2 Answers

  1. The most truly important thing in this life is freedom of choice. You can safely choose life or death. And no one has the right to stop you.�

    That there's something there and I won't die. Or, God forbid, reincarnation. What are the chances that I won't die and something bad will happen?

    No one went back, and those who survived clinical death in some cases remembered what happened to them afterwards. And very accurately. But most of the information was classified by those people as “indescribable to human perception,” meaning they saw something that our physical mind is unable to determine or compare. And our mind, what does not lend itself to our three-dimensional interpretation, simply rejects. That is why it is one of the reasons why we do not remember some dreams or remember them incompletely. That information simply doesn't pass our comprehension filter. One day I decided to study and test this theory. To do this, it is necessary to expand the horizons of my consciousness in order to understand more things (read, watch, be interested, reflect). And eventually I began to notice that I was seeing and remembering more information from my dreams than, for example, a couple of years ago. What I'm getting at. Our brains are trainable and unique and beautiful, but they are also mysterious just as much as there is a mystery about the afterlife or what happens to us afterwards. Be that as it may, we will never know the full picture of what is there. And to see it, you need to go there! But once you're there, the question itself becomes irrelevant. Because there, if it exists, at least-everything is completely different.

  2. There is an anecdote about the odds assessment:�

    — What's the chance I'll meet a dinosaur on the street?”

    — 50%

    — Why is that?”

    “Either you will or you won't.

    But seriously, to calculate the probability, you need to know the causes of the event and the reasons for non-occurrence. We add up all the causes of occurrence, subtract the reasons for non-occurrence, and get the probability. Since death separates consciousness from post-mortem experience, we don't know if there are any causes for other forms of being, so we can't calculate the probability. We can believe or not believe in something.

    Therefore, the most optimal choice in such conditions is the desire to live this life happily, to learn how to use what is already there. If there is no posthumous existence, then at least one life is lived happily. If there is a post-mortem existence, then you take a piece of happiness with you to the next form of being.

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