14 Answers

  1. There is no such unified list. A well-read person is someone who reads. No matter what you read, your level of erudition will always increase. If you Google it, you can find lists of recommended must-read literature. Well-known lists include Brodsky's list, Dmitry Bykov's list, lists according to the BBC, Newsweek magazine, and many others.

  2. First, if a person is “well-read”, it means that they read books regularly. At least one book per week. Previously, as a rule, such people were either registered in the library, or had a personal library at home, or both. With the advent of the Internet, everything has become easier. Conventionally, well-read people can be divided into three categories:: 1 – “specialists” are people who read mainly literature on their specialty, in which they know everything “from and to”; 2 – “interlocutors” – people who read literature of various fields without going into details, always read news channels and newspapers, they can easily maintain a conversation on any topic; 3 – “encyclopedists” – people who read very quickly and very much (1-3 books a day) and in great detail, who have an excellent memory, their reading covers almost all areas of knowledge. To begin with, to become more well-read, just get in the habit of reading at least an hour a day any printed publications that interest you – books, magazines, newspapers, news feeds. Try to remember the basics of what you read, and discuss it with your family or with friends and acquaintances.

  3. I know one person who has read a lot of different literature in his life. But in real life, forgive me for this harsh and rude word, but it is a literary one and it can justify me. In real life, this person is a rare piece of shit. In my opinion, being a good person, intelligent in the most direct sense of the word is much more important than being well-read. Books are undoubtedly a good thing. But still, each book is a raft of fiction, a world of illusions, not counting autobiographical literature, but in it the author reserves the right to add fiction or not. And life may be a game, but it's more real than books. Peace be with you!

  4. It all depends on your environment, which sets the definition of “well-read”. Compared to Vasya Vetrov from the 5th entrance, to become well-read, you need to read 5-10 books. Although, in fact, “readability” depends not on the number of books you read, but on many factors, such as: how popular the work is, how old it is, at what age you read it, and whether this information can be useful to you.

  5. A person can be considered well-read even if he has not read anything, but thinks clearly. You may get the impression that he is well-read, implying his ability to analyze and reason. Usually such people are old people who have studied for three classes, but they know more about life than scientists.

  6. Obviously, these should be some kind of cult books that include Russian and world classics. And a person can never consider himself well-read, because every year there are more and more books that are mandatory for reading. My advice to you: just read as much as you can, then something will definitely come out of it.

  7. First of all, it is necessary to understand: how to read these books, so that they are useful and remain in the memory for a long time.

    1. Real literature is never read for the sake of plot, but for the sake of ideas and self-knowledge. The book acts as a mirror through which a person looks at himself and his place in the world.

    2. After reading the book, you still need to continue to think about it, discuss it. How can a person be considered well-read if they can't talk about their favorite book, or use ideas and quotes elsewhere: during arguments and discussions.

    3. Some books require re-reading, as it is not always possible to get all the benefits at once, and sometimes the state of mind, mood does not fall into the author's rhythm, and therefore everything passes by. That is, you need to reread it at different ages, in different moods.

    4. The choice of books should be based on personal needs, and not on lists of” one hundred best books”, classics/pop: if the book is not interesting, if you have to force yourself to read it, then there will be no benefit. Reading should be fun. That is why the “program” works that take place at school often pass by, because many people are not interested in reading them, and in general the problems raised there can be very far and incomprehensible. You need to choose literature to suit your tastes and aspirations.

  8. You can't read a list of books and declare yourself well-read. This is a continuous process. Well-read is a word that someone can use to describe you under certain circumstances, but it's not a thing that you can just do and then forget about books for the rest of your life. In this regard, the definitions of “reading” and “not reading” are more appropriate. There are people who are inclined to read, and even with breaks in the year between books, they can still be called reading.

