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Since you are talking about everyday consciousness, it is worth noting that there are 5 main forms of worldview: everyday, mythological, religious, philosophical and scientific. In a sense, philosophical and everyday worldviews are not mutually exclusive. If you start studying philosophy, your thoughts about philosophy will occupy a slightly larger part of the overall structure of your reasoning than before, but they will not completely displace ordinary consciousness. In principle, there will be no radical changes, but you will begin to think more. If philosophy were a direct path to truth and the expansion of consciousness, philosophers would be the smartest and happiest people, which is probably not the case.�
Philosophy itself is too abstract and it is impossible to study it completely from cover to cover. The main thing in studying it is to try to find understanding and some kind of response in relation to what you read. In this case, you will spend a very large part of your time thinking philosophically. And it all depends on the direction of your passion: you take care of ontology and metaphysics, and your reasoning will affect the issues of the world and of existence; intrigued by the view, you will have a pleasant discussion about the ways knowledge of this world and receive the truth; philosophy of life and existentialism will help you determine your position in the overall picture of the world; ethics will turn your gaze to the other people, and aesthetics – beauty.�
Philosophy itself is very extensive, it probably affects all spheres of human life. But how it affects your consciousness depends primarily on yourself, on your ability and, most importantly, your desire to perceive, think and implement the fruits of your reasoning.
Philosophy helped me get rid of some misconceptions and instilled a relatively unbiased view of the world around me, filled the vacuum of free time, and helped me interact with people. Nothing supernatural, I never learned to read minds, and I never became Dr. Manhattan.
I want to share my personal experience. I prefer occult philosophy, dabble in antiquity, Hermeticism, and love alchemy. I started reading all this in the fifth grade and continue to do so. For me, it was a break from the surrounding reality. When everything in life is gray and nondescript, and people around you are unhappy, philosophy is what convinces you that the world is bigger than you see, even if you don't have the opportunity to look at it from different places 🙂 And when combined with mysticism, it's like Harry Potter. I think in a way, it really saved me, because I've been pretty depressed for as long as I can remember. Thanks to John Dee, Plato and Giordano Bruno!
I won't say directly about such a hobby, but I can tell you about a small (1.5 years) experience of studying philosophy. I read ancient philosophy and perceived it more as fairy tales – well, I can't really understand the idea that the human soul consists of several liquids (bile there, black bile, you know) or, for example, Platonic dialogues – they are not even read as a treatise, although they are quite interesting works in content.
With the Middle Ages, too, it is somehow not very interesting, on the one hand – this is the time of some angry theology (ontological proofs, sums of theologies, and all this), and on the other – scholasticism (which, in principle, follows from the first). In fact, all I have learned from Medieval texts is that God is not a man with a beard, but a kind of supreme being, omnipotent, and so on.
With the New Time, it is already more interesting – the authors will be more popular there, and the problems, like, are discussed more pressing. In a word, it is clear that the closer philosophy is to you in time, the closer it is to you ideologically. The argument is no longer based solely on appeals to the divine law, people have learned that there may not be a God in the sky and they are not really the center of the world. Rationalist blunder, in general.�
I'm not so familiar with Modern times, so I won't be able to talk about it, but if we consider philosophy as a scientific tool, and not as a bunch of texts on the history of human thought, then I'll probably say that the Faculty of Philology for a year and a half has well trained my ability to distinguish fakes from truth and check sources (basic knowledge, in fact), quickly perceive and compile the information I received, and look skeptically at any biases and worldviews, because I read a lot of texts in which people explained what they were saying. everything around us is so different, it becomes clear that it is impossible to form a single opinion about this hodgepodge.
Philosophy generally leaves a serious imprint on a person, but radical changes still do not occur, although you begin to see the world a little differently. For example, consciousness is noticeably structured, which makes it easier to switch from one type of activity to another. You begin to think more deeply about each of your actions, delve more into the past, and constantly reflect. And if you've already managed to learn some ancient Greek or Latin, then you start to see through things almost through and through. The point here is that literally every object becomes clearer, the origin of the name of which you did not even think about. It all ends with you revising your system of values and guidelines, and everything repeats itself from the beginning: introspection, reflection, interest in languages and semantics…
In general, the longer you study, the more you understand the world, and this understanding can not but affect the everyday worldview. Whatever one may say, philosophy is a powerful thing.