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Objectivity, first of all, implies the existence of a phenomenon, object or process independent of any perspective. Since self-assessment is based on the subject's perception of himself as an object that can be compared, measured and compared with some standards (what is required for any assessment), there can be no objective self-assessment in the strict philosophical sense.
Nevertheless, psychology often speaks about the objectivity of self-assessment in a conditional sense. This means that a sufficiently developed psychologically subject is able to overcome the innate and inherent egocentrism (the inability to accept any other point of view than one's own) and view oneself as an object as impartially as possible; the self – assessment of such a person is based on real facts, not the desired/imaginary state of affairs, and takes into account objectively accepted cultural ideals and standards, comparing them with reality.
A completely objective assessment is impossible by definition. What can we say about self-esteem! However, self-assessment is possible, which will strive for objectivity. This is a self-assessment that takes into account other people's assessments as important, and first of all assessments that do not flatter themselves to the person they love.
Yes, as strange as it sounds when compared to other people's responses.
Why is this so?
Yes, everything is simple, when observing a phenomenon even by two people, the assessment of each in the aggregate will be subjective, because this is the observation and conclusions of the subject.
To everyone else I am the subject, and to myself I am the object.
A little explanation:
Objectivity means the ability to unbiasedly and without prejudice delve into the content of the case, to present the object as it exists by itself, regardless of the subject.
Objectivity implies liberation from the” observer ” who makes judgments about the world and always proceeds from a certain point of view.
If I reason about myself in myself and for myself, then if I am honest, then I am objective in myself and for myself.
I objectively evaluate my abilities, capabilities, knowledge, and skills.
Quite possible. At first glance, it doesn't seem to be. After all, you need to evaluate yourself. But this problem is known, and there has long been a solution. You need to evaluate yourself not with the help of subjective value judgments like: “I'm damn good!” or “what a sad shit I am!”, but with the help of objective criteria. In other words, use some formal indicators for evaluation.
For example, you can set yourself the task of earning a million rubles in a year. In this task, you can immediately see two numbers that are such indicators: 1 year and 1 million. If you managed to earn so much, then in the future you can safely evaluate yourself as a person who can earn a million a year. This assessment will be objective, since it is confirmed by an objective fact. And this is precisely self-esteem, because you evaluate yourself.
You can set yourself simpler tasks. For example, read 100 pages of text in a day. Or don't log in to Instagram for 3 days. Or for a minimum of 10 days, eat no more than 1,000 calories per day. Or run 10 km at a time. All of these tasks have formal indicators that can be used to objectively assess yourself as to whether you can do this or not.
I even strongly doubt that a person can give an objective assessment in principle. The way the psyche works, previous experiences, internal experiences and much more affect how we evaluate a situation or a person.�
I would move on to the question with a higher significance, is there an adequate self-assessment? Yes, it happens. And this is what you need to strive for and what many psychologists hint at. This is achieved by a certain skepticism towards ourselves, and shifting the emphasis of significance from our consciousness and the uniqueness of our personality to what we can do, know exactly, and practice. This is the limit.
There is nothing 100% objective in this world for a person. The imperfection of our body, and indeed of all living beings on our planet in general. From the point of view of religion and philosophy, only God or some other Absolute that replaces him objectively sees the world.
However, you can try to objectively evaluate yourself and the world around you, and strive for this. The human brain is designed in a special way that, on the one hand, all its structures are directly or indirectly connected with each other, and, accordingly, affect each other, on the other hand, they also have different degrees of autonomy and can try to “suppress” each other, there is a certain hierarchy in their relations. Thus, we may have conflicting thoughts and feelings. At first, a sane person who tries to be unbiased can often have these contradictory thoughts in his head, and as long as he has the courage to choose not the point of view that is convenient for him, but the one that is closer to a certain standard truth, then he will be quite objective. But it is worth giving in to slack, and in the future you will be less and less likely to doubt your rightness, and you will look for the cause of mistakes outside of yourself, on the side.
By the way, in psychology there is a term “depressive realism”, when a person is in mild depression sufficiently adequately evaluates himself and everything else. The rose-colored glasses of optimism have fallen, but pessimism has not yet reached the point. This condition is temporary, and it is not necessary to specifically strive for it, to praise it, but depression is not the norm for our psyche.
That's all people do. In any case, many and often. If we talk about the degree of objectivity of self-assessment, then the person himself knows much more about himself and in more detail than any other “evaluator”. Therefore, if you objectively and honestly compare a person's honest assessments of themselves with the same level of honest assessments of them by other people, then self-assessment in this light looks much more objective in comparison with other types of assessment. Another thing is that people often confuse the concepts of honesty of self-assessment with objectivity of self-assessment. The assessment may look quite objective when a person considers himself as an object of assessment. But whether such an assessment will be fair depends on many factors. The same applies to any other object to be evaluated. When a young man evaluates a girl with whom he is in love, he is very objective to his object, but for some reason does not notice her obvious shortcomings. Well, if you want a very serious and deeply proven path to knowledge of the truth, immerse yourself in the technique of Raja Yoga. Many thousands of years of experience of cognition by removing the problem from the object-subject dependence is not khukhry-mukhry. All the best.
How can a person ,who is initially biased, judge and evaluate objectively?
Even this statement of mine is not objective, because I am a human being!
Verbatim excerpt from any text. However, it is important that the quoted (inserted) text is uniquely identified as inserted (i.e., as part of another text).Is an objective self-assessment possible? “Yeah, sort of, why not.
There's dirt in the kitchen, and I don't clean it. We take exact values as a condition: a) how many months of dirt b) how many free days I had during this period c) how many self-excuses I came up with not to clean. From this, we deduce the percentage of my laziness, for 0% taking an exemplary neighbor who cleans even before the appearance of dirt, and for 100% a homeless person who never cleans at all. You will get an objective assessment of yourself as a lazy person – for example, 90%.
“If it makes any difference, of course.”.. Because if the question is about global self-esteem , then this is basically impossible. There are an infinite number of situations, which means an infinite number of relationships, and accordingly my properties that can / should be objectively measured.
And even if you focus only on large personality parameters, such as morality or intelligence, then you can not give a comprehensive assessment either. I may, for example, be inferior to anyone and everyone in the twenty most obvious mental abilities, but no one in the world will more fully comprehend the “imaginative cache” of the sound of a slamming door – here I will shut the writer up^_^ It is also impossible to say definitively whether a bad person or a good one. Raskolnikov Rodya killed two people and robbed them, and gave money to his widow just like that – is he bad or good? A new attitude – and the nature is revealed in a new way. You can't count all of yourself.
Evaluation, like self-assessment, is an opinion. An opinion can only be subjective.
An objective opinion, as well as a subjective fact, is an oxymoron. It's like measuring the weight of an object with a protractor.