    If you don't have this craving but would like to develop it in yourself, then just look through all sorts of lists, listen to opinions, read reviews and what interests you (topic, title, cover, annotation) then take it. And if at first you will not know what this book is about and why it was included in all the tops, do not give up. I, unlike most, do not complain about the school system for the fact that we were sometimes given books the meaning of which only now comes to me. It is ok. Each new book will only reduce the level of entropy, but don't expect everything to become clear as day right away. �Imagine a box of puzzles, some of which you immediately find a place for �and some parts you twist and turn in your hands, like you have carefully studied but you can't find a place yet, so it's the same with books that you have read but misunderstood. The main thing is to keep reading and maybe you will find the key to understanding either in another book, or in a movie/song/picture, or maybe in your own life. Over time, all the books, understood and misunderstood, add up to a clearer picture and complement each other. But you'll never be well-read, just as you can't eat enough for a lifetime at a time.�

    Well, if you don't have any traction, but the fashion for this is all pressing on you and you want to match, then forget it. People are different, and our ways of learning are also different. Someone reads fiction, someone reads science, and someone travels a lot and prefers new acquaintances or music, movies, theater, sports, or science to books…

    Although this skill is useful and worth trying to make it an integral part of your personality. It is a sin not to use this method of cognition, while it is accessible to everyone, unlike music, for example, not everyone has an ear and a voice. I read because I am oppressed by my limitations, of course, you can live like this, but this thought does not give me peace. Plus, it's very pleasant to find thoughts in books that seemed unique to me, it's like meeting a kindred spirit, only much smarter. And some books open up a whole layer of knowledge and concepts that you don't even know exist, but you experience their influence in your life. Agree, it is unpleasant to live as a “blind kitten”.�

    I've moved away from the topic,but to summarize: To be well-read, you need to read throughout your life. And not for the dubious title of “Well-read” but for myself. And choose books on the advice of smart people or the same ” top 100 books…”, because if you pick up ” 50 shades…”, but without experience, but without criticism, so you can not get off this crooked path and die thinking that this is Literature.

  9. Marina mentioned one word that popped into my head as soon as I read the question-Vanity. Because of the word “count” in the question, the vanity motif is right there. If you just want to be considered and look like it, then you just need to read the summary and analysis of the work. The morality of this motive leaves much to be desired, but it does not directly harm anyone. I would also recommend Pierre Bayard's book ” The Art of Thinking about Books You Haven't Read.”�

    In my teenage years, I myself was a prisoner of the stupidest stereotype that, they say, a reading person = an intelligent person. And, in fact, it is much more important WHAT and HOW you read, and not just what you READ. I do not think that there is a strict causal relationship between a well-read artist and adequacy / intelligence. I stopped reading the artist's book about 2 years ago, although I keep some of the works for myself, but only when I get a tip on them, reading about the problem itself raised in them. For example, while studying the problem of Nazism, I came across a link to Lewis Sinclair's book “This is impossible in our country” and since then I have been intending to read it. Otherwise, all that's left of this thesis about the benefits of reading is hipster flaunting. I find it very funny when people say that their favorite writer is Remarque, or Hemingway, or Tolstoy, or something like that. For me, this is about the same as when a person knows only 2 surnames – Putin and Medvedev-and is completely eager to talk about politics. In fact, it was already noticed a long time ago that a fool who knows a little is much worse than one who knows nothing at all. And finally:

    Donkey education was given.
    Has he gotten smarter? Hardly.
    But before, like an ass,
    He was just talking nonsense,
    And now-ah villain –
    He, with the gravity of a pedant,
    With every foolishness of his own
    Refers to Kant.

  10. I don't think there should be a specific list of books that characterizes a well-read person. First of all, a well-read person is an erudite person who is able to think independently, analyze and draw conclusions.

    You should not rush to serious literature to say “I read this”. But neither is fiction a suitable reading material. To begin with, reading a book doesn't mean understanding it. At literature lessons in schools, children are asked the question “what did the author want to say with this work?”. The question is incorrect, but it reflects the essence – you don't need to read for the sake of the plot, you need to analyze what you read, and therefore you need to select the works so that you can understand them, that is, by age/education/life experience.

    To be honest, while studying philology, it is quite difficult for me to have time to read books from Russian and foreign literature courses and at the same time extract the essence from them. But the program requires, so to understand it, you have to devote time to critical literature, articles about authors, etc.. I want to say that reading is not an easy task, which requires time and desire.

    To be a well-read person, you do not need to read as many well-known and serious books as possible, but be able to choose, understand, analyze and extract the essence from what you read.

  11. I have a couple of very smart people I know. And they are both experienced teachers. So, they convinced me (here it was said) that

    1. There is no point in reading “adult books” to a teenager. He will not understand them.

    2. A fair percentage of the classics are outdated. It seems like Tolstoy has half the book in French, and about completely irrelevant things.

