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- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
My case.
The work is not stressful, �not at all stressful.
They pay well, and you can be comfortable in the middle class.
The work is disciplined, otherwise I will completely degrade myself, I will spread out like a cow cake and get drunk.
Whether you are doing mental work, physical work, or both, remember that ” all hard work will bring profit .” After all, this was said in the most ancient book of the world and remains still relevant to this day. Why? Hard work helps to provide for yourself, as well as gain self-esteem. This requires dedication. If we make an effort and get things done – even when the work seems boring or difficult-we feel satisfied that we have not been saved in the face of difficulties. We didn't look like the kind of person who says, “Like a door swings on its hinges, so does a quitter in bed toss and turn.” Experience and skill, of course, don't come automatically. Few of us like to do something that they are not good at. Perhaps that's why many people don't like their work; they just haven't put in enough effort to become a master of their craft.�
Ideally, work should be a favorite activity of life, a person who has such a job can be called happy. But most people are not happy in this regard, because they can not always find their favorite business and have to work for money and then it is like a mass psychosis. If there is an opportunity not to work, then it is really possible not to work, but this is not available to many.
If there is an opportunity to have money – of course, you can not work in any case.
I assume that there is a meager 0.1% that combines business with pleasure, but in my entire life, neither I nor my friends have ever met a person who goes to work happy
Let's leave out the special cases and special cases when the work really gives you genuine pleasure and you go as if on a holiday. Work determines the quality of a person's life entirely, without money and alone you will live so badly that you will not want to live. Therefore, you can not work – but will you be satisfied with the standard of living when you will not be enough for a new hat, and it is freezing outside? I do not take cases when, for example, the husband works, and the wife does housework. Therefore, work is an eternal nuisance for most people, but a huge need makes itself felt.