/1-13). Deuteronomy 4/12, 15 -,, God spoke to the Jews from the midst of the fire and said,, Remember! Keep it firmly in your hearts! When the Lord spoke to you, you did not see Any image!
    .. – – – – – John 5/37—-1 Petra 1/8—-1 Timothy 1/17 and 6/16— -1 John 4/12-it is clearly stated that no one has ever seen God!God is not a visible, spiritual, energetic Person. It is impossible to see it! The spirit is spiritual! (Luke 24/39 -,, Spirit, flesh and bones, has not!,,—-1 Corinthians 2/10-14). And many people have seen Jesus!! Why, for what, and for what merits should God die for man???? Then who raised up Jesus, if he is God??? How can it be that one god is dead and the other is alive? What kind of nonsense is this?? Where in the Bible did Jesus say he was God? Give us a link from the Bible! ¡ The tsarevich does not always become a king! The crown Prince does not always become king, only after the death of the king and the tsar! And God lives forever-Genesis 21/33 – – – Isaiah 40/8, 28 and 57/15).( God says of himself,, I am a jealous God,, – Exodus 20/5 and 34/14 – – – Deuteronomy 4/24 and 5/9 and 6/15). ( God is one and only-Deuteronomy 6/4 and 4/35, 39 and 32/39.). (Matthew 4/10 -,, Jesus said to Satan,, worshipped God alone!_,,). ( Jesus is God's first creation – first God created a helper son for himself,then, with his help, everything else. Jesus was created before the foundation of the world-Proverbs 8/22-31 and 30/4—- Micah 5/2—- John 1/1, 2 and 5/26 – – – Romans 8/29 – – – Colossians 1/6 – – – Hebrews 1/6—/1 John 2/13, 14 – – – Revelation 3/14).(God, with the help of Jesus, created everything else that is in heaven and on earth, from the invisible – visible-Colossians 1/15-17—- Hebrews 11/3).(Jesus did not intend to be equal with God – Philippians 2/5, 6-11,,) – (there is an angel in the Bible who ,,intended to become equal with God,, – Isaiah 14/5-13,14,, – we know that this angel became Satan).(Jesus said, “The Father is greater than I,” – John 14/28).(Romans 1/25 -,, worship the Creator, not the creature,,!)

  6. We can only find out the exact answer from the Bible or in another way.The Holy Scriptures.

    Verses from two books of the Bible, the Synodal Translation and the New World Translation of Holy Scripture, will be shown.

    Is Jesus God?

    The words of Jesus from the Synodal Translation John 20: 17 “Jesus says her: … Go to My brothers and say to them, ” I am going up to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.” Jesus never said I am God.

    “Translation of the new world” John 20: 17 Jesus said to her: … Go to my brothers and say to them, “I am going up to you.”To my Father and to your Father and to To my God and to your God“”

    Who did Jesus pray to?

    Luke 6: 12  In those days he went up to the mountain to pray, and spent the whole night in prayer to God…”

    Before the birth of Jesus, there were saints, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, but none of the servants of God , including Jesus, made an image of these saints for worship or prayer.

    So are images and prayers to angels, wrong.

    “New World Translation “ Revelation 22: 8-I, John, have heard and seen these things…., I fell down at the feet of the angel who was showing me this to worship him, but he said to me:”Look, don't do this! I am only a companion to you, and to your brothers, the prophets, and those who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God.”

    Synodal translation of Revelation 22:8. ” I, John, have seen and heard these things. But when I heard and saw it, I fell down at the feet of the angel who showed me these things, to worship him. 9 But he said to me, ” See that you do not do this; for I am with you and your brothers the prophets and those who keep the words of this book.Bow down to God.

    • Just one. To whom?

    “Synodal translation”. Luke 4: 8 Jesus answered and said to him, ” Get away from me, Satan.You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.