    3. Very many books are about the suffering of garbage, marital infidelity, banal stupidity, etc. That is, they are ” Dontsova, praised by critics of those times.”�

    4. Philosophy and psychology are gradually dying out, as such. There is no point in reading works on it. Because cognitive scientists have buried it and trampled it down.�

    5. A well-read person in our time is one who has picked up a lot of tops, but is not an expert in anything. This knowledge is good for solving crosswords.

  12. I have a special attitude to mass-entertainment literature and I do not consider it necessary to study it completely (by the way, I am 16), especially Russian classics.

    It does not carry anything and is remarkable for absolutely nothing, so due to the fact that since childhood I read encyclopedias, not stories about turnips and did not have the pleasure to read the worst, the list of literature from A. G. Nevzorov, in my humble opinion, is very good and extremely useful for understanding the world:

    R. Descartes. Rules for guiding the mind + reasoning about the method + writing + everything else that is written to them, down to the last line

    M. Born. My life and views. Atomic physics + everything else written by him

    E. Rutherford. Atomic structure and artificial transformation of elements

    Zh. O. De La Mettrie. Everything they write, down to the last line.

    P. A. Golbach. Sacred contagion + Christianity Unmasked + Pocket Theology + The System of nature + The Gallery of Saints + The Foundation of Universal Morality + everything else written by him

    S. Weinberg. Quantum field theory

    S. Weinberg. Cosmology

    W. Penfield, L. Roberts. Speech and brain mechanisms

    W. Penfield, G. Jasper. Epilepsy and functional anatomy of the human brain

    Tsch. Sherrington. Integrative activity of the nervous system

    A. Kornberg. DNA synthesis

    I. Newton. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy

    A. Vesalius. About the structure of the human body

    Magnus R. Setting the body

    Landau, Livshitz. Quantum mechanics (non-relativistic theory)

    Livshits, Pitaevsky. Relativistic quantum theory

    I. P. Pavlov. Everything he wrote + all the works of his physiological school + Pavlovsk Environments + Pavlovo clinical environments + Pavlov Encyclopedia + works of physiological laboratories + everything related to Ivan Petrovich in general

    I. M. Sechenov. Reflexes of the brain + in general everything that is written to them

    J. Watson. Molecular biology of the gene

    Rutten M. Origin of Life

    Darwin. All + Erasmus Darwin + Wallace + Ch. Darwin. Memories of the development of my mind and character + everything related to Darwin in general

    Huxley T. G. On the position of man in a number of organic beings

    Huxley T. G. On the causes of phenomena in the organic world

    V. Bekhterev. Brain pathways

    To. Sagan. Space

    R. Hazen History of the Earth

    J. Eccles. Physiology of nerve cells

    Levi-Bruhl. Primitive thinking

    Levi-Bruhl. The supernatural in primitive thinking

    A. Brodal. Reticular formation of the brain stem

    S. R. Kakhal. Autobiography

    A. Severtsov. Main directions of the evolutionary process

    E. K. Sepp. History of the vertebrate nervous system

    P. S. Laplace. Presentation of the world system

    W. Harvey. Anatomical study of heart and blood movement in animals

    A. Severtsov. Morphological patterns of evolution

    S. N. Olenev. Developing brain

    S. N. Olenev. Brain Construction

    Reticular formation of the brain (Proceedings of the Detroit Congress), 1962

    I. Filimonov. Comparative anatomy of the reptilian big brain

    F. Engels. Dialectic of nature

    A. D. Speransky. About the experiment and the experimenter

    Saint-Gyorgy. Introduction to Submolecular Biology

    E. Taylor. Primitive culture

    D. J. Fraser. The Golden Bough

    Fersman A. E. Chemistry of the earth

    Saukov. Geochemistry

    K. Bernard. Introduction to the study of experimental medicine

    K. A. Helvetius. About the mind

    Sh. Letourneau. The Evolution of morality

    Wiedersheim. Human structure from a comparative anatomical point of view

    L. Edinger. Thirteen lectures on anatomy

    I. S. Beritashvili. Vertebrate memory, its characteristics and origin

    H. Delgado. Brain and consciousness

    K. S. Lashley. Brain and Intelligence

    I. I. Schmalzausen. Factors of evolution

    M. Kalvin. Chemical evolution

    E. Gelhorn, J. Lufborow. Emotions and emotional disorders

    Jacques Loeb. The organism as a whole

    E. Schrodinger What is life from the point of view of physics

    Lucretius. On the nature of things

    A. Einstein. The world as I see it + the essence of the theory of relativity + everything else that he wrote, to the last line

