One Answer

  1. Lenin, unlike Marx, was not a great thinker and philosopher, but he was very interested in philosophical questions, as evidenced by his main philosophical work-the book “Materialism and Empirio-criticism. Critical Notes on a reactionary Philosophy “(1909), where the classical definition of matter is given: “Matter is a philosophical category for denoting objective reality, which is given to man in his sensations, which is copied, photographed, displayed by our sensations, existing independently of them.”

    Most of Lenin's philosophizing was subordinated to his powerful and tough revolutionary-practical work, in which, as is well known, he was very persistent and uncompromising. But sometimes Lenin, as a philosopher, found himself at the forefront of non – political problems-so he was one of the first to draw attention to the revolutionary processes that took place in natural science at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: “the crisis of physics”, “the inexhaustibility of the electron”, etc.

    But perhaps Lenin's main contribution to philosophy is the clear-cut idea of the unity and even coincidence of dialectics, dialectical logic, and the theory of knowledge. Here are his statements from the “Philosophical Notebooks”: “In this sense, logic coincides with the theory of knowledge. This is a very important question in general”; “Logic is the doctrine of knowledge. There is a theory of knowledge”; ” If Marx did not leave “Logic” (with a capital letter), then he left the logic of “Capital”, and this should be strictly used on this issue. Kapital applies logic, dialectics, and epistemology to one science [no need for 3 words: this is one and the same thing for materialism, which took all that is valuable from Hegel and moved this valuable forward”; “Dialectics is the theory of knowledge of (Hegel and) Marxism: this is the “side” of the matter (this is not the “side” of the matter, but the essence of the matter) that Plekhanov, not to mention other Marxists, did not pay attention to.”

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