    “New World Translation “ Luke 4: 8 Jesus answered and said to him, ” It is written: „Worship Jehovah, your God, and perform sacred service to him alone.'”

    To whom do we owe our prayers and worship?

    “Synodal translation “ Revelation 4: 11 You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for You created all things, and all things exist and were created according to Your will.

    “New World Translation “ Revelation 4: 11 “You, Jehovah, our God, are worthy to receive glory, honor, and power, because you created all things, and everything exists and was created according to your will.”

  7. Because people don't read much of the Bible, they don't know who to pray to or who Jesus himself prayed to. Jesus himself prayed to his Father and encouraged his disciples to do so. In Luke 22, verse 40, he encourages the disciples to pray, and in verses 41 and 42, Jesus himself went away and also began to pray.. Jesus could not pray to himself.. so, it is logical to conclude that you need to pray to God, the father of Jesus.

  8. The desire to deify Jesus was understandable among his disciples, given the scale of his personality and teachings. Unfortunately, this desire prevailed in Christianity and led to the creation of the doctrine of the Trinity. But this teaching did not exist in the early Church. Jesus himself never claimed to be God, but emphasized that he was sent by the Heavenly Father to do His will. This is exactly what Jesus ' words “I and the Father are one” mean. This is what every believer in Christ should come to-to be with God, his Heavenly Father, “one”, to be in His will.

    Even in the New Testament, the apostles do not call Christ God, but only Lord. In Russian translation, “Lord” and” lord ” are different things. But in Greek, it is denoted by the same word.

    It is interesting that in one passage of the Gospels, Christ himself explicitly calls himself a man, saying: “Now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth which I have heard from God” (Jn 8:40).

  9. You need to pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, although Stephen, for example, prayed to Jesus Lord Jesus Receive my spirit.
    Who should I turn to in prayer: the Heavenly Father or the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    There is no need to contrast Jesus Christ and God the Father. In the Gospel, Christ says: “I and my Father are one.” Christians do not believe in three gods, but in one God-the Trinity, Who is one!