    Fox S., Doze K. Molecular evolution and the emergence of life

    J. Bernal. The emergence of life

    Oparin A. I. Matter-life-intelligence

    Feynman R. QED-the strange theory of light and matter + everything written by Feynman in general

    Saumien J. Encoding of sensory information

    Gregory V. Evolution of the face from fish to man

    M. N. Erofeeva. Electrical irritation of the dog's skin as a conditional causative agent of the salivary glands

    Arkhangelsk G. Istoriya neurologii ot istokov do XX veka History of neurology from the origins to the XX century

    Conditioned reflex and subcortical brain formations

    Cytoarchitectonics of the human cerebral cortex (under the general editorship of S. Sarkisov, I. Filimonov, N. Preobrazhenskaya)

    Atlas of the human and animal brain stem (text compiled by E. P. Kononova, edited by S. A. Sarkisov and I. N. Filimonov)

    P. Feyrabend. Science in a Free society

    M. M. Koltsova. Development of reality signaling systems in children

    V. A. Lekakh. The key to understanding Physiology

    K. Lampert Fresh water life

    H. S. Koshtoyants. Fundamentals of comparative physiology

    A. I. Karamyan. Evolution of the vertebrate endbrain

    E. A. Asratyan. Physiology of the central nervous system

    R. Forti. Trilobites

    Yes, it is easy to notice that there is not a single “fiction” book in the list. I believe that it is not necessary to spend time reading them. If there is a need to have fun, then there are many film adaptations that give a complete picture of a particular work of fiction.

  13. Dobro laughed at the list of suggestions for 15-16-year-olds Maxim Maksimenko, which includes literature that many people over 50 do not understand. Maybe that's why Russia has such a low average level of education and such a general inability to read and work with the text, if Dostoevsky, 1984, Kafka and Chonkin “pass” at school or at home at the age of 15. They do not carefully read, analyze, analyze and try to understand the text, but “pass”. In the complete absence of life experience and sufficient horizons to understand why, in fact, Madame Karen did not live like this, and “Faust” is considered a philosophical work. Being able to put letters into words, and words into sentences, does not mean being able to read, even if you have “The Brothers Karamazov” in your hands. Learning all the letters in Lord of the Flies or The Master and Margarita doesn't mean you're well-read.

    In short, my answer to the question: to be considered well-read, you need to be able to talk about what you read. To do this, you should consume literature exclusively according to your teeth, and not jump above your head to amuse your own vanity. It doesn't matter at what age. If the “Chicken-ryaba” is not exhausted in 30 years, then you should not take a swing at the” Golden Key”, and even more so at” Venus in Furs ” or some Camus. Otherwise it will turn out like Sharikov's correspondence between Engels and Kautsky. You need to start reading according to your own development and develop further with the book.

  14. It depends on which circles you want to appear well-read and what does the word “well-read”mean to you? A person who can support any topic of conversation? Or to understand specifically in any issue? Or do you want to develop and improve your personality? Everything is really relative and there is no line when you can call yourself well-read. Start by reading the most popular and great works that only the laziest person has not read, and gradually look for more interesting, more unique works that do not reach the masses.�There are hundreds of top collections on the Internet.

    Well for example:

    If you want, then after this list you can safely consider the person well-read:

    According to scientists-academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, literary critics, these books should be included in the reading circle of every educated person of our time:

    At 15-16 years old:

    1. J. D. Sellinger “The Catcher in the Rye” and short stories.

    2. Franz Kafka “The Castle”, “The Process”.

    3. Ken Kesey “Over the Cuckoo's Nest”(“Flight over the Cuckoo's Nest”).

    4. Venedikt Yerofeyev “Moscow-Petushki”.

    5. Julio Cortazar “Winnings” (1960), “The Hopscotch Game” (1963), ” 62.

    Model for Assembly “(1968), “The Last Round”(1969), “The Book of Manuel”


