5 Answers

  1. A comfort zone is, roughly speaking, a set of behavioral habits that you implement without thinking, automatically. To perform some action that is not in the comfort zone, you need to make a mental effort. For example, I have a standard route from home to the bus stop. I don't have to think about how to get there, I get up from the couch and walk. And there is another stop (there is no difference between them, they stop on the same routes, go the same way), but I rarely go there, because I'm used to going to the first one. To go to the second one, you need to make a mental effort, because without it, your feet are automatically dragged along the well-trodden route. So the route to the first stop is part of my comfort zone, but not to the second stop. Thus, the proverbial “exit from the comfort zone” implies, first of all, greater awareness of my actions – why am I going to this stop today, and not to another? Do I like my job, which I have been driving from this stop for almost three years? Do I like living in this area so that it takes an hour and a half to get to work? Etc. Being in the comfort zone, people do not think about such things. And it would be worth it, so sometimes you need to go to another stop.

  2. I would divide the answer to the question into several parts.
    First, yes, getting out of your comfort zone means facing your fears, taking on risks that are not typical of you, and developing new strategies. In other words, getting out of your comfort zone involves not only a new route to work, but also a collision with the norms, positions that you have developed, and so on.�
    Secondly, yes, doing things that are disgusting to you is also partly a way out of your comfort zone, but it only has a certain drawback. The first strategy will be more productive, since getting out of the comfort zone implies greater awareness, and changing the technique of completing a task is much easier than changing personal preferences, since the latter nails are driven deeper – you can't pull them out.

  3. It is worth starting with the main thing – there is no such term as a comfort zone. You can talk about a comfortable life situation, and it is absolutely not necessary to get out of it. the comfort zone is a common myth from personal growth trainings that try to sell you completely unnecessary things under the guise of development. To develop your creative abilities, there is no need to jump with a parachute, it is enough to create, receive criticism and improve what you do. the same rule applies to any other activity

    So, development is not always a way out of a comfortable space for you, although if you are just starting to do something, it often turns out that at first you have to overcome yourself. On the contrary, for effective growth, you need to build a comfortable environment for yourself, in which you will be comfortable to work, develop and not be distracted by other things.

  4. Not always. For example, I like to work remotely and in a specific field. For me, going to the office and writing articles on a different topic is a way out of my comfort zone. Although it doesn't scare me or annoy me. I just have to change my habits a little bit.�

    I can tell you that any training, development, knowledge is a way out of your comfort zone. The desire for something new, the opportunity to “expand the boundaries”, an unplanned trip is a way out of your comfort zone. Changing the usual hairstyle, rearranging furniture, repairing the apartment, shoes instead of ordinary shoes, buying an album of an unusual musical group — all this is “getting out of the comfort zone”. As you can see, such “exits” can also be pleasant. It's just that everyone has different “zones” and “exits” too.

    And if you always live in a calm and measured rhythm, where everything is simple and predictable, in the very “comfort zone”, then you can begin to degrade as a person.

  5. Why so. Just do things that are not typical of you, to which you have developed an automatic reflex reaction. Only the unknown will frighten us here, but it is at the level of our instincts before all the unknown, all things of this kind cause fear.

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