4 Answers

    • You spend too much time reading books and thinking about what you've read.

    • You know how much you don't know yet, and you get frustrated that you might not know it in time.

    • You genuinely don't understand the people around you who are only concerned with primitive passions and pleasures.

    • You avoid popular sites on the Internet because of the blatant ignorance of the people who fill them with content.

    • You are not easily influenced by advertising, so in order to choose a high-quality product, you have to read its technical characteristics and compare them with the characteristics of analogues.

    • You critically evaluate information from the media and realize that usually everything happens quite differently from how it is presented to you.

    • You are able to look at any situation from different angles and often find it difficult to give it an unambiguous assessment, which is why you are known as a silent and boring person in any team.

  1. Because smart people tend to think that everyone around them is also smart. And it turns out “woe from wit”, described by Griboyedov. In fact, the mind is the basis of wisdom, it brings us closer to God.

  2. First, if humans hadn't studied the world around them since ancient times, they would have simply died out as a member of the species. It was through brain development that our ancestors learned to write, count, experiment with materials, make weapons, build huts, and adapt to the climate. The accumulated knowledge became the ground for nurturing the minds of a new generation and their survival. If it wasn't for them, we don't know where we would be right now.

    Second, ” bad ” is the subjective opinion of one person or group of people. There are people who don't benefit from your development. Most of them are people who are used to living one day without changing anything. “I already feel good”, “Again, something new has been invented”, “It was better before”,” And so it will do”,” You know less, you sleep better ” – all this is their main credo. These are people with weak will and discipline, who like to whine and insult people for no reason. They are not used to learning, they have no perseverance, because they lack motivation. Trying to change their attitude to you is useless, and do you really need it? Look for and learn from those people who know what they want and strive for their goal.

    And third, the mind is the engine of progress. Without it, neither the house nor the family can be supported. Everyone can be smart, but a person who knows himself and his capabilities can learn.

  3. No, being smart isn't bad at all.

    Speaking of school time, many children really don't want to feel damaged or don't understand something. Children especially feel the difference when their parents tell them at home that no matter what they do, they are still the best. When they go to school, they find themselves in a field of competition that they are completely unprepared for. Children who understand or perceive the material more difficult than others may be due to hyperactivity or dyslexia feel unfair to children who do everything right. They begin to harass, offend and humiliate in order to at least be on top in dominance. ( This used to be the case, now schools have psychologists who immediately see the signs of dyslexia, etc., quickly eradicating the insecurities of these children. So that they don't turn aggressive )This creates such a bad reputation that being smart is bad.

    I can also say that now in the last 10 years being smart is even fashionable and cool. And guys who sit at books or computers for half their lives and have vision -5 have become very popular. Now we live in a world of technology, the Internet and information. Now the winner is not the strongest, but the smartest! The new generation of millionaires consists of IT professionals who now live in California in Silicon Valley in villas with swimming pools. And they hang out with models. At the moment, the whole world is breathlessly waiting for the release of the new iPhone. They look with awe at the new Tesla. They can't wait to put on Google glasses. These are the smart ones who now decide what is fashionable and what people want. And people are ready to sell a kidney just to get a new development from Jobs. Google, Facebook, Apple can continue indefinitely. Being smart is now much more prestigious than ever! We are leaving in a geek world.

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