    1. F. M. Dostoevsky “Poor people”, “Demons”, “Idiot”, “Brothers Karamazov”, “Crime and Punishment”.

    2. S. Lem “Futurological Congress”, “Runny Nose”, “Eden” and others.

    3. Victor Pelevin “Chapaev and the void”, “Omon Ra”, “Life of insects”, “Yellow Arrow”, ” Generation P “and others.

    4. Tatiana Tolstaya “Kys”.

    5. Ulitskaya L. “Kukotsky's incident”, “Medea and her children”.

    6. Boris Akunin “Azazel”, “Turkish Gambit”.

    7. Yuri Mamleev “Connecting rods”, “Moscow Gambit”, “Drown my head”, “Eternal Home”, “Connecting Rods”.

    8. Pavel Krusanov “Night inside”, ” Kalevala. Karelo-Finnish epic”, “Ukusangela”.

    9. Strugatsky's “Picnic on the side of the road”, “Snail on the slope”, “It's hard to be a God”.

    10. Dale Carnegie “How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People,

    performing publicly. How to win friends and influence people.

    How to stop worrying and start living.”

    1. Garcia Marquez G. “One hundred years of solitude”, “Autumn of the patriarch”, “Love during the plague”.

    2. Lobsang Rampa “The Third Eye” (1. The third eye. 2. A doctor from Lhasa. 3.

    Ramp History.4. Caves of the Ancients. 5. You are eternal. 6. The wisdom of the ancients. 7.

    The hermit. 8. Saffron mantle. 9. Chapters from life. 10. Life with a Llama.

    1. Candle light. 12. Beyond 1/10. 13. Maintaining the fire. 14.

    The thirtieth candle. 15. Twilight. 16. As it was. 17. Ramp on Venus. 18.

    A Tibetan sage.).

    1. Alexandra David-Noel “Mystics and Magicians of Tibet”.

    2. Elizabeth Heich “Dedication”.

    3. Mario Puzo “The Godfather”.

    4. E. M. Remarque “On the Western Front without changes”, “Three Comrades”, “Arc de Triomphe”, ” Black Obelisk “(collected works).

    5. Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”.

    6. M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”.

    7. B. Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”, poems.

    8. M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “The Heart of a Dog”, “White Guard”, “Days of the Turbins”, “Fatal Eggs”.

    9. Marietta Chudakova “Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov”.

    10. I. Bunin “Dark alleys”, “Arsenyev's Life”,”Cursed Days”.

    11. V. N. Muromtseva “The Life of Bunin”, “Conversations with Memory”.

    12. Ilf I. and Petrov E. “Twelve chairs”, “Golden Calf”, “One-story America”.

    13. Platonov A. “Pit”.

    14. Zamyatin “We”

    15. A. Solzhenitsyn “One day of Ivan Denisovich”, “In the first circle”, “Cancer Case”, “Gulag Archipelago”, “Two Hundred years together”.

    16. J. Galsworthy “The Forsyte Saga”

    17. E. Hemingway ” Farewell to arms!”, “For whom the Bell tolls”.

    18. E. Zola “Germinal”, “The Belly of Paris”.

    19. Choderlo de Lanclo “Dangerous Connections”.

    20. Guy de Maupassant “My dear friend”, short stories.

    21. G. Flaubert “Madame Bovary”.

    22. Stendhal “Red and Black”, “Parma Monastery”.

    23. W. Thackeray “Vanity Fair”.

    24. Alexander Mirer “House of Wanderers”.

    25. M. Zoshchenko “Stories”.

    26. Poems: O. Khayyam, V. Shakespeare, M. Basse, I. Krylov, N. Nekrasov, F.

    Tyutchev, A. Fet, I. Severyanin, S. Yesenin, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilev, M.

    Tsvetaeva, V. Mayakovsky, R. Rozhdestvensky, Bulat Okudzhava, Iosif


    1. A. Akhmatova “Evening” (1912), “Rosary” (1914), “White Flock”

    (1917),” Plantain “(1921),” Anno Domini “(1922),”Running of Time”.


