3 Answers

  1. first of all, unsubscribe from Yandex Q. secondly, go and start living. Just kidding, if anything. It's worth figuring out why this bothers you and how many questions you ask in your life and to whom they are addressed. Also, how much time you spend every day asking questions and what / who suffers from it.)

  2. You don't seem to be living right now,just asking questions.You can try to solve them and, you won't believe it, you can continue to live.Again, asking questions.

  3. Questions will disappear when they are answered. The answers to your questions should motivate you to LIVE! You said before: “I hope things change.” Now understand that the only way to change everything is to change yourself. Poor, unlucky, unhappy, and unhealthy is someone who often uses the word “tomorrow.” Fate is not a matter of chance, but the result of your choice. And your actions.

    Don't be afraid of the future. Look at him, don't be deceived by him, but don't be afraid. Why does a ship overcome huge waves in a storm, even though there are so many of them, and it is one? The reason is that the ship has a target, but the waves don't. If you have a goal, you will always get where you want to go.

    Life, Love, and Success are a process, not a result.

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