  10. For those who take the first steps towards God.:
    …One homeless man got lost in the woods. He was drunk, stoned, and not finding the road wandered into the swamp. Realizing that no one would help him, he raised his bleary eyes to the sky and said:…Hey, you're a Beard ! Help me!
    After 5 minutes, he found the road that led to the village.
    This story is real, as is the fact that no matter how much we turn to God, He listens to us!
    First, I explained to the author of the question who Christians are and who they believe in. But, after reading the arguments at the bottom, I want to add for those who consider themselves no longer ” … a child in need of milk, but eating solid food …
    However, he chooses who to pray to and in what order?
    ….For, judging by the time, you should have been teachers; but you are again to be taught the first principles of the word of God, and you need milk, not solid food.
    (Heb 5: 12)
    1. Prayer is an appeal to God….
    It is up to you to decide for yourself , based on your level of Spiritual development and choice.
    A human prayer coming from the head is not accepted by God! Yes, and pronounced “on the machine”, like a memorized rhyme-too!
    Participants constantly mention in their versions the Holy Trinity, God, Jesus, the Son, the Prophet , Even Muhammad, about whom they think the Bible spoke.
    I will write as I reason.
    …for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of strength, love, and sanity ..
    In order not to be afraid to make a mistake to whom and how to pray, you need to understand what you want from your conversion?
    Sometimes people just don't know what to say! BUT GOD KNOWS ALL ABOUT YOU! And sometimes being humbly silent with someone who knows you better than you know yourself can be more eloquent to God than banging your head on the floor or arguing with believers who think they've found the answer based on a passage taken out of context.
    So why do people pray?
    One is to make sure that there is a God.
    Others ask for something .
    Still others – to repent . Etc.
    Who wants this? God? Or your soul?
    If Muslims who claim to worship the Creator God address Him on an “alarm clock”, can God hear and accept such love for Himself?
    Would you like your children to communicate with you at the call of the mullah?
    Christians talk about the trinity, hypostases, and the Eucharist and use such terms that the head begins to spin from a lack of understanding of what is who, and where is it?
    Have you forgotten that Jesus was a friend to publicans and sinners? Where would they send you with such an explanation?
    ..he spoke simply, but as one with authority!..
    Read the Bible !
    It says:
    …All Scripture is inspired by God !!!
    This is the answer to all disputes!
    Don't know where to start praying?
    “REPENT!” And ask for wisdom:
    ….But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all simply and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
    (James 1:5)
    Don't you want to pray now!
    …And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in synagogues and on street corners, so that they may show themselves to the people….
    (Mt 6:5)
    Don't know Who to contact?
    “Pray in the Spirit of Truth!
    Where is she?
    And God Himself will begin His communication with you!
    The Bible allows everyone to communicate with God in His own language!
    Communion with God is meditation on His Word.
    Serving Him is not ostentatious religiosity, but putting what you read into practice first of all FOR YOURSELF!
    To grow in the Spirit of God is to become like Jesus Christ! For what? To save the same people as we were yesterday – with “porridge in our heads” from the pride that lives in every carnal person ! …so aren't you carnal…?
    …. you're still carnal. For if there is envy, strife, and discord among you, are you not carnal? and do you not act according to human custom?
    4 For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal?
    (1 Corinthians 3)
    Here's what's important to understand!
    ….there are a lot of listeners! And there are few doers!…
    …But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
    (James 1: 22)
    And for those who still do not know how to properly, how not to correctly…to whom, or in what order …I will tell:
    No one comes to God because they want to.
    ….for God works in you both to will and to act according to His good pleasure…
    (Phil 2: 13: )
    But there is always
    and there will be an opponent trying to intimidate, confuse, lead away from the questions that have started to rise do you think in your head? no!
    This is the work of the HOLY SPIRIT! You don't understand it yet, but it is the Holy Spirit who is with us and in us today! This is the comforter that Jesus spoke of when He went to His Father.!
    Not Muhammad, or anyone else.
    Yes, many things are not clear, and I'm afraid not to have time, not to please God, not to make a mistake!
    But God is our loving Father! He has already accepted us as we are – sinful!
    And in order to connect with Him, he used the example of Jesus Christ to show EVERYONE how this is possible !
    And he left us a choice – the church as a building, or the church in you ! Search for God in religions, or open your heart and become a temple for Him!
    …According to your faith, let it be done to you!…
    The Bible has all the answers to all the questions for EVERYONE separately and for everyone together!
    The prayer of each of us is a personal communion with God!
    The common prayer is a glorification of God for what HE HAS ALREADY DONE FOR US!
    This is the one Church of God, Jesus CHRIST, that will be taken away at the last day.
    ….One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in us all (Ephesians 4: 1-6).
    You can write a lot about all this, because…. out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks….
    Listen to your heart and pray!
    And when your heart is ready for communion with God, then …rivers of living water will flow out of your mouths…
    …Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his belly.
    (John 7: 38)
    This is a prayer in an incomprehensible language for a person ( in other languages).This is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
    … for when I pray in a strange language, though my spirit prays, yet my mind remains unfruitful.
    ( 1 Corinthians 14: 14:)
    …the mind remains unfruitful, but the Spirit gives life…. and speaks as It sees fit! – maybe he repents for you, or asks for something for someone, or praises, or thanks…You don't understand, but this is how God uses us to do His will!
    …..”The Spirit also supports us in our infirmities; for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groans that cannot be uttered.”
    Blessings to all who seek God and His Truth!