    1. E. Gerstein “Anna Akhmatova and Lev Gumilev”, memoirs.

    2. Boris Nosik ” Anna and Amadeo. The story of the secret love of Akhmatova and Modigliani, iliRisunok in the interior”.

    3. A. Block “Poems” (“Stranger” and others).

    4. M. A. Svetlov “Poems” (“Grenada”, “Song of Kakhovka” and others).

    5. I. S. Turgenev

    6. A. N. Ostrovsky

    7. A. P. Chekhov

    8. N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do” (for a change).

    9. Kuprin “Garnet bracelet”, “Sulamith”.

    10. Teffi “Stories”.

    11. Orwell J. “1984”.

    12. Yu. Nikitin “Three from the forest”.

    13. Maria Semyonova “Wolfhound”, “The right to fight”, “Istovik-kamen”,” Cheputi”,” Semiprecious Mountains”,”Valkyrie”.

    14. V. Pikul “Moonsund”, “Favorit”, “Requiem for the caravan PQ-17”.

    15. V. Voinovich “The life and extraordinary adventures of soldier IvanaChonkin”, “Fairy tales for adults”, “The Smell of chocolate”.

    16. V. Shukshin “Stories”.

    17. Vasil Bykov, Polyakov, Kurochkin, Bogomolov (about the Great Patriotic War).

    18. Obruchev “Sannikov Land”.

    19. Walt Whitman “Poems”.

    20. S. Maugham “Theater”, “The Burden of Human passions”.

    21. A. Bely “Petersburg”.

    22. З. Gippius “Living faces”, poems.

    23. Goncharov I. A. “Oblomov”, “Ordinary history”.

    24. Michael Moorcock “The Waste Lands”, “The Ice Schooner, or the New York Expedition”, “The Cornelius Chronicles”, “Elric of Annibon”.

    25. Vladimir Levy “The Art of being yourself”, “The Art of being different”, “Non-standard Baby”, “Confessions of a hypnotist”.

    26. Goethe I. V. “Faust”.

    27. Dante's The Divine Comedy.

    28. Homer “Illiad”, “Odyssey”.

    29. Stephen King's “Pet Cemetery”, “The Green Mile” and other novels.

    30. W. Golding “Lord of the Flies”.

    31. Alex Garland “The Beach”.

    32. Stoker B. “Dracula”.

    33. Frank Herbert “Dune”.

    34. Philip Jose Farmer “Ismael's Flying Whales”, ” Anger ?6?

    35. Harlan Ellison, ” On the Road to Oblivion.”

    36. M. Gorky “The Life of Klim Samgin”.

    37. Moliere J. B. “Don Juan”, “Funny simpers”, “Philistine in the nobility”, “Misanthrope”, “Tartuffe”, “Miser”.

    38. Winston Groom “Forrest Gump”.

    39. John Wyndham “Day of the Triffids”.

    After 17 years:

    1. Marcel Proust “In Search of Lost Time”.

    2. James Joyce “Ulysses”.

    3. Umberto Eco “The Name of the Rose”, “Foucault's Pendulum”.

    4. Eric Berne ” People who play games. Games that people play”, “Sex in human life”, “Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the uninitiated”.

    5. Sigmund Freud's “Dream Interpretation”,”Introduction to Psychoanalysis” (1910), “Psychopathology of Everyday Life” (1904), “I and It”(1923),”Totem and Taboo”, “Essays on the Psychology of sexuality”.

    6. Fromm E. “The art of loving”, “To have or be”, “Escape from freedom”.

    7. Jung Carl Gustav “Psychology of the unconscious”, “Psychological types”, “Man and his symbols”, “Problems of the soul of our time”.

    8. Viktor Frankl “Man in search of Meaning”.

    9. Abraham Harold Maslow “Motivation and Personality”.

    10. M. E. Litvak ” Psychological vampirism. Anatomy of Conflict”.

    11. Frederick Perls ” Inside and out of the trash can. Joy. Sadness. Chaos.Wisdom”.

    12. Robert Crookes, Carla Baur “Sexuality”.

    13. Friedrich Nietzsche ” Thus spake Zarathustra.”

    14. Books about world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and others (for example: Erricker K. Buddhism; Bertrong D. and E. Confucianism; BessermanP. Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism; Wong Ye. Taoism; Kanitkar V. P. (Hemant)Hinduism; Maqsud R. Islam; Oliver P. World religious beliefs; Ferstein G. Tantra; Ernst K. V. Sufism; Young D. Christianity).

