2 Answers

  1. I definitely understand that you, Anna, are trolling me right now, because as a psychologist with an education, you should know two things better than I do:

    • That the abbreviation LGBTQIAPP+ is not a subject of scientific knowledge and does not have to be agreed with it in any place. This is a result of the activities of activists and how these activists prefer to group. How they choose to group themselves depends on various things, including how they are grouped by society.
    • That scientific research is not least focused around what you are interested in exploring and what your sponsors are willing to give you money for. If you are personally interested in exploring a person who calls himself a taburetkosexual and you have the money to do so , then it is up to you to decide what exactly you will explore in this person. And yes, a huge layer of social and psychological research is built on the data obtained as a result of the survey. How do you, as a psychologist, decide whether the subject is telling the truth about their feelings and feelings or whether they are trolling you? Here's the same methodology, one – on – one-nothing, just assume that in a fairly large sample, most of the respondents will be honest with you, especially if you correctly compose the questionnaire. There is no difference between a person telling you that they are attracted to stools, a person telling you that they are afraid of open spaces, and a person telling you that they like to read Russian classics. In extreme cases, neurophysiology comes to the rescue, which allows you to measure reactions to a stimulus.
  2. Whether we like it or not, the sexual and gender methodology does not stand still.

    Take the same Kinsey scale.

    Or the word “transgender”, which simply didn't exist some time ago.

    And even earlier, they didn't know about your genders, people lived for themselves somehow.

    The question, in fact, is subjectivity. In the case of sexuality, we are talking about attraction to able-bodied persons of a certain gender who have reached the age of sexual consent. “Taburetkosexuals” and other verbiage are usually written by trolls and / or regulars of anti-femme communities (which are a coincidence! – they often turn out to be mossy conservatives in the broad sense).

    • In our country, it looks especially comical and ridiculous (Barnaul! Altai Krai!) in the complete absence of not only leftist forces, but a powerful opposition and basic civil and political processes, which once again makes you wonder who benefits from Internet battles and alarmism because of the all-powerful SJW.

    The LGBTQ+environment has its own excesses, however, but mostly it emphasizes that it concerns only adults and mentally healthy people who can give feedback about sexual attraction to them. And provocateurs and dubious “innovators” will probably face serious skepticism from activists about the inclusion of a new group.

    Let's break the abbreviation into molecules:

    Лесбиянки Lesbians (gay women). Everything is clear

    Ге Gays (homosexual men). Everything is also clear.

    Бис Bisexuals.

    ⬛ Transgender people. Those who are uncomfortable in their biological body and would like to change their gender. Nature and the universe make mistakes. Within the static margin of error on the general background, but we are talking about specific people, no matter how many there are, 0.1 or 1%. Transgender correction, that is, direct intervention in the body, does not just happen, but requires a medical report on permanent gender dysphoria, and involves hormone therapy, and then, possibly, sex reassignment surgery, up to vaginal / phalloplasty and implants.

    Кв Queer people. Those who do not want to identify themselves strictly as a man or as a woman. Something close to the word “genderfluid”. Obviously a minority.

    ⬛ Intersex people. People with an incomplete set of primary sexual characteristics characteristic of individuals of their own sex, or with a combined set. Quote:

    There are approximately 40 intersex variations, and these are variations in chromosomes, sex glands, genitals, reproductive organs, hormone levels, and secondary sexual characteristics.

    According to UN statistics, between 0.5 and 1.7% of people are born with intersex variations. This is about every two-hundredth person. However, this community remains invisible.

    All over the world, intersex people are fighting for their rights together with the LGBTQIA+ community.

    Intersex people can have any sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Intersex people are not “hermaphrodites ” or”transvestites.”

    These are people with certain physiological characteristics.

    Read about them:

    ⬛ Asexuals. People without explicit sexual attraction to someone and those who, for various reasons, do not want to have sex and have public heterosexual partners. Asexuals can even live with another person, but avoid intimate contact.

    In the conditions of utter heterosexuality and hypersexualization around, on what (the cult of sex) mass and everyday culture is built, in which a person's gender identity is confirmed through its demand for persons of the other sex, and the opposite (unpopularity) is stigmatized in the most rude way (nerd, bobyl, loser, scaremonger, mymra, old maid), it is difficult for asexuals in their own way.

    ⬛ Polyamores. Adherents of non-monogamous (open/free) relationships with several people at the same time. From guest marriages and “Swedish family” (three-way cohabitation) to sex communes and various experiments. Again, the same bisexuality does not imply polyamory and promiscuity. A person can have a homosexual partner in a current relationship, but in a previous relationship be with a person of the other sex, in any case remaining monogamous bisexual.

    П Pan- / polysexuals. If a person likes transgender people, then they can no longer be called bisexual.

    ⬛ + is used to indicate other discriminated / investigated groups.

    Personally, none of the above threatens my heterosexuality.

    They are investigated because they are fighting for their rights (freedoms and opportunities), speaking about themselves in one way or another in the public space. They sometimes have much more moral and legal restrictions than heterosexuals. From the fight against same-sex unions and homophobia – to invisibility in the medical sense and crippling medical practices in relation to them.

    However, there are only two genders. Agenders, bigenders and all sorts of demigrees-posturing, mockery of common sense and complete discredit of gender theory, because they directly contradict it. The essence of gender is also to treat all people equally and respect their personal boundaries, no matter who is in front of you. For those who don't fit into the matrix, the word “queer” is more than enough.

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