12 Answers

  1. Shaverma (units). Shaverms are plural. This is what the Arabs call “shawarma”. And the rest of the names are borrowed (or just redone): Shawarma, shuarma, shaorma, dener kebab, doner kebab, and shawarma, of course.


    Or “This Lady's Five shawarmas”�

    And here you need something that would be 140 characters, difficult, even very difficult, but I, like, coped.

  3. In fact, we have paradigmatic problems with words of 1 scl with a base on a cluster of consonants (although not necessarily, as it turned out) and an emphasis on the last syllable.

    I spent a long time digging and writing out examples, then I realized that I didn't know komp well enough, and I don't remember Staroslav very well, so I'm ready to share the following conclusions:

    Very funny word “baska”, in the genitive plural “boshek” it not only changes the vowel in the root (let's assume that it remained there from the alternative “boshka”) and moves the stress, like the words “pussy”, “star”, “spring”, but also raises the reduced one, which was never there! Because the word is Turkic and borrowed.

    As for shawarma, I think so:

    Version 1. Rearranging morphemes in tangibly borrowed words is a productive but incomplete process (which, as we can see, is not true in the case of baska), i.e. we can change the inflection-a (incline Derrida), but we cannot truncate it. Or we can not transfer the stress, either because the word is borrowed by us as a monad, over which we do not have the power to comply with Russian inflectional laws, or because the transfer of stress in declension is considered an unproductive way of word formation(-changes?). That is, there is a conflict of word formation methods, leading to avoiding the form.

    Version 2, not exactly canceling version 1. Everything would be fine, but what about words like “fight”, “cod”, “cyst”,” beard”,”bridle”? yes, even “Chechnya”!

    for example, “supplication”. On the Internet, I found the gen.pl. of both “molb” (Wiktionary!) and moleb (something more ancient). That is, in general, the prayer is like fate, but it is very dangerous to raise the reduced one in one person. A person who wants to use a non-obvious form is afraid of making a mistake or causing unwanted pragmatism (using such a rare form will color the statement as humorous or pompous). The same applies to stress transfer.

  4. And what, if we say so, in Europe and the Middle East, that is kebab. Yes, and the hearing of the Russian is not particularly cut. For example: 1 kebab, 2 kebabs, 36 kebabs.

  5. This holy word is so cool that it almost does not incline in cases!

    Mini shaverma, Super shaverma! A bunch of shaverms!


  6. shawarma or shawarma does not have a plural, because in Arabic it is a method of cooking chicken meat or meat prepared in a special way. I'm not good at Arabic, but кулинар cooking videos are explained in an international language. That is – it is ” roughly “speaking as the word “meat”, wrapped in what you want. And you need to ask in portions, just like sushi.�http://www.youtube.com

  7. Hz; all my life they said “give me two or three shawarmas, etc.” and everything suited everyone. So I don't know if it's competent or not, but it's very convenient. Another joke about one hundred and forty bugaga symbols

  8. Smart people have already told you that you need to count shawarma in portions, but for those who are not satisfied with this option at all, I will give you the magic of accents.

    If you rearrange the stress in the word shawarma, then the account with 5 Pieces is kept as “5 Shawarm, 6 Shawarm” and so on

    It is strange that so many Far Eastern dishes have difficulties with counting: baklava, halva, shawarma

  9. St. Petersburg “shaverma” in this regard is much more convenient.
    One shavuha
    Two shavuhi
    Three shavuhi
    Five shavuh, etc.

    And to get the characters I'll write the word memes

  10. With respect to portions of something, it is very often necessary to make a composite construction. In the plural, it will sound like “so many servings of shawarma”. Just like “seven bottles of milk”, “eight tubes of toothpaste” or “nine heads of cabbage”

  11. “Shawarma “does not have a plural , since this word is a real noun, just as the words” scissors “and” glasses ” do not have a singular, since they denote objects consisting of two parts.

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