    15. The Bible.

    16. The Koran. The Talmud. The Rig Veda. Avesta. The Brahmapada. Works of Confucius. The Tao of Dejin. Vernadsky (on the noosphere). Kant (on idealism). Kendo. Bushido.Bodhittsatva. Mahamudra. Kabbalah. The Bhagavad-Gita.

    17. V. V. Nabokov “Protection of Luzhin”, “Mashenka”, “Dar”, “Lolita” and others.

    18. Patrick Suskind “The Perfumer”, “The Dove”, “The Story of Mr. Sommer”.

    19. Andre Gide “Food of the earth”, “Counterfeiters”, “The Narrow Gate”.

    20. Jorge Luis Borges “The Garden of Diverging Paths”, “The Book of Fictional Creatures” and other short stories. “Six riddles for Don Isidro Parodi”, “Seven Evenings”.

    21. Carlos Castaneda “The Teachings of Don Juan of the Yaqui tribe”, “Separate Reality”, “Journey to Ixtlan”, “Tales of Power”,”The Second Ring of Power”, “The Gift of the Eagle”, “Fire from Within”, “The Power of Silence”, “The Art of Dreaming”.

    22. The Tibetan Book of the Dead-Bardo Thedol

    23. Henry Miller “Tropic of Cancer” and others.

    24. Andy Warhol ” The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and vice versa)”.

    25. G. Hesse “Demian”, “Steppenwolf”, “The Game of Beads”, “Siddhartha”.

    26. Bernard Shaw “Widower's Houses”, “Heartbreaker”, “Professionsyssis Warren”, “The Devil's Apprentice”,”Weapons and Man”, “Candida”, “Destiny's Choice”, “Wait and See”, “Pygmalion”, “The House where Hearts Break”.

    27. Albert Camus “The Plague”, “The Fall”, “The Outsider”.

    28. Paul Verlaine “Poems” (“Sea”, “Autumn Spring”, ” Shadows of trees, hiding behind a gray fog…”, ” The sky above the city is crying…”, “Melancholy”, ” Tired of suffering, I fell silent…”, ” More beautiful and muffled…”, “GREEN”, “Grotesques”, ” As the day dawns, as the shine again…”).

    29. Jean-Paul Sartre “Nausea”, “Words”, “Freud”.

    30. Arthur Rimbaud “Poems”.

    31. Virginia Woolf “Jacob's Room”, “Orlando”, “To the Lighthouse”, “Mrs. Dalloway”.

    32. Tom Sharp, “Long Shot, “”Wilt, “” A New Arrangement in the Playhouse.”

    33. Clifford D. Simak ” All living things…”, “Almost like people”, “Goblin Sanctuary”, “City”, “Ring around the Sun”.

    34. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”, short stories.

    35. Kobo Abe “Woman in the Sand”, “Stories” (“Box Man” and others).

    36. Aldous Huxley's “Yellow Chrome”, “Jester's Dance”, “Doors of Perception”, “Counterpoint”, “Brave New World” and others.

    37. Haruki Murakami ” The Rat Trilogy “(“Listen to the Wind Song”, “Pinball 1973”, “Sheep Hunting”), “Dance-dance-dance”,”Kafka on the Beach”.

    38. Alexander Mitta “Cinema between hell and heaven”.

    39. Daniil Andreev “Rose of the World”.

    40. Milan Kundera “The unbearable lightness of being”, “Broken wills”, “Immortality”, “Slowness / Authenticity”, “Waltz to Farewell”.

    41. Arsenyev V. K. “On the Ussuri region”, “Dersu Uzala”.

    42. Ryu Murakami “All shades of blue”, “69”.

    43. Paulo Coelho “The Alchemist”, “Eleven Minutes”.

    44. Yukio Mishima “Confession of the Mask”, “Golden Temple”, “Thirst for Love”.

    45. Anthony Burgess, “A Clockwork Orange, “”Long Way to Tea, “” Iron, Rusty Iron.”

    46. Max Frisch “I'll call myself Gantenbein”.

    47. W. Faulkner “The Village”.

    48. T. Wilder “The Ides of March”.

    49. John Steinbeck, “The Grapes of Wrath, “”Cannery Row, “” East of Eden.”

    50. F. S. Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”, “The Night is Tender”, Short Stories.

    51. Knut Hamsun “Hunger”, “Juices of the earth”.

    52. R. M. Rilke Poems.

    53. Francoise Sagan “Fish blood”, “Hello, sadness”. “Love Liv Brahms””. “A little sun in cold water”, “Leash”.

    54. Aitmatov Ch. “Jamila”, “My Poplar tree in a red kerchief”, “Camel's Eye”, “The First Teacher”, “Mother's Field”,” And the day lasts longer than a century”,”The Block”,” Cassandra's Brand”,” White Steamer”,”Piebald Dog running along the edge of the sea”.

