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By unconditionality. By finality. Any moral norm is moral when it is good in itself. Generally. Always. It makes no difference whether we take the deontological morality of actions or the utilitarian morality of their consequences. We say that killing is bad, or that a world where people kill is bad, and we don't need to add anything about the reasons for this judgment. Because if we add something, then this addition will be a moral, and the previous judgment will only be a conclusion from it. Moral is where we put an end to our reasoning and stumble upon something self-evident and self-founded.
By what sign do we recognize morality, you ask? Morality is primarily a way to flexibly change the behavior of individuals in the course of social life. As society has evolved, many other solutions have emerged to encourage people to do the “right” thing: administrative punishments, legal norms. However, morality remains a unique phenomenon to this day. Its manifestation does not require support from punitive bodies or special institutions. Regulation of morals is carried out by activating neural connections that have been formed in the process of raising a person and correspond to the principles of behavior in society.