16 Answers

  1. The medical term “depression” is firmly established in the people, and its original meaning is very blurred. Now any melancholy, anxiety, bad mood is thoughtlessly called this word. This is as ridiculous as calling any cough tuberculosis. For example, the same thing happened with the medical term “idiot” — now every stupid, bad person can be called an idiot.

    Depression is a medical term that refers to a mental illness caused by a lack of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) in the brain and manifests itself in a triad: a decrease in mood, a decrease in motor and ideatory activity, and anhedonia (the inability to experience pleasure).

    Many people thoughtlessly call depression temporary psychological problems, anxiety disorders, just a bad mood, temperament (phlegmatic, melancholic).

    It is called a disease because it leads to maladaptation of a person. And in the absence of treatment-to suicide. Therefore, depression needs to be treated. With this disease, a person is not able to think rationally — everything seems gray, squalid, meaningless. No amount of persuasion will help here. It is precisely because of such a frivolous approach to a serious illness that there is such a high rate of suicides in our country, because “why treat it?”, “this is a state of mind, not a disease”, “sadness develops the soul”.

  2. If you have ever consciously suffered from depression in your life, if you were at its mercy, then you will understand why this attack needs to be treated.

    In a sense, depression is really a state of mind. But it usually progresses if you don't start getting rid of it in time.

    Depression is devastating!

  3. From the point of view of medicine, this is a disease that can take an acute clinical form, and prolonged clinical depression is more difficult to treat. Therefore, you should not laugh at those who complain of depression, whatever form it may be, it is better to support the person and give him a helping hand. Be kinder and more responsive

  4. Depression is indeed a very difficult disease to cure. It can, of course, be considered as a state of soul, but it lasts too long!

  5. Because depression is hormones caused by our psycho-emotional state. Depression is not a normal state of our body, some kind of deviation, which means a disease.

    But the soul is not controlled by hormones or anything else, it is cold-blooded and is in a constant state, and this is clearly not depressive.

  6. I would put the question differently: why is depression considered by some to be a disease, and not a state of mind? A lot of it depends on who the very people who use the word “depression” are. This is a mere mortal-one situation. A clinical psychologist or psychiatrist is quite different. There are depressive states of mind that are not yet so deep and stable as to be considered a disease. In everyday speech extermination, they are often called depressions, but doctors would not call such conditions depressions. But if we are talking about a really serious disorder that lasts for a long time and often provokes an urge to commit suicide-this, of course, is also a state of mind. But one from which a person is unlikely to get out without help. Treatment is required.

  7. In the presence of depression, it is difficult to even get up to go to the toilet, as well as to perform any other hygienic or physiological actions (yes, even turning over from one side to the other will require a lot of strength). With depression, the functioning of many body systems is disrupted, and both the feeling of joy and the feeling of physical pain are dulled. The physical aspects are still much more serious than the state of mind. But if you want to go into more detail, then this resource gave many comprehensive answers in the disclosure of depression. Read it, your question will disappear by itself.

    1. The existence of the soul has not been proven, and most likely will not be proved, since the term dishi is the development of religious trends and ideas.
    2. Depression is long-lasting. And it can lead to significant negative consequences.
  8. On the one hand, this is a state of mind, and on the other hand, this process has dragged on and turned into a disease. In order not to give yourself up to depression, you need to constantly indulge in all sorts of pleasures and read smart books.

  9. Because depression is well described and sorted by symptoms. Based on this knowledge, it is possible to build causal relationships and forecasts, as well as therapy methods.

    Also, depression is not considered a state of mind, because according to epidemiology, unfortunately, it does not visit every person on Earth, so depersion is not a mandatory or ordinary state of mind.

  10. what is called “depression” in everyday life is really a state of mind that consists of sadness, dissatisfaction with work or study, depending on the weather, the presence of a guy/girl/cat, the presence of more or less regular sex in life, a little sprinkled with aristocratic melancholy, has the smell of cigarettes on the balcony, the taste of whiskey and languidly looks into the distance through the bus window. And depression is a serious psychiatric illness, or a condition associated with a violation of biochemical processes in the brain , which can occur after injuries, exhaustion, or circulatory disorders in the brain.

  11. Any understanding begins with the language. Depression is an altered state of consciousness, without going into details about the causes of such a change. Depression is a change mainly in emotional expression, but all scientific research efforts in this direction are only “methodological refinements”. In general, in Western culture, in principle, a negative attitude towards altered states of consciousness is firmly established, that is, it is believed that there is a normal (good)state of consciousness. state of consciousness and its pathological changes. Most people don't recognize other differences, and doctors don't either.

    If you look at it more broadly, it becomes clear that a person lives and functions in different states of consciousness, and different cultures differ greatly in understanding, using, and treating altered states of consciousness. Many “primitive” peoples, for example, believe that almost every normal adult is capable of entering a trance or can become possessed by God, while those who are not capable of this are considered psychologically crippled. Imagine how imperfect an American would seem to a person from this culture. Many Eastern civilizations have developed a variety of sophisticated techniques for stimulating and harnessing altered states of consciousness, such as yoga and zen. In some cases, a special language was created for a more adequate discussion of this. Frederick Spiegelberg, a well-known Indian scholar, noted that there are about twenty Sanskrit nouns that are translated into English as “consciousness” or “mind”, since there are no words in the dictionary to define the various shades of meanings of these concepts.

    We know a huge amount of scientific and clinical materials on states of consciousness related to psychopathological conditions, such as schizophrenia. In comparison, our scientific knowledge of altered states that can be considered “desirable” is extremely limited and largely unknown to scientists. There is no balanced view on this issue. Our understanding of mental processes has been greatly facilitated by focusing on psychopathology, but it cannot be complete unless we consider the other side of the coin.

    We should stop making “good” or ” bad ” judgments about altered states of consciousness and focus on the following questions:: what are their main characteristics and what is their impact on human behavior in different situations? That's where you should dig.

  12. Read the comments of girls – so every first “experienced depression”. Like children, cheslovo.

    Alexander S. described it well above. They like to cover up emotional sloppiness with a scientific term.

  13. “Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a depressive triad: decreased mood, loss of the ability to experience joy (anhedonia), impaired thinking (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening, etc.) and motor inhibition.”
    In fact, if you read Aristotle's treatise on the soul , you can understand that a mental disorder or illness and a disease of the soul are essentially the same thing.

  14. By the same logic, schizophrenia can be considered a state of mind, not a disease. Depression is a disease, because there are serious violations of the biochemistry of the brain, and a person loses the ability to experience joy.

    Those who write about their depression on the Internet are not really depressed, otherwise they would not have any desire to get out of bed to write such an attentive fucking message.

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