    55. Akutagawa Ryunosuke “Hell of Loneliness”, “Tobacco and the Devil”.

    56. Updike D. “Rabbit, run”, “Centaur”, “Gertrude and Claudius”, “Let's get Married”.

    57. Thomas Stearns Eliot “Poems”.

    58. Neil Gaiman “American Gods”, “Coraline”, “Smoke and Mirrors”.

    59. Apollinaire G. “Poems”.

    60. Apuleius. “Metamorphoses, or the Golden Donkey”.

    61. Asturias M. A. “The Young Owner of treasures”, “Maize people”.

    62. Babel I. “How it was done in Odessa”, “Konarmiya”, stories.

    63. V. Shalamov “The Fourth Vologda”, Kolyma stories. Poems.

    64. Bart J. Smith “Floating Opera”.

    65. Bach R. “A Seagull named Jonathan Livingston”.

    66. Belle G. “A house without a master”.

    67. Bitov A. “Lessons of Armenia”, “Georgian album”, “Pushkin House”, “Flying Monakhs”, “Catechumens”.

    68. Blake W. “Songs of Innocence and Experience “(Poems).

    69. Beauvoir S. de. “Pretty pictures”.

    70. Baudelaire Sh. “Flowers of Evil”.

    71. Boccaccio J. “Decameron”.

    72. Beaumarchais. The Barber of Seville. “The Marriage of Figaro”.

    73. Ian Banks “Crow's Road”, “Bridge”, “Wasp Factory”, “Steps on Glass”.

    74. Boris Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet””, “Gambler and breter, player iduelant”, ” Assuage my sorrows…”.

    75. Vian B. “Autumn in Beijing”, “All the dead have the same skin”.

    76. V. Vysotsky Poems.

    77. Gan Bao. “Notes on the search for spirits”.

    78. I. A. Efremov “Thais of Athens”, “Razor's Edge”, “On the Edge of the World”.

    79. Romain Gary “The Promise at Dawn”/”Promise at dawn”, “Guilty head”.

    80. Leslie Powles Hartley “Death Room” (short stories).

    81. Henri Barbusse “Tenderness”, “Fire”. Collection of short stories “Incidents”, “True stories”.

    82. Garcia Lorca F. “The song wants to be light.”

    83. Gilyarovsky V. A. “Moscow and Muscovites”.

    84. Alexey Didurov “Legends and myths of the Ancient Scoop”.

    85. Gunther Grass “Under local anesthesia”, “Tin Drum”, “Dog Life”, “From the diary of a Snail”, “Birth from the head”.

    86. Dali S. “Diary of a Genius”.

    87. Amanda Lear “DALI through Amanda's Eyes”.

    88. James G. “The Turn of the Screw”.

    89. Dovlatov S. “Life is short”, “Reserve”, ” Zone 🙁 Notes of the supervisor)”.

    90. Dombrovsky Y. “Faculty of unnecessary things”.

    91. Du Maurier D. “The Scapegoat”, “Rebecca”, “Frenchman's Bay”, “Royal General”, “My Cousin Rachel”.

    92. Euripides. “Medea”. “Hippolytus”. “Bacchantes”.

    93. Sacher-Masoch L. von. “Venus in furs”.

    94. N. Kazantzakis “The Last temptation”.

    95. Capote T. “Breakfast at Tiffany's”.

    96. J. Kane “Butterfly”, “The postman always calls twice”, “Double insurance”.

    97. Confucius. Judgments and conversations.

    98. Lawrence D. G. “Sons and Lovers”, “Rainbow”, “Women in Love”, “Lady Chatterley's Lover”.

    99. McCoy H. “There are no pockets in the shroud, “” They shoot dead horses, isn't it true?”

    100. The Marquis de Sade, ” Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue.”

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