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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
The concept of PARADIGM, only after the work of Thomas Kuhn “Paradigm Shift” firmly entered any scientific and philosophical terminology, replacing the synonymous term MAXIM. And every correct conclusion and every final scientific and philosophical product (as well as every proven theorem, scientifically based Law) is just a MAXIM (PARADIGM). Therefore, if we consider the concept of paradigm superfluous in human activity – – – then this is a clear regression almost back to the palm tree to the Abizians, for whom the concept of paradigm is certainly superfluous in their abizyan activity. And in general, another father of American pragmatism, Ch. S.Peirce argued that the PREDICATE is a projection on the universal of thinking, i.e. the PREDICATE is posited in thought as a MAXIM (paradigm). So maybe thoughts are superfluous?
First, let's try to understand the very concept of paradigm: example, sample, model. The example and sample indicate a certain pattern and / or ideal of something. And the model indicates a more or less reliable reproduction of something real (a model of an airplane, a model of clothing, etc.), i.e. this is not what you should strive for, but on the contrary, what corresponds to the “facts” (life). Pay attention to this difference (it will still be useful to us).
But the meaning of the word paradigm is usually understood much more broadly, since a paradigm is also something that affects (often in a decisive way, i.e. affects “for a person”) the choice and decision-making of people. For example, the religious paradigm of a particular religion, the paradigm of fashion, or any other ” fundamental concept “(worldview as a rule) that prescribes a person “how to think and do correctly” (i.e., an indication of purely instructive, template, reflex thinking).
Pay attention, for example, to the words (in the text at the link above):
I strongly doubt it (contrary to the assurances of the authors of the text) that the majority of Russian citizens “agree” with this conclusion. But this did not prevent them from making such a conclusion (purely “paradigmally”, as in the days of the communist paradigm: “we support and approve” or “Glory to the CPSU”). Is this a good thing? Decide for yourself.
Paradigmatic (template) thinking, of course, helps to significantly “unload” a person's consciousness from thinking about a specific situation when making decisions (it allows you to “do it without thinking”). For example, when assembling a conveyor belt, you need to follow instructions clearly, and not “think” (otherwise the conveyor will stop), or officials perform their formal duties without delving into the essence of issues (bureaucratically), drivers and pedestrians do not think about how to pass and or cross a road intersection, etc.
Therefore, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether paradigmatic thinking is useful or harmful (on a conveyor belt or on a busy road, it is clearly useful, but in working with people it seems rather harmful). I do without it at all (including when creating automated control systems for automated / robotic production) and have never regretted it (of course, I know the rules and take them into account, but if they contradict the goals and meaning of the work, I mercilessly “change them”, or rather I change them). And crossing the intersection on the “green”, I carefully reflect on the traffic situation (after all, the fact that “I'm right”, in my “naivety” I believe, will not console me much in the intensive care unit, or even in the morgue).
In the end, to learn anything, you need to “believe in the authorities” and what “more knowledgeable and experienced people tell you”. Of course, it seems to be desirable, growing up, to learn to “take responsibility for yourself” (i.e., ignore “paradigms”), but who needs these “extra gratuitous troubles” (for the same awards and positions are not given and” heroes ” are not called?).
So, unfortunately, I cannot give a clear and definite answer to your question (the answer to it is a question of everyone's choice, whether consciously or not is not the point). Paradigm (any) this is both an “opportunity” and a “limiter”, so like all “double-edged” things, it would be wise to use it with caution and caution.
I have seen more than once living people who seem to be completely “paradigmatic” (who have brought their own thinking and activity to complete “automatism”), such “walking correctness” (if you have seen it, you will understand what I mean). Paradigms are now “trending “(in favor).
In childhood, we don't want to learn, but we really want to “get married as soon as possible”, and in old age, not only do we not want to learn, but we also want to get married, but we really want to “teach” others (what we never learned ourselves, i.e. these very “paradigms”), and this is also paradigmatic behavior.
Even in science, where paradigms are definitely harmful (because they obviously slow down and limit cognition), many scientists “really need” them (why?). So I leave the “question open”…