    ….Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves. Or do you not know yourself that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless you're not what you're supposed to be.
    2 Corinthians 13: 5 – 2 Corinthians 13: 5: https://bible.by/verse/54/13/5/

  11. This is a false image of Christians.
    And it prevents people from understanding God's plan for saving humanity.
    Christians are people who believe that God, having revealed Himself in the man Jesus, redeemed all by sacrificing human flesh , because sin entered the world through man and was destroyed through a substitute sacrifice. And since God is not a human being, the plan needed someone who would be born of the Spirit, like Adam, who was responsible for the fall of mankind.
    God calls Jesus the Son not in the worldly sense ,but by the Spirit, from Which the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God Jesus , by the same Spirit, Jesus was led up into the wilderness to be tested in Faith, by the same Spirit Jesus performed miracles, and by this Spirit He spoke the Word of God not from Himself, but directly from God! This is why many people do not understand the statements made by Jesus. In fact, God Himself was speaking to people!
    That is why Jesus Christ is one of the Personalities of God! And although no one has any questions about how God revealed Himself in a burning bush, or a cloud leading Jews in the desert, the appearance of God in Jesus Christ is puzzling. But God does not require human understanding, so He says: …according to your faith, let it be done to you!
    …He who believes will be saved, and he who does not will be condemned.
    The faith of Jesus Christ shows what will happen to a person after death – he will be transformed into an incorruptible body ( many did not recognize Jesus Christ after His resurrection from the dead, they demanded proof, for example. Thomas the unbeliever), and unite with the Father. For he who believes in God is one Spirit!
    And in order to separate believers from religious executors of dead laws , God sent instead of Jesus Christ after His Ascension the Holy Spirit, with which everyone who received Salvation is baptized as a Gift from God!
    Many religious people believe that this is nonsense, because like a person no longer has to do anything and he can sin?
    But this is nonsense, because if the Spirit of God lives inside a person, then the person has made a conscious decision to live as God wants. And such a person no longer needs to prove his religiosity to other people. He directly proves this to God, and does what God said. And he is responsible for all his deeds, thoughts and actions-only before God!
    As for conversion in the name of Jesus ?
    Well, consider that this is the condition under which…..and the devils obey, and the dead come to life, and the blind receive their sight… because people saw these works by Faith from Jesus.
    Don't you want to?- pray directly, but only God will decide whether to hear and accept your prayer!
    I prefer to obey God like Jesus!

  12. If they are thinkers, they should know that God the Father is the Pure Consciousness from which all creation has come. The Son is a Consciousness that is a reflection of the first. The Father looks into the Son (and not only into Christ), but into all spirits and souls together, and knows Himself more fully. The Holy Spirit is the Father's Thought Stream, which appeared almost simultaneously with the Father. Everything is simple. Maybe it should be more complicated?)

  13. The Lord is Triune!

    Very amateurish:�

    We see the sun as a large light bulb in the sky.�

    The sun is actually a huge plasma ball that emits light, heat, and much more.�

    The sun is the source of life for all things on Earth.�

    How�would�we�it�not�treated-�is�the Sun.

    All the best!

