4 Answers

  1. Yes!
    I still remember one woman. I was then about 9 years old. After school, I went home in a completely clogged minibus. I had to stand. And she sat me down on her lap. She said, ” Maybe somewhere your mother is helping my daughter right now.” I was so embarrassed that instead of thanking her, I mumbled something unintelligible. Now I really regret that I couldn't say thank you back then.

    And another transport history. About the same age. There was literally not enough money in the bus for a ticket. They changed the price, and I didn't know about it, there was only a certain amount. And the man next to me, seeing my confusion, handed me the missing bill. It's nothing at all, but how grateful I am to him!

    After the first incident, by the way, I stopped being shy about expressing gratitude.

  2. I thank the universe and all those who have met me in my life and continue to be present in it – everyone has done a lot of useful and pleasant things for me.

    Added experience and opportunities.

  3. And I want to say thank you to my first and extremely unsuccessful love. Of course, in my eyes, he remained a rare freak (although, probably, in 4 years he changed), because he used my childish naivety both in the tail and in the mane, as they say. But still, his constant mockery of my appearance and behavior made me a well-groomed person (yes, I did not lose hope of achieving it, God, how I am ashamed). And yes, it's good that he rejected me in the end, because literally the next day after I completely decided to give up on him, a long and very good story of my life began, which has not ended yet.�

    Thank you, man, even if you're a scum!

  4. Although trite, but most of all I want to thank the people who refused to help me and thanks to this I learned to do many things on my own. Sometimes no help is the best help 🙂

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