One Answer

  1. An enthymeme is a conclusion (in particular, a syllogism) with omitted but implied premises or conclusion. For example, “all men are mortal, so Socrates is mortal” (omitted the premise “Socrates is a man”); or “Socrates is a man, so he is mortal” (omitted “all men are mortal”); or ” all men are mortal, and Socrates is a man… “(omitted the conclusion ” therefore Socrates is mortal). The latter case is most common as a rhetorical device (they say, make a conclusion yourself), and the first two are often used for a technical purpose: to reduce the amount of data in argumentation . But a necessary condition for the presence of an enthymeme is the reproducibility of omitted elements: they must be implied in such a way that they can also be formulated explicitly.

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