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A goal is a dream that you are already working on achieving.�
In fact, the goal and the dream are the same thing. But the dream is only in the head, and the goal is already becoming a reality.�
Of course, you can conditionally distinguish between goals and dreams in terms of importance. Circumnavigating the world is a dream. Pass the session-goal. With this approach, the goal is more important in the short term. The dream is long-term.�
But I tend to think that the goal is a new form of dream, the next step. This is the topic of my article:
Look at it from the point of view that the goal is a dream with a deadline (deadline) and you will understand for yourself)
But if you think that “dream” is something more pleasant and less accessible, and “goal” is more necessary and useful, then it depends on you. Maybe you are spoiled and then the goal is more important, or maybe you need strength and inspiration, then a dream.
Well, it depends on how you look at this question: 1) if a dream is a goal, then everything is OK; 2) if a dream is only a dream and no more, then this is tolerable; 3) and when you go to the goal with your teeth together from pain, this is self-torture and sin.
A dream without a goal and a goal without a dream is a pointless waste of time that will lead to nothing in the end. That is, the enthusiasm and fire on the way to this component of life should not fade away under any difficulties. This is the most important thing. Well, in 3 years you can get rid of both. 🙂 the main thing is to believe in yourself!