  14. When Christians say, “God!” they are talking about God, the Creator of everything. As for Jesus Christ, you can understand everything if you read the Bible, and not look for the answer by going to church!
    Misperceptions about Christians often
    prevent people from understanding God's plan for saving humanity.
    Christians are people who believe that God ,having revealed Himself in the man Jesus, redeemed all by sacrificing human flesh , because just as sin entered the world through man, so it must be destroyed through the vicarious sacrifice of the righteous (i.e., the sinless). And since God is not a human being, the plan needed someone who would be born of the Spirit, like Adam, who was responsible for the fall of mankind.
    God calls Jesus the Son not in the worldly sense ,but by the Spirit, from Which the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God Jesus , by the same Spirit, Jesus was led up into the wilderness to be tested in Faith, by the same Spirit Jesus performed miracles, and by this Spirit He spoke the Word of God not from Himself, but directly from God! This is why many people do not understand the statements made by Jesus. In fact, God Himself was speaking to people!
    That is why Jesus Christ is one of the Personalities of God! And although no one has any questions about how God revealed Himself in a burning bush, or a cloud leading Jews in the desert, the appearance of God in Jesus Christ is puzzling. But God does not require human understanding, so He says: …according to your faith, let it be done to you!
    …He who believes will be saved, and he who does not will be condemned.
    And in order to separate believers from religious executors of dead laws , God sent instead of Jesus Christ after His Ascension the Holy Spirit, with which everyone who received Salvation is baptized as a Gift from God!
    Many religious people believe that this is nonsense, because like a person no longer has to do anything and he can sin?
    But this is nonsense, because if the Spirit of God lives inside a person, then the person has made a conscious decision to live as God wants. And such a person no longer needs to prove his religiosity to other people. He directly proves this to God, and does what God said. And he is responsible for all his deeds, thoughts and actions-only before God!
    As for conversion in the name of Jesus ?
    Well, consider that this is the condition under which…..and the devils obey, and the dead come to life, and the blind receive their sight… because people saw these works by Faith from Jesus.
    Don't you want to?- pray directly, but only God will decide whether to hear and accept your prayer!
    I prefer to obey God like Jesus!

  15. I think that those who pray do not mean Jesus, but rather the one who created the whole world and all their requests are directed directly to him and those whom the church has elevated to the rank of saints, so to speak, intermediaries in certain areas.

  16. Do I need to pray to Jesus, Angels, saints, or in front of art objects? When the Apostle John, out of fear, bowed down to the Angel, the Angel sternly said to him:: “don't do this.. Worship God.”

    “I, John, have seen and heard these things. But when I heard and saw it, I fell down at the feet of the Angel who showed me these things, to worship him; but he said to me,” See that you do not do this; for I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and with those who keep the words of this book; worship God ” (Rev 22: 8,9).

    According to the Holy Scriptures, one should only pray to God. Jesus himself prayed to God so he set an example and said:

    “Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6: 9)

    Since prayer is a part of worshiping God, one prays to something or someone too, and will worship someone else besides God. Therefore, it is cautioned:

    “Children! keep yourself away from idols. Amen. ” (1 John 5: 21)

    Idolatry is the worship of any creation of God. Only God is worthy of worship because he created everything:

    “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for You created all things, and all things exist and were created according to your will” (Revelation 4: 11).

    Should I direct my prayers to anyone or anything else when it is said that only God listens to prayers? In Scripture only God is called the hearer of the prayer of all flesh:

    “You hear prayer; all flesh runs to You.”(Psalm 64: 3)

    This means that only God listens and responds to our requests, but not immediately and not always in the way we want it. He helps only in that which is according to His will, and not ours.

    “And this is the confidence we have in Him, that when we ask anything according to His will, He listens to us. And when we know that He listens to us in all that we ask , we also know that we receive what we ask of Him” (1 John 5:14,15).

    If your requests coincide with His will, then He will definitely help you in this. Do you know what God's will is to help you? However, it is important to remember the words of Jesus:

    “..Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (John 16:23).

    Requests to God should be made in the name of Jesus Christ. Each time we address God in the name of Christ, we appropriately show that we understand the role of Jesus ' atoning sacrifice, which opened up the possibility of praying to God. In this way, only he became an intermediary between God and people.

    “For there is one God, and there is also one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2: 5).

    How would you answer now who should pray to?

  17. But the earth was formless and empty, and there was darkness over the abyss, and the Spirit of God moved over the water.

    And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.

    And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

    And God called the light day, and the darkness night.

    And there was evening and there was morning, one day (Gen 1: 1-5).I think that from this text, only the unintelligent cannot see that the Spirit-even if it is written with a capital letter-is not a being who,on an equal footing with God the father and the Son of Christ, must be worshipped equally, and even more so mentioned in prayer.Throughout the Bible, the spirit is so much a breath, a breath.Otherwise, read the Bible with a prayer to the father and you will be given enlightenment

  18. So, following your logic, the son of a person cannot be a person???

    It is written that Jesus is “existing in the bosom of the father,” i.e., always existing, which is a direct sign of divinity.

