2 Answers

  1. We can't track the entire chain of results from our actions, and the opposite result may occur at some link in the chain of results. There is a simple universal law, only good comes from good, evil comes from evil, if you see a negative result from a good deed, then this is because you do not see the whole chain, and the overall result will be positive. The opportunity to do a truly good deed is a rare gift from heaven, and if you have it, take it.

  2. I define kindness as responsiveness, sincere disposition to people, and the desire to do good to others. But everyone has a different understanding of what it means to do good to others. Sometimes, with the best of intentions, a person intervenes in the life of another person and destroys it. For example, in an effort to do good to their child, parents forbid him a lot, try to influence the choice of work, profession, friends, loved ones, and thus can destroy the child's life, suppress his personality.

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