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- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
But he doesn't seem to. The world is really unfair.
Rather, it is out of this category.
We, the people, have a great need for a fair world, because then you can somehow control your life. Behave correctly, and get buns for IT. In all fairness))
And the world didn't agree on anything like that with us. You work, you pay your taxes, and then-bang! freeze the funded part of the pension, bam! the pension itself is a pittance, bam! retire a few years later… It's fresh, and I still remember-bang! default. Bang! All the money saved by my parents on the savings book turned into nothing.
There is a good text: “Declaration of Acceptance of reality”:
True – recursion… there at the end of the text is about raising healthy and intelligent children-as something to rely on.
And with this – in any way, oh, in any way. What it was like to read many years ago to my client who lost her only child. Healthy and smart.
The world is unfair.
However, if it is absolutely unbearable to meet with this, you can believe that AT LEAST-FOR THAT – in the “next world”…
I somehow choose to live without this hole.
But this is my personal choice, you can have another one, of course…
He doesn't seem really unfair.
The world itself does not contain a category of justice if you are not a religious person.
Whether the world is fair or not is made by people, and then only in their own understanding. And each person has his own understanding of justice, if there is one at all.
Most people are in an infantile position and do not understand what justice means at least from their point of view, and they are waiting for someone to bring them a “fair world”on a platter.
Traditionally, people united in communities and communities and decided together what kind of world they would build and what justice should be in it in their opinion.
Now we live in a culture of an atomized society when people live by themselves and rarely unite, and therefore do not create their own world and live in a world that is given to them by powerful “elites”. This contributes to the infantile position, people do not grow up socially to create any “just” world.
I will proceed from the Divine creation: in the Providence of God, submission and disobedience were initially present (the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the free visit of the serpent – Satan to paradise) ; and even the tree of life indicated a limited period of existence if its fruits were not used for food.
Every existence was destined to end, and this goes against the wishes of living beings, it is not fair!
The principle of justice is also initially laid down in the laws of the spiritual, psychic half of the world, that is, in the laws of psychology that operate in the contacts and communication of living beings with at least primitive intelligence: the laws of boomerang, balance, love, success, self-expression directly require a fair (balanced) response to any action of one individual to another.
“As you are to me, so I am to you”, “the debt is red with payment”, “as it will come back, so it will respond”…
I write populist explanations for easy understanding.
There is no justice, because such are the people who inherited the sin of self-love and disobedience from their forefathers: “your shirt is closer to your body.”
The fruits of evil from the tree of knowledge transmit a poisonous legacy from generation to generation. We will be more kind and get an appropriate response.
Why is our life so imperfectly arranged? But here you need to nod at yourself – the law of equilibrium comes into force immediately after each action.
You need to pay for everything, and often in advance (when you want pleasant purchases). Either pay money and get something you need, or donate something valuable (material or spiritual), and then get a return sacrifice.
Do you feel that justice is being shown? In approaching the laws of spiritual existence, first of all-to the Law of God.
The world does not seem unfair to everyone and not always. We are constantly in the process of adapting to the world. In the most favorable moments, when the world responds adequately to your expectations, this question does not arise. But for the world to respond appropriately, adaptation is necessary. It doesn't happen instantly. There are significantly more unfavorable outcomes in the adaptation process than favorable ones. So we learn from mistakes. And those moments when “everything fits together” – they are called happy. So there is nothing surprising in the apparent unfairness of the world. Everything is mathematically justified 🙂
The question of justice is subjective, because each person has his own scale of values, morals and, of course, the degree of stress tolerance and the desire to prove their case
Because many people with similar views have not yet got out of the nursery and are waiting for everything to be brought to them on a platter.
Peace is survival for any species.
We, people, are just very humane))
The world is unfair because we do not live according to the precepts of the prophets, who brought us knowledge about how to live, about the meaning of life and that all people are brothers and sisters and should treat each other carefully.
Our world is now like the devil's world, where power, not love, rules. And there should be a world like the spiritual world, filled with love and creativity.