    And we pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, because it is written, ” No one comes to the Father but through Me.”

  19. Jesus taught us to pray when he said to the Father, ” So pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name… ” (Matthew 6: 5-9).

    “And it came to pass, when he was praying in one place, and had ceased, that one of his disciples said unto him, Lord! teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. He said to them, “When you pray, say,' Our Father who art in heaven!' Hallowed be thy name… ” (Luke 11: 1,2)

  20. Pray to God, who else?

    In fact, Christians do this, because they consider Jesus Christ to be God. Christians believe in God, Who is One in Three Persons (the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit). The prayers that you can hear in the Church are addressed both to God in general (to Three persons at the same time) and to each person of the Most Holy Trinity.

  21. I'm in the next topic here's what I wrote –

    There is an opinion in one of the answers in this question like this

    It is important for Him that every person should be reconciled to Him through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness of sins

    Why through…? on a direct line is necessary. (this is not a joke or a mockery)I read somewhere that you can not pray to a person or his obrozu. And also ask for the dead. It explains that there are no exceptions to this.Therefore, directly the most, that is, if you choose from opinions, then this is the most that.

    As for the fact that He does not answer, if there is a Creator of the world and a person asks Him for good things (and not bad), then even if the result is not immediately visible, everything should be exactly useful (this is the Almighty).

    And voobshe, you know there is such a proverb, or maybe a quote from somewhere – “the ways of the Creator are inscrutable” something like that. And here's another “hope for Him, but don't be bad yourself.” As I understand it, do not be bad not only in leading a healthy lifestyle, but also morally not bad.

    And I want to add that according to logic and material law, there can be no father, son or anything material at all where there are no matters, where there is only spirituality that controls this matter. There are such concepts as manifestations of the behavior of the Almighty: mercy, for example, which can be figuratively called mother, etc. Also, there can't be two all-powerful ones, because if one is considered all-powerful, then the second one is no longer all-powerful, but created. So there is only one who has always been, because only in creation there is a beginning and an end, time, and He created it, so He always was, which means He has no flaws and He is the first, eternal, one (not from parts, because it appeared in the created), the only and all-powerful. Therefore, it is clear that if a person decided to pray, then it is clear to whom he should turn, so as not to talk to himself or something else..

    P. s

    Here you can add for the sake of interest, if the reader suddenly later had a question about the existence of the Creator of the world.

    The existence of the Creator – from a logical point of view (not including religion), the statistical probability of randomness: the creation of the world and all everything (and even a small part of the processes) that develops and preserves life in it (in the world), both from the physical and other points of view, and from the point of view of the soul of a person (according to hundreds of years of experience, or even thousands, in the field of psychology about the presence of a distinctive side in a person from the usual instinctive world and behavior), I repeat, the statistical probability of randomness – is zero.

    This refers to the deliberate intelligent (of course, more intelligent than a person) creation of the world . What does it say about moral values and purpose (if you think about it more deeply)? And since Creation speaks in its complexity about the Creator and He created time and everything else, He is not subject to this, which means that He has no shortcomings and has always been and will always be. And even if we also take into account the spiritual worlds and angels that are described in books, which also do not have aging, but still they are limited in their capabilities, consist of parts, are divided into levels, they have the concept of time and just like this material world, they are complex creatures, which means that they are created, that is, they have a beginning and And since the Creator has no flaws, then myths and ideas about gods are not possible as reality, because if there is someone whom He cannot limit, then he has a flaw, and since he has no flaws, then there cannot be two creators. You can call them angels, but not gods. In general, the word “gods” is not logically correct to say.

    Despite this, there are other scientists who continue to believe without any logic in their theories of randomness, etc. (ironically called “religious” scientists :), which is also not correct to say, like moms and dads, etc.). There is a difference between logic and reality, as opposed to fantasy.

