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Dream to dream discord. Dreams have different purposes and meanings. For a psychotherapist who can understand the meaning of a dream, this means direct access and the ability to quickly work with deep problems.
I do not believe. Sleep is the body's response to the past, not the future. You can relatively judge the emotional state of a person, but certainly not about the future that awaits him. So, nothing good will come out of the interpretation of dreams. Another scam
The world is a mystery, and man is just as much a mystery. With its subconscious, unconscious, with its complex inner world, with its fears, complexes, motives, motives, with its experiences, torments, questions, etc. – all this is the area of the investigated, but the investigated as if by touch-you can't look at the soul under a microscope-here is the area of “divination”, differences of opinion, conceptual searches, etc.�
Interpretation is akin to explanation. We interpret literally everything – trying to explain our point of view on any sphere of human life, we interpret it from the position of our beliefs, etc.�
Dreams are exactly the same sphere of human activity as any sphere and for sure there is something in this sphere too, there are riddles, secrets, wisdom, their own laws and instructions, their own trash, dead-end branches, etc. Dream to dream discord. There are prophetic dreams, dreams as a way for the Universal Mind to reach out to the human innermost essence, and there are dreams as just a splash of chaos, incoherent and meaningless.�
In monotheistic religions, dreams are the door to the spiritual world, to a world where there are no masks, as it happens in reality (the world is a theater, and people in it are actors). So in dreams, you can see a different life – a life without masks, decorations, without games and pretense, a life without embellishments, face to face. Dreams in these religions are sometimes the Creator's way of reaching out to the soul of His creation.
14 God speaks once, and if it is not noticed, another time:
15 in a dream, in a vision of the night, when sleep comes upon people, while they are sleeping on a bed.
16 Then he opens the man's ear and seals his admonition,
17 to lead the man away from any enterprise, and to remove pride from him,
18 to lead his soul away from the abyss, and his life away from being slain by the sword.
(Job 33: 14-18)
6 And he said, Hear my words: If there is a prophet of the LORD among you, then I reveal myself to him in a vision, and I speak to him in a dream.
(Numbers 12: 6)
However, not all dreams are from God, but even those? what comes from It can be misunderstood, misinterpreted, so here, as in everything in life, there are options.�
I think that some dreams are more real than “reality”. �Everything is not what it seems – “people create an image ( image) for themselves, but in a dream the real face of a person and his position can be shown” – either he got lost, or runs from something or someone, or falls, ” or worries about his unsightly appearance. Very interesting.
Previously, classical psychoanalysis and thinkers such as Freud and Gustav Jung were searching for hidden desires and ulterior motives in dreams. Now there is knowledge about implicative memory, which destroys the entire analysis of dreams in the bud, and here's why:
Implicative memory is usually called the type of memory that is recorded unconsciously. Now I will give a rather applied and empirical example:
You eat on the subway, carefully looking around at the people around you and accidentally overhear the conversation of two rather inconspicuous-looking people. Ordinary, empty. You listened to an extremely uninteresting conversation about how a young couple of people are going to go to the sea, and then forgot about it, but at night you have a dream about a trip to the sea.
In everyday life, we perceive a lot of different information from all sides, and therefore it is impossible to accurately track where you heard or saw the root of your dream, because remembering this root occurred unconsciously.
I agree with Yura.
But here's my question.
In my childhood, my father often left, and often did not know when he would return, could be absent for 2 days, or even a month was not announced, and I always dreamed of him on the day when he returned, it worked at 97%, even my mother on the day when I dreamed of my father, always cooked dinner for +1, how to explain this? I still don't know.