    So it turns out that Faith in the Creator is also not a correct expression. This is knowledge, both logical and historical. But of course, it is also possible to believe in the Creator, for those who do not know these logics and stories. But simply feels the soulfulness and feelings that oblige the existence of the Creator, as well as providence that shows that in principle, everything should have gone this way, but it went differently, or notices special coincidences and understands the moral and spiritual side of man and the world. Which includes humanity, conscience, and prayer.

    In general, the word faith is taken from the qualities of a person, which is manifested when a person does not understand, but trusts.

  22. The Church speaks about the Incarnation of God — one of the dogmas of the Orthodox faith. The Fourth Ecumenical Council in 451 adopted a dogma that speaks of the union of two natures in Jesus Christ: human and Divine.

    “Therefore, following the Holy Fathers, we all unanimously teach that our Lord Jesus Christ is one and the same Son, one and the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, true God and true Man, one and the same, consisting of a verbal (rational) soul and body, consubstantial with the Father in Divinity and the same consubstantial with us in humanity, similar to us in all things except sin; born of the Father before the ages according to Virgins and Theotokos for Humanity; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only-begotten, known in two natures (one at two φύσεσιν) unmerged, invariably, inseparable, inseparably; the distinction of natures It never disappears from their connection, but the properties of each of the two natures are joined in one person and one hypostasis (εις εν πρόσωπον και μίαν υπόστασιν συντρεχούση) so that It is not cut and is not divided into two persons, but He is one and the same Son and only begotten, God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ; just as the prophets of ancient times spoke of It, and as Jesus Christ Himself taught us, and as He gave us the Symbol of the Fathers” – the decree of the Fourth Ecumenical Council.

  23. In general, not all Christians understand who they pray to. Someone just grew up surrounded by “no memory” worshippers, someone just comes to the temple to light a cake for Easter, someone was brought by the sleeve of a grandmother. It's different for everyone.

    And if you look from the point of view of the church, then God (father, son, Holy Spirit)”it doesn't have a shell. It is everywhere, it is omnipresent. This is quite difficult to digest if you have sound thinking, but if you love philosophy, psychology and wonder about the creation of the world, then this topic will be interesting for reasoning.�

    But there are many other saints that people pray to. Their images can be seen in any Orthodox church (I do not yet understand by what criteria/sources they determine/recognize their appearance). In general, this topic is rich for searching and reasoning. Not everything is as simple as it seems.

  24. I don't have weekends and weekdays as such, because I have a free schedule. If you want it, it's a day off today, and if you want it, it's tomorrow too.�

    Basically, the same as on weekdays. I write music, listen to music, play at parties, chat with friends, read, watch movies, walk around the city (mostly at night), and pester people with questions.

  25. Today, there is a huge supply of religious services on the market and, as we can see, unfortunately, there is even a demand for unnecessary goods. Well, a matter of taste is a matter of the owner. You can choose Thor, Zeus, Alextida, if a lady with special preferences, you can choose Kelsat kuatl, who has a red-hot penis with a length of 864 cubits. In the end, if a person is wondering what to believe/who to pray to, you can not go far and easily, for example, believe that his dishes fly to Mars at night and copulate there, especially since along with our friends-Jesus and Allah, these things are completely one-order.:)

  26. In vain zaminusovali Stepan..I do not know who prays among you, gentlemen, and how, but I personally still believe that Jesus is the son of God, but not God himself. But in my prayers, I still turn to the Lord, or to certain saints, for example, St. Nicholas the Saint

  27. With such questions, it is still better to go to church. For ordinary rational people, there are too many inconsistencies in the church's postulates and interpretations. Therefore, if, for example, I start trying to explain church dogmas, I will have to somehow explain these illogicalities that will come up in the process. And everything will be completely confused in the end. Let theologians explain, they are sharpened for this work.

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